BBQ Turkey Recipes

Nerdy Norway Keto Vlog Day 14 – BBQ Turkey Wings

This daily keto vlog from Norway will show what nerd, nerdette, and slash are doing in their daily lives! We will be showing the keto related food, keto recipes, keto meals, sometimes our cheat foods! Kick back and relax and join us each day with a daily Live premier of a peek into our nerdy lives in Norway and the food we eat!

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

[Music]good morning guysgot my first cup of coffee of the dayand listen up guyswell slash is taking a bath I got mycoffee delivered in bed and we decidednot just to have bulletproof coffeeanymore because the doctor said mycholesterol was high and well basicallywhen you’re on the keto diet your yourfat becomes your energy and it you burnthe fat for energy and makes it thepossibility to add fat by adding butterand things like that but we’re just notgonna we’re not gonna add butter to thecoffee anymoreso that the the fat burning focuses onthe actual fat in my body rather thanthe fat in the food it makes it a littlebit harder on the keto diet because itone of the best parts of the keto dietis you stay full from all the fat andadding fat butter in your coffee andthings like that but we’re gonna cutback just to be safe and slash is takinga full-on bath oh well so anyways guysfarewell bulletproof coffee hello normalcoffee nerds rule slash rules let’s getthis day started guys basically thisguy’s got something to say whatwhat what huh really basically when thisguy wants food when when it’s nothingbut little dried nuggets yeah nothinggood there huh then he starts meowingwhat about the dry food what about thedriverhmm all right all right so I’m gonna usethis and I’m gonna divide it upthroughout the day I don’t know if it’stoo much food I don’t know if peoplegive their cat one of these all at onceplus see it’s for seven plus years slashis double that so I give him a littlebit at a time because you know hedoesn’t need the whole thing plus hejust licks off all the sauce all he doesoh now he’s gonna lick a bag you likelicking bags bro you like smashing yourhead into things and wiping your faceall over the everything in the wholehouse is that what you do all right wellwe’re gonna we’re gonna give him alittle little bit of this and so he canlick the jelly off and then wine formore Lowell all right guys so fortoday’s a breakfast slash lunch no it’snot slashes lunch but breakfastaka lunch aka one meal for me and nerdit I’m gonna chop up some beefy sausagescook them with a little bit of avocadooil and eat some avocado I’m trying tomake sure that the fats that I do eatare healthy fats which is avocado is oneof themknocking at any butter not gonna addanything else just gonna be a little bitof avocado oil some avocado and choppedup beefy sausage should be pretty goodit should be a good start so I’m cuttingup these beefy sausages and man I gotthis new theme I like cutting them in anangle it just for some reason I justlike doing that plus it looks cool andfancy cuz I’m a mister fancy nerd youknow y’all know me mr. fancy pants nerdypants yeah I just like cutting them atan angle how do you guys like to cutyour wieners do you like to cut themstraight in the thin slices I think Idid I think I just like talking aboutwieners guys sorry I’m actually notalmost 46 I’m actually six no all rightso I got those chopped up I’ve got somehot avocado oil just gonna pop them ingive you a little Weiner ASMR that’sgreat that’s greatand so now I’m gonna do these avocadosI’m so tired I’m not gonna wait to eatthese avocados they seemed a little bithard but I think they’re just rightactually there’s been so many times thatI’ve waited to to eat these and theyjust end up bad so I’m I’m doing itbefore they go bad this time yeah theseare just right actually cause if youcould if it’s a you know you can softlyslice itand they just flop right out then thenthey’re just rightI can hear those wieners just sizzlingawaythere’s half an avocado for me half anavocado BernadetteI think is it true that avocado isactually a fruit I could be wrong butI’m pretty sure I read it I mean I stillalways doubt it but the fact thatavocado is actually a fruit but isn’t itanything with the seed is a fruittherefore avocado with that big that bigpit in the middle that makes it a fruitis it a fruit guys I think so type inthe chat if you think avocado is a fruitor notand there you have it guys breakfastlunch Alva kadoand beefy sausage alright guys so I cookthe sausages up in avocado oil and I’mactually I’m gonna do this I’m gonna I’mgonna get some of that fat off actuallyI’m gonna sort of you know put it onsome paper towel and just let some ofthat that extra fat and grease go off ofit I’m just making a conscientiousconscientious effort and when I do makesure it’s healthy so I’m just gonna laythose down there go like that a littlebit they’re still gonna be hella goodjust don’t need all that added stuffwham bam thank you ma’amdegreased wieners and that right thereladies and gentlemen is a deliciousperfect keto meal for two should beshould be just rightyeah guys nothing going on here justslashes taking a nap and I’m not eatingour ice cream sandwichno I’m not needing an ice-cream sandwichat all this means I can’t eat for therest of the day plus it was gone in liketwo bites really come on now alrightguys so I’m about