BBQ Sauce Recipes

Sexy no bbq sauce pulled pork

You’d let this pork sit on your face

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hey everybody welcome back to quarantinecooking today we’re gonna be making asexy no barbecue sauce pulled pork thisis what you’re gonna needyou’re gonna need your pork onionspeppers beef stock a beercarrots whiskey and doggery spices sostart this off the first we’re gonnamake is a rub a rep is gonna be brownsugar pepper kosher salt paprika cayennepepper so we’re gonna put all those in abowl equal parts for everything makequite a bit because we’re gonna becoating our whole big piece of work inthat brown sugar a little bit more brownsugar than everything else so we’ve gotall of our spices all mixing them bowleverything’s ready to go this is syrupnow let’s talk about the meat so thebest type of work to use for this recipeis either pork shoulder or pork buttso when it’s a port but it’s notactually of course but it’s actuallyright above the big shoulder so if youwere you know given up giving a pigmassage like this that right there thatwould be the but you can use bone-in ora boneless doesn’t really matter if youuse bone-in it’s probably gonna come outa little bit more moist than would beBona execute whatever you can get sowe’re gonna go on I just want to talk toyou about selecting the right kind ofmeat for the pulled pork just like whenyou go to the grocery store you’relooking at fruits veggies right you wantto know which if they’re ripe if they’reready to go take a melon you get knockon the melon you you squeeze the squeezethe oranges all right the avocado seehow firm it is if it’s ripe or not thetrick with planting if your roast thisor these you gotta give me a good slapso what you gonna do it’s just like firmyou can’tand what you’d be looking for is youwant to make sure I keep that mix let’sget sting I’m calling the man if youdon’t get that it’s no good by anotherroast don’t worry about doing this inthe grocery store it’s common practicepeople are looking at you they’re justlooking because they know that you’re agreat chef and they can see that youknow what you’re doing and while you’repicking on Jimmy if you go to thebutcher shopmost butchers they don’t even mind youcan slap a few roasts they’ll hand itover even give it a couple stops and doyou see which one you want so give it agood slap before you buy itI’m telling you you’re not gonna regretit I actually learned this from GordonRamsaytrue so next we’re gonna do we’re gonnatake her work we’re gonna completelycover it in the room that we made thisone was boneless so it was actually timeso it’s a two pieces cuz they did thebone oh so he’s gonna go ahead and coverboth pieces completely in that room thatwe made nice and covered this one wasn’tthat too bad but if you do get one thathas a lot of thick fat coating on theother side make sure you trim I leftthat off we don’t want that in fullquick make sure you get a nice goodcoating on itand there we go better all ready to goso we’re gonna be cooking our pulledpork today in a the reason we’re notusing a crock-pot and we’re using aDutch oven is because we can sear themeat first in the Dutch oven and thenonce I meet a suit we’re gonna take thiswhole thing put the lid on throw it intothe oven and that’s where it’s gonna doit slow cooking alright so got all myveg all chopped up all big chunkscarrots slice them in half lengthwisefirst if you had giant horse sizedcarrots and maybe you slicing thequarters first onions and peppers allbig chunks I figured I’d throw in atomato cuz why the hell not alright sowe’ve got around the stove medium heatI’m just gonna take some oil he’swhatever kind of all you want it doesn’treally make a difference just put Istill have glug them.they on the bottomwe’re gonna let that heat up and thenwe’re gonna sear the meat if you don’town a Dutch oven then you can use anyold stainless steel as long as it’slarge enough and you can see the sorrytake this now throw it in you don’t wantit too hot it’s too hot your than isburning all your spices my evenings andthere’s gonna be things Bigfoot’s dickto be awful so don’t bring it places sowe’re getting a nice sear on this whatthis is gonna do it’s gonna lock in theflavor it’s gonna make sure that thejuice stays inside the meat so our meatwill remain tender and juicy so keepflipping this again making sure you’renot burning the spices so you get allsides of it I mean the end is popeverything make sure you see the wholething it doesn’t take very long a coupleminutesand see that all Sears and take it outthrowing the next oneremember Arthas is going out so thisplace didn’t do behind it so I took thetie up now that two pieces so again veryquickly just put sear don’t burn ACthingso I’m holding it up on this end to makesure I even get the sides you want toget the entire things herehold it on the ends you get the entirethings together all right that’s nice isseared beautiful Syria take that up heatoff if you don’t have a gas stove takethat pot take it off of the developmentbecause we again you don’t want thosespices there’s not stuff in the bottomof the pot to burn so now we’re going totake onions carrots peppers the reasonthat you want to play your face on thebottom of the pot because when you putyour feet back on top of those veggiesthen your meat is not being of thesestuck to the bottom all right so whatyou want you want to do liquid once theliquid would be permeating from allsides of the rope so there are me searedveggies then not remember you don’t haveto use specific Adisa veggies if youwant to put celery in it or whatever youwhatever you got in your fridge you canput whatever you want this is just whatI have kicking around I’m using carrotsfor sure anything else go to townwhatever you want now we’re gonna putour liquid in a bigger beer in our stockreasonable beer and is not just to giveit that flavor but because alcohol willabsolutely break down the proteins ofthe meat tenderizing it same reason whyyou shove a beer can up a chicken’s assyou know it’s not just for shits andgiggles is because the beer willevaporate out the alcohol will evaporatethrough breaking the other proteinstenderizing to meyou can use whatever kind of beer yougot kicking around it’s not gonna make ahuge difference get the whole thing inthere and then don’t forget the whiskeywe’ve got a whiskey that’s just for methough next we put the lid on got ouroven preheated to 300 Hey and now we’vegot to wait about three hours so afterthree hours gonna give it a check seehow tender that meat is and if we’regood to go we’re good to go if not Imight take a little water in themeantime have a beer have a whiskey allright so it’s been three hours soshouldn’t give it a cook before test Iwas gonna get your fork right in thereyou want to give it a twist feel alittle bit stiff so it’s not quite donewe have to put it right back in the ovenin your the twenty thirty minutes theoutsides are softer you can tell thatwe’ll pull but the inside is still tootough so put the lid back on back in theoven and we’ll try again in 20 this allright so we need another 25 minuteswe’ll see how she turns outall right see that see we’re pullingapart now we are done so we’re gonnatake the meat out throw it in a bowl andwe’re gonna start pulling so we’re gonnagrab two forks and just go to town on itso as you can see we’ve got all the porkpulled I can turn to a very nice andtender we’re gonna separate what we’renot gonna eat and put that away for nowand what we’re gonna eat we’re gonna addthe sauce into Stowers gonna ladle it insome saucewe don’t mix that up being at this porknice and saucy putting over how much youlike all depends on how well how saucyyou want your sandwich to be once yougot as much as you want in there thenyou start making this – pork up herenice and saucy nice and juicy meatturned out perfectvery moist nice pile up on there and allthose veggies that were in there you’regonna put your onions on top you’regonna put your peppers on there as wellyou’re also gonna throw all your carrotsthat carrots on there yeah what we gothere is complete so there you have itwe have our sexy no barbecue sauce fullper sandwich hope you guys like thevideo try it you’re gonna love itstay Pat everybody

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