In the Kitchen with Natasha Kwan, Chef and owner of Frida’s in St. Louis.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
no I can we’re good screen oh wait Ijust send you a request yeahdid you wave I could wave hey there wego we’re totally gonna meet this yes hiwe are live and we’re actually tryingsomething different we’re we’re bothlive on zoom and we’re live oninstagrams so we’re gonna see how thisgoes all right and we’re both probably alittle bit better in the kitchenactually Natasha is really good withthis kind of stuff because that’s herwhole background before she was a chefand a restaurant owner but today we havesauces marinades we thought this wastimely because the tomorrow beingMemorial Day I don’t know is anyonestill having like barbecues andget-together tomorrow but national newsyeah yeah that didn’t look so so goodI’m happy at home right now so oh my momgot oh hi guys hiall right so we are going to both ofours are really really simple today andit’s stuff that you probably have inyour house and if not it’s I’m gonna bedoing I’m gonna be showing you myabsolute favorite it’s a salad dressingbut it’s also a marinade we use it allthe time and I’ll share some of the restuse it in after I show you what it is soI have two kinds of mustard here I’m notgoing to use both but hi my preferenceis the stone-ground mustard you know theones with the world like the real grainymustard yes um but sometimes if I’mdoing it as a dressing I love this oneI’m doing a marinade and when I’m doinga dressing I like the Dijon mustardis this like some new one because Ithink yep alright I use mustard ineverything like I literally just madethe recipe and mustard in everything Ilove mustard and then maple syrup justyou can use honey as well as you preferI actually sweetener honey but I used toand I originally made this with honeyand then I switched over to for Sierraand then I have apple cider vinegarwhich I know you’re using in yours tooI’ve only used that the cider vinegar ifI’m using it as a salad dressing becauseit thins it out so if I’m using it as amarinade I literally this is like Imeasure equal parts so that’s about atablespoon of the stone-ground mustardand then I’m so that’s about atablespoon doesn’t trust me tablespoonthe maple syrup literally mixing ittogether that’s what it looks like lookskind of gross on this screen but it’sactually really really good so I willuse this when I’m making chicken breastsor we’ve used it on please don’t standand a lot is a marinade and then ifyou’re making it dressing favoritedishes which I’m going to tell you aboutin a second and there see how it’s likethinner when when should we get to mycomputer and my TV when you make it intothe dressing and you can adjust theamount of syrup based on how sweet youwant it it’s really great when you likebake the chicken or the salmon with itcuz it kind of like caramelizes andgives it this sticky like spicy kind offlavor to it and then is addressing youreally don’t need that much because it’sso flavorful so you just toss everythingin it and so match one of his favoritedishes which I’m gonna like shamelesslyplug myself for a second because I’mabout to launch my four day reset andthis is a recipe from my four-day resetis this shrimp slaw but you make andit’s with cabbage sometimes you usebroccoli slaw veggies and weave shrimpin it and this is the dressing except wemake it with a lot less syrup for thereset but it is very good yeah deliciousit’s so good it is absolutely so simplelike my kids can make it themselves ifthey would eat mustard but they mademustard so they wouldn’t make thisthemselves but that is our easy easyeasy honey mustard or it’s actuallymaple mustard marinade or dressing andit seriously it’ll change your lifeI think on the shrimp’s lost I think youprepared this shirt for it so thisshrimpI honestly I’m super late so my all ofmy plans you know I started doing thismess I was been working on the past so Ithink I did it had to be really easybecause it was for younger menthat some lived on their ownindependence super easy so I actuallyliked buy frozen cooked shrimp and Ijust saw the shrimp ahead of time andchop it up and toss it in the slaw so Ialways haveespecially with traveling like duringbaseball season when there’s baseballseason we when I come home sometimes Idon’t have any food in the house I’vebeen gone for a week so to be able tohave shrimp in the freezer it’s like aready-made meal