BBQ Sauce Recipes

NINJA FOODI GRILL – Bacon Wrapped Sweet Onions -Brushed with BBQ Sauce! Burger Topper?

Ok, I’m not one to toot my own horn but these were EPIC! Delicious, finger licking bacon wrapped sweet onions with BBQ sauce! Oh My! First time I made these they were good but when you brush them with BBQ sauce at the end-its just over the top good!
These delicious bacon wrapped onions can be enjoyed by themselves or use as a topper on a burger would be oh so good! Maybe an upcoming video-grilling a burger. and top with these bacon wrapped sweet onions.
If your doing low carb/keto use a low carb or keto friendly BBQ sauce.
Thank you so much for watching!

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Bacon Wrapped Sweet Onions with BBQ Sauce

Sweet onion
thick cut bacon

Slice onion into thick. slices 1/2-1 inch
wrapped in bacon(usually takes 2 slices of bacon-depending on size of onion)
Place in air crisp basket
Turn Ninja Foodi on select air crisp-390F and press start. Check them at. 10-11 minutes if nice and crispy brush with BBQ sauce or any sauce of your choosing and air crisp for another minute.
Remove and enjoy!

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription

welcome everyone today I’m pressurecrisp we’re taking sweet they’re notVidalia but they’re sweet onions andwe’re gonna wrap them in bacon and theyI made these yesterday they’re so goodor you use a thick cut bacon and then atthe end after they’re done cooking thebacon is all nice and crispy anddelicious we’re gonna brush them withbarbecue sauce and that just puts themat another levelthey’re great playing but they arespectacular fabulous deliciousover-the-top good when you add thatbarbecue sauce at the end so come onover and let’s get these started youknow the ingredients that you needyou’re gonna need some sweet onions thisone already started you’re going to needsome bacon this is a thick cut bacon I’mgoing to be using some sweet baby Ray’sand I’m also going to try this dinosaurbarbecue sauce and so I think it’s alocal restaurant out of Syracuse butthere’s one over in Troy and I havenever tried this sauce it’s thinner thanthe sweet baby Ray’s so we’re gonna giveit a whirl today and see how this tasteswhat we’re going to need is a sweetonion you’re going to cut the top andthe bottom off now you don’t want thesetoo thin and you don’t want unlike superthick either whoops somebody’s gonna sayI’m gonna cut these into three pieceshere there we go watch your fingersusers very try to use a sharp knife sothese are nice and nice and thick andwe’re gonna see if we can pop thecenter’s out just like this maybewithout breaking them now this actuallyis a perfect snack as well and sincelike like the center part this actuallythis is probably an old onion we’regonna throw this away or you could chopthis up and use this for another use andthese are so easy to make they’re alittle time-consuming but trust methey’re gonna be worth the effort nowthis is this is very cold bacon it justcame out of the fridge so I like to dois you’re gonna pull on it a bit this isthethis is the thicker cut bacon so I justlike to pull on it a bit just to stretchit out you don’t want to tear it and allyou’re gonna do is wrap these onions Itry to put the portion there just in theback and just gonna feed it throughthere we goand these onions take two usually twopieces of bacon and as you’re doing ityou’re just gonna you’re tugging on thebacon just a little bit and holding theonion there we go we’re gonna grabanother piece of bacon you can use thisas an appetizer a snack or you canactually put this on top of a burger ifyou wanted to I haven’t tried it thatway but that would be an excellent wayto serve these just wanna make surethat’s tucked also I’m not gonna let mecover the ninja foodie grills ears youcan actually also cook these outside onthe barbecue but I didn’t say that andthat’s all there is to itthere’s one right there just gonna putthat off to the side we’re gonna do onemore I’m gonna get these started give ita little stretch or a tug[Music]how much bacon left there but we willcut off that remaining portion onceagain use a sharp knife put that baconoff to the side don’t throw it away saveit for another use or another onion soI’m gonna go ahead and do a couple moreand then we’re gonna cook these to makesure your a roasting pan is in we’reusing the air Chris basket and thesplatter guard is in and we’re justgonna place these guys right in herethese are going to be epicspectacular amazing guide and close thelid we’re gonna select air Chris we’regonna keep it on 390 we’re gonna hitstart I’m just gonna hit air crisperagain open it and close it so we cankeep tract at the time eleven minutes isgone by Wowthese look perfect gorgeous now for thatmagic touch what I’m gonna do I’mactually gonna put the barbecue right onthe on the brush and we wrap the rinseit in between different barbecues we’rejust gonna take that sweet baby Ray’sand you’re gonna brush the onions ohyeah okay we’re gonna do two with sweetbaby Ray’s and then we’re going to dowe’re gonna try that new barbecue sauceI picked up today you’ll rinse thisbrush and we’ll look at the otherbarbecue sauce on this smells reallygood this barbecue sauce I haven’ttasted it yet so it’s the first timethis is much thinner than the sweet babyRay’s so let me just see if I can pourthis on because whoawhich this was a little bit thicker nowyou don’t have to use barbecue sauce youcan use chili sauce sriracha you can usebasically whatever you want there’sgonna lower the lid and let this cookfor that’s got any less than a minute soabout a minute has passedlook oh yeah these are gorgeous we’regonna take these out we’re gonna platethem up and we’re gonna do that tastetest time for that taste test let megive you a close-up of these guysbeautiful now they’re still hot or warmI’m going to try thenew barbecue sauce first let’s my seehow that one tastes I’m gonna see if Ican get a bite of thisso thenhmmm let’s try the sweet baby Ray’s seewhich one of you like better courts arego for the huge piece of baconsweet baby Ray’s is hands-down thewinnerit’s like um it’s like eating ribs theseare really delicious take the time tomake these have them plain at whateverbarbecue sauce that you want but thesweet baby wreath is spot-on with theseif you liked this video give it a thumbsup please subscribe and stay tuned formore ninja foodie and ninja foodiegrills recipes thanks thank youeverybody for watching

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