BBQ Turkey Recipes

BBQ Turkey Pull Apart Loaf

Make a pull apart loaf with deli sliced turkey breast, pepper jack cheese, and Traina® Home Grown Sun Dried Plum BBQ Sauce. This recipe is super easy to assemble with the help of Pillsbury Crescent Dough. Find the recipe at

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hey it’s the farm girl chef Elizabethhere today I have something extraspecial it’s called a barbecue pullapart bread and we’re gonna use Chinahomegrown sun dried plum barbecue saucenot only does it add more to our dietbut because there’s some dried fruit inthere we’re adding more fiber and thenit’s gonna kind of offset the carbsright the first thing we need to do istake out some dough this is Crescentdough and I just bought the sheet andwe’re gonna unroll it onto a cuttingboardonce it does unrolled we’re gonna addabout 1/4 cup of barbecue saucerocks forget and then I’m going tospread this aroundthe barbecue sauce is covering everyinch of the dough so let us start withour cheese I’m using pepper jack cheeseand I just went to the deli aspect toslice it fairly thin for me I’m gonnaspread it out across the doughthe next step is our turkey now I use areal turkey breast not the supercompressed stuff because I feel like ittastes better and I feel better when Ithink the real dealbut whatever you have on hand will workthe last thing we’re gonna add to thisis some pickled jalapenos I’ve dicedthese these are teens but if you reallywant to kick you can go for the Mexicanversion and even spicier all right sonow here comes the part we’re gonna cutthis I’m gonna do one long cutverticallyand then put it into rectangles now thatit’s up we’re gonna stop itsee if you just pick up each rectanglealright that was a little bit messy butI have a prepare the dish here it’s abaking loaf and I just greased it witholive oil and then I must set this soI’ve set my dough into their greasepretty soon even see that it only takesup about half the space time you knowrepeat that process with the secondcrescendonow why is loaded this is gonna go on a350 degree oven and it’ll take anywherebetween 38 and 50 minutes the pull apartbread took about 45 minutes in the ovenI let it cool here for about five or tenminutes and now it’s time to the bestpart actually pull it apart now we putthe train on homegrown sun dried plumand barbecue sauce on this and a supersmoky a little bit sweet so it pairsgreat pepperjackit just pulls apart it’s literally anaccordion and each layer comes off ofthe cheeseyour friends will sure enjoy this getthe recipe at Canisius calm

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