BBQ Sauce Recipes

How to Make BBQ Sauce | Clean as you go

How to Make BBQ Sauce | Promoting Universal Precaution when Cooking.. Wash your hands, surfaces, door knobs, handles, sweep and mop after meal time

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good morning everyone how are you I’manswering that young food for the socialbutterfly with kitchen table talkwelcome to my channel today is March the30th 2020 I don’t even know how manydays we’ve been here on 14 but we’vebeen on quarantine I’m gonna be makingit for you guys today some bait BBQchicken in the oven as well I’m gonnashow you how to make your own barbecuesauce okay before I start you know thatyou have to have clean hands wash yourhands thoroughly for 20 to 30 secondsokay you can sing happy birthday why areyou scrubbing your hands front on thetops you know it’s just the center yourfingers and everything and you want tomake sure that you go in between yourfingers and stuff as well as your nailsto get up to your wrist then you want athing that like I said the HappyBirthday song or at your ABCs 2030seconds scrubbing scrubbing scrubbingwashing your hands palms down right okayso after you do that you want to makesure that you are cleaning your kitchenyour circus is very clean your dishesare clean yours your kitchen has sweptand mop your handles on all doors areare wiped down really really good andmake sure you have your life saw andyour bleach next to you with hot soapybelieved sanitized water as well asmaking sure that you yourself havepersonal hygieneyou competed your personal hygienemeaning that you are clean and today youaren’t taking your bath so you know Iknow we all know that you are a cleancook and you clean your cooking in aclean very clean kitchenso let’s go here is my 4 quart Dutchoven I’ll be using today and what I’mgoing to add to the kid in my 4 quartDutch oven firstmake sure that whenever you’re bringingcans to your home any sort of can goodor you did you know bottles or evenboxes now wash down all Mike and the topsides bottoms of my cansalways okay so I have some tomato sauceright here okay tomato sauce that’s I’mgonna use about it quote I thinkequivalent scuse me to three cans okayand I’m making barbecue sauce okay youcan use any barbecue sauce that you wantand you just warming up really good youknow on the stove I also like to add inadditional barbecue sauce with my butthis is I’m just showing you how to makebarbecue sauce so I have my tomato saucehere I have some oyster sauce right heremake sure like I said you should writedown all of your bottles and containersokay which is our sauce now what I docook I’m the kind of person I’ve alwaystaught you guys for the last what 12years since I’ve been on here I need toI don’t do a lot of measuring unless itcomes to me doing cakes pies like thatbut you’ll learn by just looking okay sothat was one hole that was a bottle ofwishes her sauce spent years and I onlyuse okayit’s just our sauce this is all to tasteokay so now I have some vinegar applecider vinegar so that is what I just useequivalent to three cans you can use forcancer the tomato sauce Worcestershiresauce as well as the apple cider vinegarvinegar like I said it’s all to tasteand you will know trust me when you’llknow exactly you taste it you know whatyou’re gonna need to add to yourbarbecue sauce so to thattomato sauce which is our sauce as wellas apple cider vinegar we’re gonna addsome lemon juice couple squirts of lemonjuice and then you’re gonna just put thetop back on those items and make sureit’s all here and I’m wiping everythingyeah all rightas well as some ketchup okay so hold itketchupokay down everything as you go that wayyou’re keeping your area clean okay allrightto that I’m going to add some liquidsmoke sauce liquid smoke sauce liquidsmoke sauce that’s just what I do I’vebeen doing this for 30 years so myrecipe has not changed in 30 years okaynow I’m gonna put some hot sauce inthere so what do we have now yep youguys tell me what we have and coming outtogether okay I’m sauce so we havetomato sauce about three to four cans oftomato sauce correct so I won big canand I have one small cancer that’sequivalent to three cans but dependingon your size of your family so you wouldhave about three to four cans of tomatosauce which is sour sauce you would alsohave Worcestershire sauce I’m sorry aswell as apple cider vinegar you havesome smoke sauce and ketchup some lemonjuice and some hot sauce right now we’regoing to go ahead and put some yellowmustard in any other mush it would do itcomes from any store it doesn’t meanmatter if it’s a name grant or notmustard is mustard okaymustard is mustard now we’re gonna placesome brown sugar in here dark brownsugar dark promises and I will show youeverything as well some dark brown sugarright here okay and to that I’m gonnaadd some honey any honey will do if youdon’t have honey you can use molassesit’s okayI’m doing this like I said for 30 yearssame recipe okay what as you go we wantas we go right then we’re gonna add someseasoning a nice easy one she justwalked back with a lot of powder I justabout even the onions dried onions anddried garlic it’s okay as well as somecrushed red peppers so I’m going to justturn it on okayright and I’m gonna miss everythingaround that right there is your Archiesauce mix that right now[Music]and then after we let this boil and thensimmer and then put a top on that andthis time if you want to add likeanother over and over again okay ittakes high heat bring it right downafter about three minutes high and thenlow okaywhat that smokey fight running that heaton there as wellyou already have my seasonings inside wewant to turn it down and let that reston a no setting and then we’re going togetbarbecue sauce put a top on there girlit’s so good so what did I useI use tomato sauce depending on the sizeof your family this is a big hand thisis about a 15 ounce can I got 150 onscan and wine what just a 4 ounce can soI have 150 on scan 1/4 ounce can oftomato sauce right that 4 ounces or 3I’m sorryokay so this is a three ounce can thisis a four yeah I was right yeah $15 yeahI also have some brown sugar hot saucesome lemon juice mustard ketchupbrown sugar honey Worcestershire sauceapple cider vinegar as well as liquidsmoke and any type of seasoning that youdesire from onion powder or onion flakesto mint onions to seasoning salt orseasoning and crushed red peppers okayso the rest of this right here I’ll usethis for something elseso again sauce brown sugar okay lemonjuice honey hot songscider vinegar mr. sour sauce liquidsmoke a couple dashes liquid smoke a lotmustard any kind of mustard and whatketchupthat’s all you’re gonna need to makeyour homemade barbecue sauce I crankedit up three minutes bring it down ourlast three to three minutes for crank itup brought it down on the low and letthat simmer push that to the back of theeye then you’re ready to go ahead on tothe next step to make something else sonow I’m going to show you how I make mybaked chicken okay for barbecue barbecuebig ugly chicken be right back okay guysI have some Bush’s baked beans here sowhat I’m going to do it’s just okay Ialready read something my pot right hereI’m going to go aheadto that I’m going to add mustard my thisis baking some mustardmustard brown sugarokay as well as I have a ladle righthere I want to take that ladle I’m gonnacase it in my barbecue sauce I’m gonnaadd barbecue sauce to my babieswe’re gonna mix this well okay and thereis my Bush’s baked beans with brownsugar mustard I didn’t play any honey intoday just it the brown sugar andmustard in there I’m gonna put on thiseye right here take thiswell this this is gonna will be here onthe low heat and I’m gonna show you nowhow to make chicken baked barbecuechicken

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