In this video, I’m showing you all how I make my homemade BBQ sauce that I prefer over buying BBQ sauce at the supermarket.
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1 cup Ketchup
A little less than 1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Vinegar
1 tsp Lime Juice
1 tsp Hot Pepper Sauce
A dash of chicken seasoning (depending on the type of meat)
Music: Garret Bevins – Infinite – Star Dust
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys welcome back to my channelso it’s after 5:00 in the morning and Ineed to get visited all right know likeit’s Sunday morning and I will be goingon the road so I thought saying let mejust get this over the roadno all right so I’m gonna be showing youguys like make my barbecue sauce at homeinstead of using store-bought barbecuesauce I just prefer the taste more whenI do it my face so I’m gonna be sharingwith you guys my personal recipe this iswhat I put togetheralright guys now this is video pleasesubscribe to my channel if you are notlet the subscribe up and share thisvideo comment down below and prettysomething it’s supporting guysno next thing I want to do a Q&A videofor my channel so I’m asking you guys togo down to the description belowdon’t mess around and you’ll follow myinstagram at the underscore shine isunderscore experience alright I’m goingto put it up on the screen as well I itwill be done in description also so Iwant you to go on Instagram follow mypage and DM me your questions so I cando this video after anything at allanything at all not exceed one secondand three[Music]everybody else she’s sleepy good job inattics so these are my ingredients thisis ketchup so I’m going to use a 1 cupketchup and the weather started off onthe car before you take it to the storeall right so I have well this is 1/2 cupif you know this is not for all right atthe top so I don’t want it it’shopefully a half of sugar no less thatit was brown sugar for the skies but Ireally little square man up a newvegetableit’s a long story camera creamy but yesjust freezer after colonel money andand tired all right so I have volunteersso proper a spot I got it for that oneI will be placing neurosurgical so manycommentators that’s prefer a little bitand the menus wanted to learn throughsacra I noticed start answering thekettle[Music]so[Music]and I want this to be anything but youknow you guys can do it but when youlove any girl my garlic powderI’m corporate that and if you don’t haveperfect I just know it it’s alright justnot that big of a deal other friendmight not own it subscribe so 1 TSP limejuice and 1 TSP hot pepper[Music][Applause][Music]my skirt so I must I still thought I sawsomething specifically because this isquite a few tricky is a method for lackof the meat are you so I don’t want todo[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]people who speak that it refers to facesI have one I don’t like it so let’s movethis over to the stoveall right any minute no you should beseenyeah there it is it’s not horrible whichtentacle are twenty ten to twentyseconds and you are trouble so becauseit’s hard head to bother I’m going toturn it down to low heat furnace startsabove so don’t rush the process trust meyou sure the base occursand what if if there’s smoke see mom[Music]that’s your heart so I’m just gonnaleave this little slice of bubbly[Music]let me tell you today because I used tocatch up anything nor physically youreadyI did Myron Bishop up before or anythinglike that so what I am going to do issort of stupid Sabella means to give itup Siddhartha but I mean that’s optionalif you like hello horses no then we canskip that step but I wanted to be alittle too dark or inattentive willingto that how about a teaspoon[Music][Music][Music]that’s right that’s just rightyeah that’s great that was hot I do notdo that do not do thatso catch you guys in ten minutes I sawit’s been about 12 minutes no andsitting right next to me I can tell allthe sugar has been dissolvedit has simmered in oh so yeah I’msatisfied with it so that’s reallyintense surely the most painful iswriting a little barbecue start youdon’t want to bite up a stormor if you just prefer to make it at homeyou know whatever the reason isclick on simple quick and simple andthis works for me this is to my likingit may not be to your liking so it guyscan do it students experiment with ittweak it a little make it your ownI’m gone so thank you guys so so so soso so much for watching this videoplease write kiss please comment downbelow please subscribe to my channel ifyou haven’t done so yet and turn on yourpost or to the future please turn onyour post ossification so you can seewhen I upload a new video I will catchyou guys in the next one and I lookforward to showing you guys myproposition all right stay tuned for thenext video which is hard to see okalright thanks for watching guys peaceout[Music]