Try this yummy smoked potato salad which can be a great side dish.
*Mayonaisse: 1/3 Cup (5.33 tbs)
*Sour cream: 3/4 Cup (12 tbs)
*Dill :1/4 Cup (4 tbs)
*Lemon: 1/2
*Salt: To Taste
*Pepper: To Taste
*Baby potatoes: 2 Pound
*Olive oil: 4 Tablespoon
*Bacon: To Taste
-For bbq sauce:
*Butter: 1 Tablespoon
*White onion: 1/2 Cup (8 tbs)
*Tomato paste: 12 Ounce
*Apple cider vinegar: 1/2 Cup (8 tbs)
*Water: 1/4 Cup (4 tbs)
*Mustard: 1/2 Cup (8 tbs)
*Worcheshire sauce: 1/4 Cup (4 tbs)
*Sorghum syrup: 1/4 Cup (4 tbs)
*Granulated garlic: 1 Teaspoon
*Salt: 1 Teaspoon
*Cayenne pepper: 1 Teaspoon
*Celery seeds: 1/2 Teaspoon
*Black pepper: 1 Teaspoon
Please watch video for directions.
-Recipe Summary:
Difficulty Level: Easy
Servings: 4
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back to smoky ribs we’re goingto be doing another installment today ofthe barbecue side dishes today I’m goingto show you how to do a smoked potatosaladnow this sitting your traditionalsouthern style potato salad like youmight be expecting me to make this isactually something I tried a lot on it’sprobably early 1990s and I read thisrecipe in a barbecue magazine that cameout every month and I held on thatmagazine for a long long time andsomewhere down the line I’ve lost it soI’m kind of recreating this on memoryit’s been a little while since I made abit oh it’s good it involves sour creamand mayo instead of mustard and mayoit’s going to have fresh dill a littlepop from some lemon it’s going to begood gonna be topped with some bacongonna show you how to do that now I’mgonna be doing that pretty quick becausethe sauce that I make for the potatoeshas to marry and flavors come togetherfor a good two to three hours so gonnamake that put in the fridge but before Ido that there’s another thing I’m goingto make that has to be done in advanceso the flavors of that will also cometogether and marry and that is ahomemade barbecue sauce I’ve hadrequests for homemade barbecue saucesI’ve actually done a few over the lastfour years but today I’m bringing youI’m gonna call it a southern more of aMississippi stylethere’s late four styles of barbecue yougot your Texas style Kansas City Memphisand Carolina style and all the states inbetween that kind of draw from thesedifferent styles and we’re no differenthere we do like a tomato base but wealso like that came from a good vinegargoing in there as well as a little sweetand a little heat and that’s on what I’mgoing to show you how to do here in justa few minutes right after this[Music]the rapid[Music]all right we’re gonna start this saucewith one tablespoon of butter we’regonna let that melt into this butterI’ve got 1/2 cup of minced white oniongoing in gonna sauté these for three orfour minutesinto these onions I’ve got 12 ounces oftomato paste going in out of this I’madding 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegarand 1/4 cup water mixed now as thisheats up we’re gonna be mixing in thetomato paste blending it in with thevinegar and the water now into this wegot 1/2 cup of yellow prepared justregular mustard all right I just addedin 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauceall right I just add it in also 1/3 cupof this sorghum syrup this makes areally good sweetener and it’s verysouthern I’ve got one teaspoon of garlicgranulated garlic going in 1 teaspoon ofsalt this is a coarse salt 1 teaspoon ofcayenne pepper that’s what’s going togive us a little heat 1/2 teaspoon ofcelery seed cracked black pepper aroundsomewhere around a teaspoon all right goand drop this back down to a simmergonna give all this a real thorough mixI’m going to let this simmer probablyaround 10 maybe 15 minutes I just wantto pull all these flavors together I’mgonna run this through a sieve and getrid of the little pieces of onion inthere the flavor will already be intothe sauce by that point all right I dida little preliminary tasting on thiswhich is really way too early to bedoing a taste test because these flavorshave to marry after this begins to cooldown over the next you know three orfour hours overnight is even better butwhat I did is I added just about a halfa teasefrom the cayenne and salt a bit moreblack pepper and I poured about anotherhalf I don’t know probably round 2teaspoons of a sorghum syrup in there toadd that sweetness level just a littlebit this is one of these things that youcan adjust to your own taste and that’swhat I could tell it it was lacking inthis potato salad recipe is very simplevery fast we’re gonna start off with 1/3cup of mayo use your favorite mayo nowI’m gonna go in with around 3/4 of a cupof sour cream I’ve got some fresh dillI’m gonna mess this up around 1/4 of acup is what you’re looking for don’tthrow that in the mixand the juice of 1/2 of a fresh lemonand give all this really good mixincorporate it and we want to seasonthis with a little salt this is a coarsekosher salt somewhere around a quarterof a teaspoon should work just fine alittle cracked black pepper all rightI’m gonna take some plastic wrap andwe’re going to cover this now we will besmoking the actual potatoes but I’mactually going go ahead and add somesmoke into this sauce as well all rightwhat I’m doing is I’m installing thislittle smoking gun into this now Irealize not everybody’s got one of theselittle gadgets but if you get intokitchen gadgets this thing is prettyhandy for a lot of things just like thisadd to smoke into a sauce basically whatyou do is just start it up you light it[Music]while I you got smoke won’t let thisrhyme roughly 15-20 seconds get it fullof smoke and yeah it will smoke up yourkitchen alright we’re gonna remove thehose and we’re gonna seal this off nowwe’re gonna let just sit roughly 15minutes it’s gonna put a nice littlelayer smoke right on top of this saucelike I said this is not our primarysmoke most of the smoke will be comingfrom