BBQ Turkey Recipes

How I Prepare My Grilled Turkey

Grilling turkey is a great way to conserve that precious oven space and this method is quick too, with tasty results.

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#leonaskitchen #Delicious #grilled #Turkey

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[Music]hey guys welcome welcome welcomeyeah well that’s my youtube channel myname is Nina Aaron are you welcome tolearnis kitchen today is veryinteresting cuz I’ll show you guys how Iprepare my grill top uh-huh in this overbracket so please sit back and enjoythank you[Music]ok guys so here are my prep ingredientsI’m gonna use for this grilled turkeyrecipe mm-hmm right here in thisbeautiful glass cookware is my turkeyfresh out of the freezer yeahso into it I’ll be adding some choppedplantain just for the heck of itsometimes I use sweet potatoes but todayI’ll be using that and I’ve got myCameron’s happy very essential in thisstuff I can’t do it all paper it’s allthis wonderful Heath that is lovelyyeah so that’s it guys I just can’t doit without this and I’ve got here mychopped carrots mm-hmmI always dice them up like this it givesit a lovely flavor and it’s yummy I’vegot my bell yellow bell pepper that alsogives it a wonderful aroma also I’ve gotmy green bell pepper this is the mostuse the aroma is so wonderful and flavora little ashes here is my granite oillike canola oil and I have my blendedpepper onion and little tomatoes inthere mm-hm so I also have my spicesyeah I’ve got my soul very necessaryI’ve got thyme and turmeric curry andI’ve got my bay leaves yeah and someseasoning cubes mm-hmm I’m gonna use allthese spices so add some wonderfulflavors yeah guys I look so good in thisclass I couldn’t help myself so veryhappy guys this is it all right guys sohere’s my talking in this lovely glasscookware I love green stuff than thisbecause it’s always handy it’s actuallyolder than I am funny enough yeah sothis is it guys I use this once in awhile so Brio stoves just like today andthey have you guys so I’m just gonnastart with my grinded stuff yeah andthese are all it is are the ingredientsI’ll be using so I started up a businessfresh out of the freezer it was all theguys to see it before I put it byblended pepper onion and tomatoes mm-hmmjust like this yeahit helps it usually I’d marinatedovernight but there’s no time so this isit guysI next goes in my green bell pepper thisis lovely guys I can’t grill any stuffyou know this one you know Ali also likediced carrots and I stir it together asyou can see before putting in my yellowbell pepper mm-hmmand I’ve also got my spices I’ve got sotime Marie Curie all the spices add lifeto this stuff I hope you thank you Idon’t know what’s ago don’t I’vebelieved ya I use all this in here cuzis this wonderful delicious yummy yummyevery day that’s it guys and before Iforget after staring this off I addpeppy more pepper yeah so I get it asspicy as I wanted to be specific guys mycamera on tape it mmm-hmm although I donot like adding much so much peppercause I have one young young prince thatloves chicken at workToki means everything more than hismother so less of the paper boy you cango ahead guys and make it as hot as youwant it to be if you’re gonna do thisyeah so this is it guys me adding morespices into it there you have it and Ilove stirring it up so it goes roundeverything is mixed properly mm-hmmI have you guysmixing it up real good yeahthen in goes my chopped planting mm-hmI’d make you what I have I like I saidElia I love using sweet potato also likecanola oil cause in luck this oil helpsit to not stick cause this and it wouldstick so the oil just helps it not stickto the class way today I have it guysmixing it mix it mix it mix it mix in areal good so this is my oven guys andI’m gonna be using the field pots whichis a part of it but this I don’t reallyneed to hit the old born preheat ovenand all like wing a beacon I just put iton and trade up I put in my grilledstuff yeah that’s a guysokay guys so right now and open and allhave to do is wait for like 30 minutesand I’ll be back to check on it thankyou guys[Music]well would you look at that guys it’s sobeautifulthe aroma is like whoa it smells so goodguys hey guys this gap is would wantlike the so delicious today let’s pop itin my mouth right now like whoa I haveto go get myself some cool drink andrelax the further movie you were sayinghaha oh do you don’t mind me guys thankyou so much for staying tuned forwatching I hope you guys enjoyed it ifyou try this tiny let me know and haveyour Automator I don’t mind sharing thecomment section oh gosh sorry guys butanyways don’t forget to subscribe andhit the bone icon thank you I don’tbelieve you guys thank you so much forstaying tuned you have a lovely day bye[Music]

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