BBQ Sauce Recipes

BiG D’s Big-Easy BBQ Sauce

A really simple and easy to adapt recipe for a killer BBQ sauce that you can make at home, using ingredients in your cupboard!

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Video Transcription

[Music]hadar folks today we’re going to talk toyou about a barbecue sauce you can usefor pretty much anything you make in toeither goes an accompaniment alongsidesome of the stuff that you maintain orto use as part of the based in processor the glazing process towards the endof the cook so over my shoulder we’vegot some ingredients which I’m justgoing to run through you know okay firstup we’ve got two cups of tomato sauceI’ve just put into a fairly heavy bottomsauce pan I’m just just heating throughvery gently just put on a fairly lowheat so two cups of that until wellthat’s our that we’re just gonna put athird of a cup of apple cider vinegarI’m just gonna go in with okay you giveit a stir as well our next ingredient isgoing to be soft brown sugar about fivetablespoons of thatnext we’re going to add in some yellowmustard start us off French’s stuffthat’s gonna go now got two tablespoonsof that next up one and a half to twotablespoons Worcestershire sauce mix getthese flavors stuns and work togetherwe’ve got some honey and I’m using therunny honey so it’s easier just to getin two tablespoons of that and let’smake it a little bit extra sweet we’vegot some maple syrup as well gonna giveit a shot that tablespoon enoughnow what I’m going to do this I’m goingto bring it all up to temperature andleave it just to simmer for a littlewhile just stirring occasionally whenwe’ve got all the ingredientsincorporated and ultimately I’m going tolet it cool and we use some of it in oneof the recipes I’m doing today and therestonly they can I’m going to get into a anold ketchup bottle off sterilized so Ican use it againquite easily in future right just forsummer seasonings I’ve got here somepepper salt and pepper so I’m gonna goin with put about a tablespoontablespoon of half of that it’s got somegraph guide granules just a little bitthat probably about a teaspoon and thenone of the big important flavors issmoked paprikaI said this in one of my other videosyou can go hot smoked but be careful youmaking it for other people you could youcould definitely blow the heads off ofhot smoke this is much better and putthat two tablespoons at I here give thatmixturetogether what are you going to leavethat now for well I’m gonna just checkevery couple of minutes just to give ita stir through and at that stage I’mgonna give it a bit of a taste and wecan adjust things if we need toright that’s been blipping away forabout what about four or five minutesnowit’s tasting great but one of the thingsthat I’m going to put in is some whiskeyI don’t have you bourbon and such butI’ve got a blended Scotch and I’ve donethis beforewith my previous effort and a littlesplash this is perfect so just a littlebithow much that probably tweets too butyou can test and measure there’s quite alot of sauce there so what we’re goingto do is keep this right up totemperature kind of keep it just off theedge of boiling then I’m this is goingto cook down for what probably going tolet it go for at least fifteen or twentyminutes so the actual alcohol has gonein there it’s gonna be left it’s gonnaget overbearing what’s left behind it’sjust a wonderful wonderful taste sothat’s where we’re gonna leave it forthe next few minutes okay guys you’vebeen going for about 20 minutes the onlything I’ve done now I did just adjust Iadded a little more smoked paprikaprobably put about another tablespoon injust because the volume of course quitea lot and also just put a bit of just alittle bit of water probably about athird of a cup of water just to try tothin it down a little bit because it hadthicker than quite a lot for one of thepurposes for this I really want to useas a glaze as well as as well as abarbecue sauce and also when you takeoff the heat and leave it it’s gonnathicken and set down as well so there’sno harm there’s so much flavor in therethere’s no harm in adding some water sojust just to bring it down just to thinit down or possibly some stock if youwanted to but that’s pretty much itthat’s the really easy barbecue sauceyou’ve got a really effective barbecuesauce inside 10 15 20 minutes and youcan use it for all sorts of differentthings so see how you get on let me knowif send me any questions or leave somecomments if if you developed your ownway you’ve got some little techniquesand it’s weeks on it let me know how yougo on cheers for now guys[Music]

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