BBQ Turkey Recipes

Perfect turkey kabob recipe | Juicy grilled turkey kabobs


In today’s video I share how to make the perfect turkey kabob recipe. | juicy grilled turkey kabobs
This will make a perfect side dish for Thanksgiving.


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Music credit- JPB – High

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Video Transcription

hello welcome back to my channel sotoday I’m going to be sharing this tokakebab recipe Thanksgiving is around thecorner and this can be one of yourperfect side dish for Thanksgiving maybenot a side dish but you can make thisfor Thanksgiving yesso to make this you need some sakebreasts you’re going to go ahead andtake out the skin from the taki breastcut it into strips just like this beforeyou cut them into sizable bits if you’retalking breasts came without the skinperfect just wash it cut it and then cutthem into tiny pieces[Music]so when cutting them into cubes likethis you don’t want to cut it too bigalso not too small so you can cook veryfast once you’re done with that place itin a bowl add in some chopped garliccayenne pepper olive oil one season EQand some parsley[Music]now mix everything internally cover itwith a plastic wrap or a foil paper andthen put it in the fridge to marinatefor at least an hourso why the turkeys marinating in thefridge part of the peppers and onionsthey are going to be grilling the turkeywith they’re going to cut them intosquares and set it asideso after one hour of marinating theturkey breasts in the fridge it is timeto put them in the skilletyou’re going to put the peppers theonion and the chicken breasts you knowalternatively let me also mention that Istopped this skewer in water for 30minutes before using it so it doesn’tdry out on bond during the gradingprocess except cherries in the egg onskewers oh yeahso I’m going to do this until everythingis doneso once that is done place it on a grillI’m using an electric grill because I’mdoing this indoors but if you have theopen fire grill oh my god by all meansplease use that I think that’s evenbetterone more thing when placing it on thegrill try to give a little bit of spacein between them so it can have enoughroom to cook you’re also going to turnit around often so it doesn’t burn andthen somewhere in between the cookingtime Rob olive oil on it this willensure that he Toki breast comes out tojuicy and it’s not dry and in 12 to 15minutes it should be ready but as thevillage Garrett I am I cooked this thingfor a little bit over texted me becauseorder to be very sure that it was cookedyeah so after 30 minutes for meal after30 minutes I took it off the grill andit was perfect perfect you guysperfectly cooked this is one good treatto give to your friends your loved oneswhen they visit you it looks presentableit is delicious and you guys that’s itfor this video I hope you guys try outthis one subscribe to my channel sharemy videos and click the like button I’llsee you all very soon in my next one[Music][Music]

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