In this video I talk about BBQ and how to make BBQ, at least how I make BBQ. In the south, barbecue restaurants are as common as a Baptist church. Everyone has their favorite style of barbecue sauce, vinegar based bbq, mustard base bbq, pork or beef bbq, there are many varieties and styles. In this short video I talk about the rub recipe, cooking times for bbq and style of cookers for the bbq made at home in the backyard.
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey folks I’m dieter mellow horn ifyou’re subscribers to the channelwelcome back and if you’re new to thechannel please consider subscribing andif you subscribe make sure you hit thatlittle bell so you’ll be notified whenthese new videos come out so what I’mgoing to talk about today has nothing todo with killing anything or catchinganything it has to do with cookingsomething and that is making barbecueand you’re probably wondering why areyou talking about this well listenanybody that knows me anybody follows meon Facebook Instagram or on my fishingchannel will know that sooner or laterI’m gonna be in a barbecue restaurant Ilike barbecue I grew up here in thesouth born and raised and it’s part ofthe culture here so I’m making thisvideo for two reasons one I want tolower the intimidation factor ofsomebody trying it at home that’s neverdone it because I get people asking mequestions about it all the time they’rescared to try it listen my deal ispretty simpleI’m no pitmaster I don’t compete makingbarbecue I don’t do it catering for aliving I make it for the family and somefriends when we’re around here and it’snothing SuperDuper off the walls specialsecret any of that stuff it’s just goodsimple barbecue and we kind of tell youthe way I do and I started out on agrill basically about a 48 inch longreel a round barrel style about asold-school as you can get and I didn’tknow any better I didn’t understand thathaving a fire directly underneath it ina relatively close proximity to the meatit’s not a good thing when it comes tocooking barbecue now I’m up to an offsetcooker an offset firebox it’s got afirebox outside of the cooking chamberstill the big round barrel type lookinga cooking area but the fire is in aseparate chamber a couple of reasons fordoing this real quick one you don’t havethe heat directly underneath the meatthe second thing is it’s very easy toadd more wood more coals whatever youusing to heat create you’re heating yourspoke without having to adjust thatcooking chamber – very simple cooker notexpensive all there are some high-endones out there and I’m going to tell youright now you don’t need to have thoseif you’ve got the money to do it andwant to do it great there’s nothingwrong with that they’ll all cook greatbut you can do this and make some reallygood barbecue veryaffordably on a very cheap cooker nowall I’m using is just pieces of meatBoston butts if you will is what youwill see these named a lot of times apork shoulder they’re the same thingthey come in two different piecesgenerally sometimes are togethersometimes they are packaged separatelyusually about ten pounds per cut of meatthis is not from the butt of a pig inthe same name that comes from thepacking process that they go throughfrom way back when this is actually offof the front shoulder of a hog prettysimple we get them at Costco Sam’s placelike that bring them home crack themopen to the sink rinse them off I drythem off and put them into a metal panand in that metal pan you can do one ortwo things you can sprinkle the dry rubdirectly onto the piece of meat as it ispatted down which is what I do in thisvideo or you can put a light covering ofmustard on there just some yellowFrench’s mustard gives you a little bitof a bonding agent and helps with thatdry rub and hearing to the meat a littlebit better now don’t freak out over yourrub recipe I’ve got one that I use it’spretty simple uses some of the samebasic components of a lot of the popularones out there but listen people willargue about this to the end of time overwhich one’s better and you need to dothis you need to do that the amount of -we do this at home you really are notgoing to do it wrong even if you buy onefrom the store a lot of thesecommercially made and sold roast will dojust fine if that’s what you want tostart out with start out with that yourfood is going to be fine don’t stressover that part of it lather it up makesure you have plenty covered up and thenwhen I do once it’s covered in the rubmake sure you get all sides of it Icovered the pan up and 10 full usuallythis night before I’m cooking giveseverything time to dissolve right nowand get into the meat itself now cookingbarbecue for me means starting beforethe Sun comes up I’m out there beforedaylight getting the fire going andgetting it up to temperature mytemperature I try to here it’s around to20 to 30 somewhere right in there don’tstress out over this a lot somewhere inthat range from 220 to 275 depending onhow long you want to cook it and howmuch effort you want to put into itthe old saying low and slow is trueand good and that’s what I tried to gowith but you can make a pretty goodbarbecue ramp at the temperature up alittle bit now here’s what I do I kindof split my little bit I get it onto thecooker and I cook it and let it smokefor about six hours around that totwenty to thirty temperature at thatpoint I pull it off and wrap it intinfoil I think they call it the Texascrutch this is where we get to cheat alittle bit okay this is where we get thecheat and step up the time here a littlebit normally you keep it at 220 it’sgoing to take you on these 10-poundshoulders about 12 hours 12 13 14depending on what your hang time is liketo get it done the the crutch helps alittle bit because at that point I willwrap the temperature up to 275 300somewhere in there the tin foil helpshold in the moisture keeps it fromdrying out you don’t have to worry aboutbasing it you can ramp up yourtemperature a little bit and get it donea little bit quicker now one quick tipremember that this meat will continue tocook for a little while after you pullit off so you saw I get my to about 10095 96 97 and somewhere in there I’llbring it in the house sitting on thecounter and let’s just sit in the tinfoil that temperature creeping upusually above 200 205 206 somewhere nowthat’s really when the meat is very verytender and just pulls apart you can tellwhen you pull that bone out and there’snothing left sticking to it you’ve donea good job cooking it after that it’sjust a matter of pulling the meat apartand separating out the differentcomponents you’ll notice as you start topull on these shoulders apart there aredifferent muscles and different piecesin there that are more tender morestringing to tight meat we’ll save thatfor another day in another explanationbut there’s different parts usually whatI do is kind of pairing it together orwhat a lot of people do is the peppertube or more tube material you can chopup mix it all together and you got agood combination of juicy tenderwonderful pork well thanks if you madeit this far thank you for watchingplease consider subscribing and here area couple of more videos that I thinkyou’re gonna like[Music]