Ok SERIOUS this is an amazing dish, the sauce is really good too!! I’ve never made homemade barbecue sauce before but this was A+ game
4 lb beef brisket (Note 1)
olive oil
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp paprika powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
3/4 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 garlic cloves , minced
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar , packed
2 tsp EACH black pepper, onion powder, mustard powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Original recipe:
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
look at all these spicesdid you know apple cider vinegar isactually the secret to life all you gotto do is follow president Trump’s adviceand squirt it into your eyes[Music]welcome back here we are again withanother thing that I’m excited for akaeverything I make so this is anothercarpeted dish although I don’t rememberif I actually made a video of the firstbarbecue dish I did so I want to fixthat at some point but this isslow-cooked beef brisket which I amreally excited to try this out becausethis comes with its own homemade spicebarbecue sauce so let’s go ahead andlook through all the stuff we’ve gothere let’s see how this will gothe first issue I found with this recipeis brisket is normally sold in wholecuts which is like 25 pounds of meat soyou’ll probably have a hard time findinglike 1/2 or 1/4 cut but I eventually didfind one single fourth cut here which isonly four pounds instead of 25 pounds sothat is a lot easier to manageespecially because I couldn’t fit 25pounds in a single slow cooker so yeahand then let’s see try and get a goodangle here so we’ve got our basicallyour liquid seasonings for the saucewe’ve our dry seasonings for the dry rubthat goes on the brisket itself as itscooking and then I’ve got here in themiddle I have just two things that wecan go on the side because you know howwith barbecue you think give you likepickles and stuff to serve with it justto have so I thought that’d be good togo with it and yeah I also used darkbrown cane sugar it didn’t specify whatkind you needed but I like dark brownjust because it has like a good distinctflavor so yeah our total cost for all ofthis is33 dollars and 14 cents now most of thatis just from the brisket because itweighs a lot and also costs a lot sothat by itself was like 16 dollars soyeah but I mean barbecue is kind ofexpensive to begin with so it’s not thatbig of a deal but yeah the first thingwe need to do is get our dry rub mixtogether but besides that this isactually very easy recipe so let’s goahead and get that going okay I live alittle bit we’re supposed to put thesauce in first since the brisket goes ontop of the sauce so in that case I willjust start throwing these things[Music][Music]as for the seasonings I don’t want tomess this up too much so I’m trying todo it exactly what it asks for insteadof like doubling the seasonings as usualso I’ll see how this turns out as isbecause it seems to have a good about[Music][Music]and that is it now we just mix ittogether[Music]so now at the meeting and then I willput the rubber on top because I’m lazy[Music]it’s very large compared with fit inthereso what I did was I stirred this up sothat it was all evenly mixed and now I’mjust gonna try and sprinkle it acrossthe top of this but I don’t know howgood this is gonna work so let’s see[Music]I’d say that’s pretty good and I’ll justkind of spread it evenly and with thatbeing done we now put it on for a niceslow 10-hour cook it’s all go ahead andclean up all this mess I made and I willsee you at the end of the dayor ten hours are complete the next stepis that we have to actually take it outand then bake it in the oven at 400degrees for about 15 minutes that way itcan get some nice charring on theoutside you don’t have to do this someof the other recipes I looked at didn’teven have this stuff and you just wentstraight into eating it but I like thisone so I’m going to try it out itdoesn’t sound easy but we will figure itout so yeah good luck well it turns outscooping it out wasn’t as hard as I wasexpecting because it doesn’t just fallapart like chicken does with that beingsaid we should drink a little bit alittle bit of olive oil and then we willput it in I don’t know how much oliveoil is enough olive oil[Music]while that’s going we’re supposed tosimmer the sauce to reduce it down solet me take care of thatthat look like brown spots I don’t knowat this point we scoop some of the saucethat we’re cooking on top and we put itback in for another five minutes solet’s do thatso we do that two times and then we areactually done[Music]so far so goodokay we did it[Music]and it’s done so all that’s left that weneed to do is to slice it against thegrain I don’t do that so well and thenhave all of our sides just like I saidbefore I got the cornbread I got mylittle asparagus and tomato mix that I’mdoing for the next video so you’ll seehow to make that too and then so pimplessome banana peppers and whatever elsewhat did ya whatever else you want tothrow in there it is BBQ after all youcan make it how you like itso yeah and here we are once again thosethree pieces were the only ones that cutnicely so that’s all you get to see wellI hope you enjoyed this if you want tomake it it’s really good so farthanks for watching