Today I’ll show you how make a simple but delicious Memphis style BBQ sauce with common household products. Thanks for stopping by my new channel. Be sure to like the video and subscribe. Thanks.
Memphis Style BBQ Sauce
2 Cups Heinz Ketchup
1/4 Cup Mustard
1/2 Cup Sorghum Molasses
2/3 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Light Brown Sugar
4 TBS Worcestershire Sauce
2 TBS Ground Mustard
1 TBS Garlic Powder
1 TBS Chili Powder
1 TBS Onion Powder
1 TBS Kosher Salt
1/2 TBS Black Pepper
Add all ingredients to a medium sized pot. Simmer on low heat for 20 – 30 minutes. Allow to cool, bottle and refrigerate.
Original of the video here
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BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription
alright guys today we’ll show you how wemake a quick and easy Memphis barbecuesauce with simple stuff that you had inyour house every day very quick veryeasy to do and we’ll get down to it andshow you the process common stuff exceptfor Carolina Reaper in ghost pepperstuff some people think they like hotstuff but I can mark them on that anywaylet’s get started you up here for someserious we’ll try and go at here hifirst thing we need two cups withketchupokay don’t skimp out use hands don’t useany kind of off-brand or nothing likethat you care enough about you proud ofyou know put a decent product in theremost of that and I have made it fromscratch without using ketchup and I’mjust gonna be honest with you it’s notworth the troublegood base so so we have two cups ofketchup I like to use quarter cupmustard[Music]we use a half a cup of sorghum molassesokaydon’t use honey you don’t use Jeru syrupsolve them molasses it’s one of thethings that makes a Memphis barbecue inmy opinion Memphis father okay next upwe’ll have 2/3 of cup of apple cidervinegar you know that’s pretty Universaland Eenie barbecue sauce you’re gonnahave some vinegar in it whether it’sMemphis casing your hairlineit’s definitely 1/2 cup of brown sugar Ilike to use light brown sugar you like alittle bit deeper you know color orwhatever you can definitely use darkbrown sugar I just I will use lightbrown that’s where we keep in the houseand dine the ingredients the powderedingredients stuff like that first about4 tablespoons and I’ll put this list upfor y’all 4 tablespoons ofWorcestershire sauce why do I have to westir stir coffee maker thing because webuy it by the gallon because I’ll makeso much hot sauce and birthing sauce webuy it by the gallon talking like creamthings it be a little older and poorerfor itthen we need is a tablespoon ofgranulated garlic granulated becauseit’s going to dissolve a lot easier notletting big chunks floating aroundI don’t mind big chunks but the problemwith big chunks is they stop up ifyou’re using a smaller squirt bottle orsomething your sauce the big chunk willstop a whole up okay so that go with thetablespoon granulated on again you knowlet’s put a little Larry I think Ivy’s a[Music]chili powder look it’s a tablespoon ofit try not to overdo it with it becauseit’ll it’ll dominate the flavor and kindof change the whole profile of whatyou’re after here do not use too much ofthat ground mustard I’ll use about twoteaspoons give it a pinch to extrawhatever[Music]those your saw you go with a half atablespoon to this you don’t coach yoursock hole type is playing on this bookwhole tablespoon yeah a half atablespoon of black pepper there aboutsagain no this has to be exactly preciseand certainly feel free to adjust as youwish so we’re give us a little more heatgoing here with their stuffs lookingpretty good pretty good[Music]scrape all our goodies off our spatulahere now we’re just gonna kind of simmerit down get a little heat in the pan wedon’t want bowling or scorch it oranything like that we just bring it upto the low simmer to dissolve everythingthis is gonna be my mild sauce so I’mnot gonna use any of my you know mashthis is a Carolina Reaper mash and it’sthey’re they’re tough everybody knowsabout them this is a sauce I make I likeit with the ghost peppers and CarolinaReapers and I painted a little bit butI’m telling you you know I just putabout five six drops in this whole panand that will make a very spicy sauceand it’s about all that most people aregonna eat so food[Music]now move on to the whiskers stuff movingaround you know your powders dissolvestraight the edges of the pan so you’renot gonna have no surprises and yougonna pour it out and it’s like it’s amouthful of granulated onion especiallyif you like me you got parcels in yourmouth it gets up on them they’resomething no good for nobodyso anyway where we’re at right nowladies and gentlemen just that quick andthat easywe have memphis-style barbecue saucethanks for watching