#Melda242, #BBQBabybackribs, #Bahamiancooking, #Caribbeanrecipe
Dry Rub
1/2 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes (or Black Pepper)
1 Tbsp. Mrs. Dash Seasoning
1/2 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Paprika
1 Tbsp. Garlic Salt
1 tsp. Turmeric
2 tbsp. Minced Onion
1 Tbs. Minced Garlic
1 tsp. thyme
1/2 lime
* After wrapping each slab individually in aluminum foil, allow them to rest for about 5 to 8 minutes then bake in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes before adding the BBQ sauce.
*When the BBQ sauce is added to the ribs, allow them to bake uncovered for about 15 minutes so that the sauce could do its thing. Enjoy!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello my YouTube family welcome back toMelda 242I am Romilda and today I will bepreparing for you babyback barbecue ribs in the oven if youwant to see how this is prepared thencontinue watching ok right now I havethree slabs of ribs ribs and I’m justpulling off the membrane the ribs are inwater and vinegar I’ve already washedthem with water and vinegar so I’m justpulling off the membrane we don’t needthat so just yank off every bit that’sjust gonna stop the block the seasoninggetting through because you want toseason both sides take all offthat’s the membrane three nice slabs anda couple slices of pork chopsjust peel it off just like that okay nowI’m just patting them dry with a pieceof paper towel just taking off theexcess water now that’s my dry rub I’veincluded all of these seasoning righthere make my own dry rub there rightthere on the left all of themeasurements mix them all together thenI’m going to massage these bad boysmassage them to death on both sides justrub it in first I’m going to begin withthe line but a half of this line likethis firstso you want to make sure that the ribsare completely dried no more liquid thisshould be the only liquid on it this isto make sure that the rub sticks need alittle citrus when you’re seasoning meatHere I am okay it’s time for the rub soyou have to work it work this rub onboth sides work it just precedent I amrubbing and pressing BBQ baby back ribsin the oven these are gonna be betterthan outdoor grill oh I almost forgotthe minced garlic so I’m gonna add ateaspoon of this to my dry rub mincedgarlic oh why why got together just usegood ever sees things you have and mixthem together be sure to add a littlebit of sugar now too so that youwouldn’t have an upset stomach there’s alittle bit of sugar would do the trickso have to work thisall right just like that just work it[Music]just work it work it work it this isMelda – four – barbecue baby back ribsnow it’s time for the time about a tapeteaspoon of time just pulling off theleaves I’m gonna whop those throughpress them in right melda’sbaby back barbecue ribs here we comeokay now I’m resting each slab on itsown foil I’m just gonna cover them downtightly so that they can just do it thatthing in the foil the steam will helpthem to get succulent juicy moist I’mgonna allow them to rest for about fiveto 10 minutes before adding them to thefoil pan what are you loving okay thesame seasoning will be done for the ribs[Music]same thing don’t go nowhere stay righthere and watch you might learn somethingtoday I’m doing all the hard work foryou so just watch I appreciate each andevery one of you just rub it in allright it’s time for the panokay the oven is already preheated to350 and I’m gonna allow these to workthemselves in this heat for about 45minutes until they’re fork-tenderokay now I’m preparing the pan for thepork chops I don’t know why I just liketo add foil makes it easy to clean Idon’t have to worry about nothingsticking to the pan just rip the paperout washed it the regular way noscrubbing in all that form is for mefold it down to keep the steam inside[Music]then you just remove the foil when it’salmost finishedso that should only go for about 20minutes or so now that’s the bad boyright therethat’s the magic right there in thatcontainer I just whipped it up in the myMagic Bullet that’s my husband secretsauce that this is hot oh my word theyare ready ready ready for the dressingthey’re ready for the sauce okaythis sauce is gonna set it off okay ohmy word[Music]I will drop a video on this one of thesedays this sauce how he makes it for youso I’m gonna paint both sidesthese are gonna be so good both sidesare gonna get some of this goodnessthat’s why you have to remove themembrane because if you don’t theseasonings as well as the barbecue saucewill not go through the other side youdon’t need the membrane oh my wordjust like that now I have the sauce onI’m just working the the liquid that’sin the foil making sure that it isdistributed evenly now when I put theseback into the oven I will not cover themdown so I’m gonna allow them to get justallow the the barbecue sauce to justwork do its thing on this ribs today sothat it can stick hug itso I’m not going to cover it downeverything is gonna be opened and thenthey’re gonna go for about 15 minutes so[Music]I’m bringing it home this sauce isreally gonna bring it home I’m stillbringing the restaurant home to myfamily so please stay tuned okay openthem up just like that barbecue babyback ribs in the oven this sauce is thelicious sweet tangy not too spicy justright oh my word[Music]you have enough meat for Sunday as wellas Monday now the same thing is going tobe done to the pork chopsthere you have it that’s the full mealbarbecue ribs after 15 minutes oh my whyjust look at them nice and it they’rereally really soft that’s what I amtalking about right there thank you forwatching this video all the way to theend give me a thumbs up if you haveenjoyed it share me out god bless youand I will see you in the next one[Music]