like shrimp and eggs ismy go-to like when I’ve been gone likethat it’s like an easy I have it in mykitchen ready to go and you can make afull meal with either those proteinsyeah I’m making it this week I know Iwas gonna say will or I can make it foryou you can make something for us wetalked about doing the yogurt stuff andthen you can you could make that for youthe shrimp sauce I think there was atime where I ate it like five or sixdays straight for lunch like I was badin its so calories it’s just meant tokind of reset your tastebuds even itgets rid of cravings it kills bloat likeit just resets your body so he did thatand that’s what I do with my clientswhen I start them on like an eating planis they do this reset first for fourdays and he wanted to keep eating andI’m gonna give it now it’s got to belike a snack because you this isn’t evenlike enough cat mean it doesn’t getcounted that you can’t cook me a fullserving of it is like 120 calories orsomething it’s like nothing yeah I needa new stuff side at the restaurant andwe’ve been talking about like a cabbageslaw we should do a cabbage slaw likeyears and years and years ago they hadlike apple cider vinegar I don’t knowwhat else is in it I think it was justlike a vinegar-based slaw but I think Ican use your dressing little maple syrupyeah I meanno oil in your right you don’t need anyoil for this yeah and we have a ton ofmustard we’re big fans of mustard goodyeah love it oh man you can let’s seeyour barbecue sauce okay so now I wouldtotally complicate this if it was at therestaurant and I would make my own suresauce pan this is a ketchup that yourbarbecue sauce that you’re supposed tomake the dog so if you do not havetomato sauce and tomato paste so yourketchup and I highly recommend ketchupis so full of crapfull of junk – just corn syrup do notbuy it don’t do it I am in my ketchup Imean I make my own ketchup at therestaurant um we also have primalkitchen ketchup to get it it’sunsweetened this means there’s no agaveno honey there’s nothing in it it’stomato apple cider been here oniongarlic some spices apple cider vinegarif you’re a clean eater is sweet I don’teven have Bragg’s this is like myhusband’s apple cider vinegar me likethis is like I would never know dis onhigh and it’s been like that’s what youwant to buy right so we’re gonna add alittle ketchup and again you can usetomato sauce or tomato sauce a littletomato if you’re Italian you have tomatopaste and tomato sauce cans of Contadinain your pantry I’m out like I don’t wemight be out to Kazan you’re designingyou can swing by we have about 10 64 outto Georgia tigerso onion powder based on taste rightright now it seems like I’m making aketchup I can use honey so a littlesquirt of honey and again you guys thisis to your taste now this is the big oneyou do not have this liquid smoke now Ihaven’t I don’t know gallon jug it atthe restaurant so a little goes a longway and I’m just gonna take about half ateaspoon and I have about a pound and ahalf or two thousand six catch-up mix itI’m not putting it in a machine I don’thave a whisk I do this is helldude this is how ill-prepared I am athome check that you gotta come we I feellike I look like a more professionalyeah you should this goes in a machinelike it and I don’t even know where thatis like I don’t have anything in myhouse like air fryers and stuff likethat but you want a little Tang rightso my recommendation this is just a basethis is a perfect outside around perfectbarbecue sauce let’s say you won KansasCity barbecue sauce that’s molasses youwant a Memphis style just look at theingredients and see what kind of spiceI did I have a giant spike assure but Ihave some barbecues 3000 by penaltiesyou know pepper nutmeg mustard so ifyou’re not doing a werster sure saucelike this one doesn’t have a work suresure but if you want to make one withWorcestershire this can kind of work forit but you don’t have to add thatso if seriously I started with ketchuphoney apple cider vinegar onion powderand liquid smoke and then this is ohthat’s so done it it’s so good I’ve beenlike well we were on earlier and I waslike I kept eating the barbecue sauceand I brought hot dogs home from workhot dogs for dinnerwe don’t know that’s just if you needbuns yeahprobably what I’m actually I’m actuallymaking my breaded chicken tonight Ithink you don’t see my grands mood forit but I think that’s what I’m makingtonight that’s what I had