to head up to one ofmy favorite spots and as you can see thesnow was melting there’s a chance Icould just go through on one of thisalright I mean I made it I made it Imade it I made it so all the snow wasclearing away from my favorite path andI actually should have worn my boots Iwish I would have wore my boots for thisbecause there still is sloppy snow and Iactually yeah I could regret thisnothing like getting a little bit ofice-cold snow in your converse so yeahguys I’m just slowly making my way upseeing if I can find that igloothat snow cave I’m trying to get to theentrance of it I showed it a couple daysago oh there we goI sunk in itI remember at one point that sign wasburied so that’s like that’s like Ilevel the sign on that tree was buriedin the snow but now it’s it’s visibleagain so that’s coolthe snow is receding I’m gonna walk overhereI’m gonna take the scenic route no noall right no I’m not damn it damn itdamn it my shoe is full of snow I’m justgot a Tonka trunk through guys Lowellall right there it is I see it I see itI see this a snow cave let’s see if Ican get to itclick someone had a little campfire overhere huh alright alright looks like theyhad some tubes and stuff looks likesomebody came here and had a littleparty oh I guess they don’t want you togo in or maybe that those those thoseboards were to hold the snow up so itdoesn’t collapse when you go in thereand see if I can get a closer lookwell they got electricity running to ithuh okay well I’m not gonna go all theway and I’m just gonna I’ll zoom aboutthat it’s like they got a chair in thereguess it was some pretty good times inthereeither way snow cave it’s almost it’salmost melting cool and here we come tomy thinking spot aka the soccer fieldaka in Norway they call it footballthose those goal posts were almostcovered to the top in snow and nowthey’re out so that’s coolsoccer field is almost back in action itlooks like there’s another old piece ofsoccer goalpostI don’t know it’s a real peaceful spotover here everything’s melting let’slet’s go over here let’s see if there’sa let’s see if we can see a creek I heara creekall right all rightlooks like there’s kind of a creek I’mnot going there nope nope nope no butyeahit’s all melted snow skiing is going outhiking is coming back still need alittle bit more melted this cool littlemailbox spot that says fisca koukinwhich means fishhookand basically I think that’s the name ofthis street because the street is shapedlike a fishhooktherefore they got it called viscacarrucan i like how they got this littlecommunity built billboard up it’s notbeing used right now but hey you couldput a little something-something therepretty cool pretty cool alright guys soI just got back from my walk before Ileft I gave slash some treats up on mycomputer desk about a half hour agolet’s see oh there he ishe got down did you get down I’m homethanks for the welcoming committee heI’m surprised he’s not still upon thedesk but I think he heard meso he had to come and see was a was upbro all right coolhe’s like back the F up I’m / don’t evenmess with me cat lives matteroh look at that let’s see if he ripsawayno he gently stepped away usually herips away and then starts doing TokyoDrift slash how’s your diet going notvery good all righthe’s gonna chillax he’s gonna chillax /lacsalright guys so today I’m gonna becooking up some of these pryadko doubleknotted three shillingsso it’s from prior carbonator I don’tknow what that means but it’s it’s meatcakes made out of chicken let’s see whatthey look like Oh Nia and bedre thirtypercent less fat then regular caught upanother all right let’s do they looklike I’ve never had chicken ones I’vehad regular like beef ones so thisshould be interesting I want to see thatthese ones look like they’re just likemeat patties hmm okay hmmthey should be good should be good andI’m gonna make a salad I got some ofthese snack cucumbers got what is it Iforgot the English word I have a bellpepper tomato lettuce got some onion andyeah gonna make us a little salad alittle bit of meat trying to includemore vegetables in our diet alright so Igot some onions up in some air avocadooil marinatin and I’m just gonna put acouple of these patties up in there okaythat was plenty shame on flat ones flatflat flat how about two weeks huh whatdo you think’s left all right all righthe said two each sodo they smell goodand over here I’m working on a couple ofsalads so I’m just taking some cherrytomatoes cutting them into fourths useone snack cucumber pear saladI figure that should be just enough andyeah I’m gonna gonna use that that andmaybe a little lettuce we got this onehere called color space a lot but Iupdated it so it’s crunchy and filling Ibelieve that’s what it meansso get a couple for that salad a couplefor this salad and that should be enoughlettuce for usand then I’m gonna prepare part of thiscut it up put it in straight be good andthere it is guys chicken patty meat anda salad with some Caesar dressing that’sitNura delicious guys / would like to saythank you for coming to the stream thankyou guys for smashing that like buttonand that it’s time to go to bed/ has already been in bed all day sothat he could prepare to go to bed right/ right bro alright guys thanks forcomingmuch love see you guys tomorrow go tothe north and /

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