these smoke potatoes and you canskip this all together I have that so Iwanted to use it just gonna put a reallynice kiss of smoke in with this potatosalad I’m going to be using the weberkettle today on this perfect grill to dosuch a thingsmoke potatoes if you look down here I’musing the snake methodI’ve already started at one end I’musing Applewood and the reason you seeso much wood here once these potatoesbecome tender I’ll be removing those tofinish up my salad and from there we’llgo in the refrigerator but the rest ofthis will be utilized on a rack of babyback ribs so we’re going to be takingthis grilling basket right here and whatI’ve done is I’ve taking these littlebaby does yellow potatoes and I’verubbed them down with an extra virginolive oilsomething just gonna dump these in thispan spread them outfold the handle so we can get a lid onthis and that’s looking good I’m gonnago ahead and put my cover on this andwe’re going to let these go probablyit’s gonna take you somewhere around anhour and a half two hours I would guessbut I’ll check them after one hour theskin is mainly what’s going to begetting the smoke on it but mixed inwith this potato salad along with thesmoke I’ve already done a sauce itshould have a good pronounced smokecontent without billing without beingoverpowering by the way the smoke I usein there too sawdust was also anapplewood smoked Applewood smoke here soeverything mixes and blends in well beensmoking just a little over one hourlet’s take a look yeah they definitelygetting some smoky color to them as youcan see as I roll them over start thesearound a little bitthen we’re gonna spin this as well do alittle check here and say out tenderwell we’re starting to get tender I’dsay probably about another thirtyminutes and these are gonna be lookinggood all right let’s take a look at ourpotatoes to see where we’re at oh yeahnice and tender that’s one of the biggerones there let’s try another oneperfect all right what I’m going to dois remove this we’re gonna let thesecool down and once they cool down I’mgoing to be taking each potato and justcutting in half ways in halves so we’rejust going to take these potatoes we’regonna slice them in half I’ve got all mypotatoes sliced in halfwe’re just going to transfer these intothis glass bowl here add a little seasonuntil your potatoes this is kosher saltyou can use the sea salt as well thoseare my favorites give this a little tosssome cracked black pepperand again give it a good toss now we’regoing to add into dill sauce for thispotato salad you just want to toss theseand just give a good coating all the wayaround they’re not supposed to be supercoated just a good thin layer on eachpotato if you can by the way when Ifirst took the plastic wrap off of thatcontainer holding the sauce it had ayellowish tint all across the top wherethat smoke settled down on it took alittle bit on my finger and oh yeah thesmoke is definitely there and as I saidyou don’t have to do that it’s just anextra step just add a little bit moresmokiness in there these smoked potatoeswill smoke it up just fine and we’restill not through gonna get you up tospeed here real quick I’ve had thepotato salad in the refrigerator now fora couple of hours and we’re going tofinish this off by adding some baconthis is some bacon that I fried earlierand broke into little pieces and also ontop of that you want to take you somegreen onion just toss around a littlebaby back ribs I love my spare ribs Igot just a little bit bit differentflavor and texture but man you can’t gowrong with baby backs because they’rejust loaded with meat compared to aspare rib and they do cook a lot quickerthan spare ribs I say a lot quickerabout an hour quicker on an averageabout three and a half hours so whatI’ve done with these is I took and Iseasoned them first of course and thenfrom there we went on through the smokerI went about two and a half hoursroughly and at the two and a half hourmark I went ahead and wrapped these putjust a little bit of beer on the bottomto create some steam and I went 45minutesboiled remove them from the fall I saucethem I asked the wife how does she wantthem drier or sauce and after tastingthe sauce that I did earlier she sayssauce thatabsolutely saw so that’s what I didapplied to Sol’s let them let’s all setgood 25 30 minutes and here we go let’stake a look at one of these these arestill piping hot look at the beautifulcolor on that leave the juice can yousee that juice oh my goodnesswe don’t do competition barbecue at myhouse we do what tastes good these aretender and yes they’re ready to fall offthe bone so I’m gonna go ahead and takethese get them cut up we’re gonna plateup the potato salad and the ribs andwe’ll be right backall right let’s try some of this potatosalad this is my smoked creamy dillpotato salad a little bacon bit chivesgreen onion just something different Ifind the other potato salad you know Iwas I grew up around it and to me it’sjust a little bit on the boring side andthis is totally differentoh man these are good you talk abouttender these are excellent all right nowfor the star of the show we’re going todive into some of this potato saladmmm man ask a very first thing that hitsthis palate is the smoke it’s in agentle way it’s not overpowering betweenthe smoking the skins on the potato as Icooked them on the Weber and theadditional smoke that I added to thesauce it definitely has a presence asmoke which really enhances it this is avery light very bright tasting potatosalad I hope you give the tried beingexcellent for your 4th of July barbecueyour Labor Day weekend barbecue or anybarbecue in between if you’re like me Ifire that grill up every weekend nextweek we’re gonna be bringing you mac andcheese also done on the grill it’s gonnabe a kicked-up mac and cheese so pleasestay tuned to that until then smokerribs