Grilled Chicken Breast in Kammy’s Special BBQ Sauce
island style cooking
Caribbean food
grilled chicken
bbq chicken
chicken breast
15 min meal
protein dish
protein for a side
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
these are chicken breasts I’m gonna beputting it in some breadcrumbs and thenI’m gonna be using my special grill panwith just a drizzle oillittle time is up the bed[Music]made the spots using tomatoes onionswith some sweet peppers a little scotchbonnet pepper and for the gravy I use myspecial catch-up with a little barbecuesauce as well as a lot of maple syrupand now I’m going to add the chickenbreast into the sauce so I’ve added thechicken Burke’s to the sauce and I’mgonna leave it to simmer for fiveminutes because we only want it to benice and tendersee you guys in five minutes[Music]you