BBQ Sauce Recipes

Pork chop with Hobgoblin IPA BBQ sauce

A quick demo (my first on camera) set up in the garden cooking a fat pork chop with a fresh, Hobgoblin IPA based BBQ sauce.

It got a little windy at points so apologies for that but will sort out in any future videos!

Early days – every day is a school day

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]my own store robots I’m a food bloggerand barbecue enthusiast and you can findme at Instagram for your chef barbecuewhich would be just underneath the videoI’ve been asked today to do a little bitof a cooking demo with so what we’ll bedoing today is making a quick barbecuesauce based on the barbecue okay so I’mjust gonna run you through some of theingredients we’re gonna be using todaywe’re going to be using Hobgoblin IPA ina barbecue sauce so we’re gonna needsome olive oil some white wine vinegarit’s almost a sauce honeyketchup and some chopped onions somebrown sugar and your favorite spice mixall rub and we’re going to be cookingthis pork chop on the barbecue of a livefire and put it all together and showyou some of the different ways you canuse beer eatwhat we going to do just add the onionsand just keep them on a nice low heatand let them sweat down and release someof that oil and in the meantimeon to really fun using Hobgoblin thatwas a tough decision in terms of whichappear to use Hobgoblin IPA is going togive you that fruity hoppiness it’sgoing to come through in the sauceyou’re going to make sure we retain veryequally having a nice dark Imperial Rubylike that would also work extremely wellin there in a barbecue sauce it’s gonnawork well with the dark sugar the brownsugar and sort of deeper richer flavorsbut what we’re gonna do it was a toughcall he’s now used that because I threwsome richness I’m really give it a niceso that’s going to win out and be thebasis for our sourceokay so first things first we’ll openthe beer I’m going to need a ton of beerin this because we are only making itfor one or two servings here it will geta little bit further we’re trying toachieve is a quite chunky barbecue sauceand that’s going to work really wellwith the flame grilled pork mmm so we’lljust a little bit at thatI need a little bit more than thatEngland be rude not to these engines[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]managedthen by two tablespoons shake roundabout one tablespoon vinegar no glad thebrown sugar we fans stubborn and it’sright there this is mr. Vaughn – sugaras well really give it that saucythicknessokay I’m just going to quickly check aswell we’re gonna check the temperatureon this Portland because again you’relooking for 65 degrees so this is how tofind a program making on that okay so myroundabout 41 at the momentnow if we were just making a normalbarbecue sauce we’d pretty much be therebut what we’ve got now is a nicecombined mixture ready for the mainevent so we’re going to do big lagerbeer I’m just going to stir that throughand just cook that out for a minute butnot too long there’s like so we reallywant to retain some of thatcharacteristic all those characteristicsrather coming through from the beersmells amazingit’s also important at this pointthe fairy classso now it’s just a case of turning theheat down not off I’m just pretty muchleave up there to do this thing so nowgoing to close the lid of the barbecuecontrol some of that heat and just waitfor the pork to finishokay so just bringing you aroundthat’s our porkchopthere’s the finished sauce we just bringthat around here yes good ladle thesourcein this case a small wooden spoon justplace that across top of the pork onemore for good measure then where you goso we’ve got some lovely crispy fat nocurved pork bowl a nice fat flat porksteak and a beautiful beer bass barbecuesauce that’s a wrapthanks for watching and if you’reinterested in any more barbecue tipshints or free cooking ebook follow mebruschetta BBQ on Instagram or followbruschetta bar BQ calm Cheers[Music]

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