BBQ Sauce Recipes

Easy Homemade Sweet & Tangy Barbecue and Buffalo Sauce | DIY

Easy Homemade Sweet & Tangy Barbecue and Buffalo Sauce DIY

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[Music]hi guys welcome back to my channel sotoday I’m going to show you guys how tomake homemade sweet and tangy barbecuesauce and how to make homemade buffalosauce this is a easy recipe justrequires a lot of ingredients so with nofurther ado let’s jump right into thisvideo first going to do our homemadesweet and tangy barbecue sauce to startoff you need a cup and a half of ketchup[Music]you got a cup and a half of ketchup youneed 1/3 a cup up what you choose sauce1/3 cup of dark brown sugar you need 1/3cup plus 1 tablespoon of water 2tablespoons of honeyone tablespoon of cider vinegar twoteaspoons of kosher salt and what I havein here is two teaspoons of chili powderone teaspoon of black pepper 3/4teaspoons of cumin 1 teaspoon of onionpowder and a half a teaspoon of garlicpowder and you want to mix all of thattogether you want to turn your eye onmedium to high heat until it comes to asimmer so we’re just gonna stir thiswhich I’m gonna get a whisk so I canwhisk it make it a little bit betterthere we go[Music]now that we with all that together youjust wanted to come to a boiland then I they start boiling and youjust want to turn your eye down but onceit start boiling I’ll be backour barbecue sauce as you can see it’sstarting to simmer and bubble bubble uptill we’re just gonna share it gonnaturn that eye down now cuz I’m gonnaturn my eye on for and I’m just going toallow it to simmer on for for 15 to 20minutes stirring occasionally I’m abarbecue sauce that’s cooked for 20minutes as you can see it’s simmered for20 minutesit has bubbled and popped everywhere soif you don’t want to clean up a mess youcan just put the top on it if not thenyou just have to deal with the mess ofit pop it in splashing everywhere butall you gonna do now and just take itoff the I put it in whatever containeryou put it in to allow it to cool beforeyou put it in your refrigerator andthat’s itsweet and tangy homemade barbecue saucelook at that all that goodnessI want barbecue sauce that’s cooked for20 minutes as you can see it’s simmeredfor 20 minutesit has bubbled and popped everywhere soif you don’t want to clean up a mess youcan just put a top on it if not then youjust have to deal with the mess of itpop it in splashing everywhere but allyou’re gonna do now and just take it offthe I put it in whatever container youput it in to allow it to cool before youput it in your refrigerator and that’sit sweet and tangy homemade barbecuesauce look at that all that goodnessyounow onto our homemade buffalo sauce Ihave cleaned up the mess from thehomemade sweet and tangy barbecue sauceso we start fresh so you’re gonna startoff you’re gonna get 1 stick of unsaltedbutter mine’s just a little frozen Itook it out earlier but it’s still alittle frozen but it’s okay and you wantto turn your eye on on medium to lowheat so I have my eyes set on for youwant to get 2/3 cups of Frank’s redhothot sauce not the buffalo sauce the hotsauce okay 2/3 cup and just get myspatula hereokay you want two tablespoons of whitevinegar 1/2 a teaspoon of what youchoose sauce 1/4 teaspoon of cayennepepper 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder andyou want to use kosher salt to taste soI suggest you mix all these ingredientstogether make sure the butter is meltedcompletely before adding the salt so I’mjust gonna give my butter time to meltand I will return my butter has milk itgot a little piece right there left sowe’re just gonna whisk it together nowthat it has the butter has meltedcompletely now you can taste it to seeif you need to add or if you want to addany salt I’m going to addjust a little just a little like when Isay a little we’re gonna go with a halfa teaspoon so a half a teaspoon of saltI wouldn’t say no war I mean you can butit’s up to youyou’re a taste you use salt you add saltto your tasting so now we’re going toset it in and I’m going to let it sitand let it simmer for 10 minutes have abuffalo sauce up at summer but someminutes it should look like somethinglike this you just mix it together likethatturn your eye off and just place it inyour container that you’re going torefrigerate it in but let it coolcompletely before refrigerator there youhave it our homemade sweet and tangybarbecue sauce and I will home a buffalosauce so you want them to coolcompletely before put them in arefrigeratorjust a reminder with especially with thebuffalo sauce the longer is set andcooled the thicker it will get because Iknow it looks watery down but thelongest sit and and when you put it in arefrigerator it’s gonna be thick justthrow that out there but there you guyshave itso I hope you guys enjoyed this video ofmy homemade easy tangy barbecue sauce inthis buffalo sauce comment below and letme know what you think about this videoso give my video a thumbs up okaya thumbs up so until the next time intothe next video thanks for watching bye

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