planned I’m abig plan when it comes to the meals butI love I love the we could share thesetoday because stuff like this peoplehave no idea how easy it is to makestuff at home it eliminates so much ofthe junk that is in it’s this stuff thatsits on shelves when you look at theexpiration date and it’s good for likenine years to come it’s because there’sall kinds of crap in it so these eventhough some of these have a long shelflife it’s theirs we’re using really pureingredients I did not mention that youtalked about high fructose corn syrupwe’re not talking about Aunt Jemimawe’re talking about a hundred percentpure maple syrups because in Jemima Ithink they actually make a natural oneright now but make sure when you’recooking or baking with maple syrup thatyou’re actually using maple syrupsbecause the taste is gonna be differentand the other one is jump it’s not whatyou want to put in your body if you’retrying to eat healthy or clean so thisis I’m excited for you but I want tohear what you think about the slaw goback to the cabbage thing that crunchit’s so goodI never liked cabbage so for peoplethey’re like cabbage it’s not like thatfirst of all I never buy like I had acrabmyself I always buy it bagged so Iliterally and just right I like I’m sureyou did the restaurant you probablychopped it all and stuff yourself I’mbuying it bad so that it’s easy and Ialways have it on hand it’s a side dishthat we use all the time but I obviouslyusers also suck scary and music withlight as a fried dish so I’d use cabbageon sautéed cabbage instead of rice yeahfor lady it’s so filling she’s havinglike if you eat a lot of carbs with yourmeals and you’re trying to replace itwith something that’s gonna give youmore fiber and more nutrients addingcabbage to it is a really good way andyou will be full I mean I think that’swhy you liked it so much yeah and we allneed more fiber I mean that’s like theone thing no one gets Yeah right thereso I think that’s all we have today butI’m happy that we did this today and Iwould be so excited if anyone uses thesedressings you have to let us know andtag us because we’re so like hopefullysomeone’s gonna use these tomorrow andbe like blown away because it’s it’stotally easy it’s so easy yeah you willhave to talk about what we’re gonna donext Sunday yes and then we will see ifour little experiment worked characterunzoom gonna start posting we’re workingon creation so that we can have like anarchive of not only these videos butwe’re we gonna have the recipes for youto so you can go back and look at themwere you able to repost the IG TV or notyou know haven’t I looked into it I hadto do something to do it so and I stillhave to start the website let’s lastweek our patio open so I have kindasweet all right we’ll see what happensit’s like a new adventure I love it yesall right goodI know I was good to see you as alwaysandwe’ll talk to your mother stuff going onthere we have yogurt things happeningthis weekend oh yeah the yogurt think weshould say something about that I toldyou got it so we’re doing a cucumberdill yogurt dip that’s one out of yourfavorites right bit like pita andveggies and stuff but we’ll have it onthe menu until I guess we sell out Ihave a ton of yogurt so and thenproceeds go to a food bank look at yathis is one of the absolute if you aresomebody who loves creamy foods and I amalso working on this too I think I toldyou about my my cookbooks that I’m doingthe ebooks I have an answer foreverything so like this is a perfectwhen you love like creamy dips and stufflike this this is something that’scompletely healthy it’s so easy to makeand you can have it Riley available Itotally want to have your versionbecause I know you’re gonna like you’regonna I want to put it like little teethI mean who doesn’t love tea sandwichesright cucumber and dill is on the bestmarriages aside from your baby’s mom isstill on she used to make the teasandwiches with a cucumber I think wascucumbers and cream cheese maybe yeah Idon’t know if she’s on she yeah she’llhave to let me know but she used to makethose little tea sandwiches and it waslike my favorite this is like what thattastes likebut now as an adult we eat it withcarrots or celery or cucumbers but it’salso really really good with Pete I loveyour Oh Mike welcome you can also dowith pita it’s so so good well thanksetosha we will for sure see you at somepoint this week and then I’ll seeeveryone else next Sunday