You just bought some delicious looking pork spare ribs from Corner Post Meats. Now you need some great BBQ sauce to go with them, here’s how. Anybody can do it, its fun!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
okay how to make barbecue sauce I am NOTChevy anybody can do this just fine soit got some elevation Colorado companyelevation ketchup that we get and we putit in jars so you need some ketchupneed some mustard you need some molassessome apple cider vinegar some brownsugarthose are your basic components that getyou going here and then in differentamounts is you get more sweet barbecuesauce more tangy just depends how youlike it that’s the fun part is you justfiddle with it and then from there youcan add all kinds of stuff to just kindof tweak the flavor I do all kinds ofweird stuff there’s some onion powderhoney is fun some cherry juice I foundin the fridge that’s fun ancho chilipowder some garlic I found in the fridgeass and two cherry juices oh no that’smaple syrup that’s fun tooso here’s a shoot get yourself a wholebunch of ketchup about what is thatAdrienne one pint that might be a littlemuch lets go half of that and includingall of the unprofessional bits so it’sapplicable for everybody at home as wellso then your mustard I add I like to addjust for color so I just add mustardtill it getskind of a bit bored and Wars look to ityou want molasses about oh I don’t know- three tablespoons ish thatvinegarto my mouth when couple tablespoons goodthere you go brown sugartwo or three tablespoons of thegoodyou know thatin fact not just a little bit of onionpowder I’m fairly sure with that despotand do it every time okay mix it upthis is the fun partwe get her going there just do it atasteyou learn like a dark end of the robusttype deal you want to add probably moremolasses you like kind of tangy that’swithout the cider vinegar your yourmustard just adds a bit of that morepeppery flavor in my mind and Idepending on how my mood I like thatit’s a little bit of cherry it’s alittle it’s not too sweet adds a littlebit of a nice zip let’s let’s put alittle ancho in there come back out alittle bit up just enough spice garlicthat comes from a dream a dreamwhat’s garlic and everything and yeahthat’s why it’s fun you just fiddle withit so you find stuff you like and thenyou can’t really screw it up folks why Ican do it anybody can do thisthat’s good how to describe it but it’sgood try doing it that way at home Ithink you like italrighty we’re gonna put that on herribs and chow down