BBQ Turkey Recipes

Smoked Turkey Breast on a Pellet Grill

Smoked Turkey Breast on a Pellet Grill

#Turkey #SmokedTurkey #Thanksgivingrecipes

Smoked Turkey Breast on the Grilla Grills Silverbac

It’s that time of year again and no one should have to deal with a dry turkey out of the oven. This recipe will make Clark Griswold proud!

***What You Need***
-Whole Bone-In Turkey Breast
-Your Favorite AP or salt based rub
-Your Favorite BBQ rub or sugar based rub
-2 sticks of butter
-32oz of Chicken Broth
-1/4 cup hot sauce
-Marinade Injector/Needle

To get this recipe started, we need to prep the Turkey Breast for dry brining. I always like to remove the back bone to allow the turkey breast to sit flat while it cooking and helps with the presentation. You can do with by cutting down both sides of the rib cage with a good knife or a pair of kitchen shears. Once the back bone is removed, you can trim up any unwanted fat or piece that the processor may have left on.

Place the turkey breast right side up. (Rib cage down) and press down on the center of the turkey breast. You will hear a snap and the turkey breast will lay out flat and uniform.

Place the turkey breast on a cooling rack in a full pan. Remove the skin from the turn breast, leaving only the rear attached and exposing as much meat as possible. You now can add a medium coat of a salt based rub to start the brining process. Once the salt based is added come back over it with a sugar base rub or bbq rub. This will start to sweat almost instantly and the brining process has started. Pull the skin back over the turkey breast and dry the skin with a paper towel. Place in the fridge uncovered for at least 8 hours. This will dry the skin and help aid in the brining process. The turkey breast will begin to sweat due to the salt and sugar. At some point in the brining process the turkey breast will absorb the flavors of the brine and add a ton of flavor to the meat.

Next we need to get the injection ready.

**Injection Ingredients**
– 2 Sticks of Butter
– 32oz of Chicken Broth
– 1/4 cup Hot Sauce
– 1 tablespoon of AP or Salt Based Rub
– 1/4 Cup of BBQ Rub or Sugar Based rub

This injection recipe is a great guideline for you to add your own flavors to. What sets it apart is the browned butter. You first want to add a stick of butter to a medium sized pot on medium heat. Keep a close eye on it and continue to stir the butter around. After several minutes you will start to smell a good caramel color and smell. Once it reaches that point you will add the second stick of butter. This will stop the browning process and cool the butter off enough to add the other ingredients. You then can incorporate the 32oz of chicken broth, 1/4 cup of hot sauce, 1 tablespoon of AP or salt based rub, and 1/4 cup of a BBQ rub or sugar based rub. Allow this to simmer for about 20-30 minutes and allow to cool. You can make this ahead of time or the day of. Just just want to make sure its cooled off to at least room temp before injecting.

The next morning, I removed the turkey breast from the fridge and placed on the counter. Now is the time you want to inject them. Since the turkey breast are still good and cold, the butter in the injection will thicken up when you inject the turkey breast. This will keep the injection from running back out and losing all of that good flavor. This injection is fairly mild so you want to inject as much as possible. I would say each side of the turkey breast will hold close to a cup. Once you have them injected use what butter did leak out as a binder and rub it into the skin. I then light seasoned the outside just for a little color. After the rub is applied I sprayed the skin with a cooking oil to help with get the golden brown color.

You can smoke these on any pit you would like. For this recipe we will be cooking on our Silverbac. I due recommend running a little higher temp to help with the skin and keep the cook even. We will be running the Silverbac at 300 Degrees.

It’s time to get these birds to cooking! We left them on the cooling rack and pulled the skin tight to tuck it under the turkey breast. This will help in keeping the meat covered and keep the skin from pulling back too much.

At the once hour mark, I placed the to monitor the internal temp. Now is a good time to spray the turkey breast while you are in the pit.

At the 2 1/2 hour mark we hit 160 internal. Its time to get them off and let them rest. They will carry over to 165 and still hold a ton of moisture. You want to let them rest for at least 30 minutes. This will give you time to get other thing prepped for the meal of just prop your feet up.

This recipe turned out great and produces one fine turkey breast. Its packed full of flavor and moisture!

We hope yall enjoy this recipe and let us know how you like it!


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Video Transcription

[Music]hey this is Markowitz wine like barbecuetoday I have to hold bone-in turkeybreasts I’m going to show you how I dothese for Thanksgiving with a simple drybrine that goes overnight in the fridgeso I guarantee you not to have to worryabout that it’ll dry yellow turkey outof the oven we’re gonna do these aredown the grill of grills pellet grillwe’re gonna set it about 300 that’llmake it about two and a half to threehour cook let’s get started so we haveour two bone-in turkey breasts out itdoesn’t take too much trimming on thesethese were looking if they already hadthe backbone cut out but if you findsomething that’s not what you want to dois take your knife and go down each sideof this rib cage right here just at thelower part of the turkey breast andyou’ll cut all the way through it’ll besome thin bones it’ll go right throughit you can use some good kitchen shearsalso you just wanna cut right downthrough here you’ll roll that backboneout and cut it out of your way we’regoing to while we’re under here we’regonna go ahead and take some of this offthat’s the only bad thing about some ofthese bone-in turkey breasts they havenot been cleaned up really well so justtake your time anything you see that’snot gonna be appetizing just take offand do the same thing of this one seethis still has some of that thigh andleg meat on there we’re gonna get it outof the way once we cut the bottom sidehalfway trim but we’re gonna flip themover look at the top side good we’regonna go ahead and get these smashed outflat so you put your hands underneathkind of spread it a little bit and justpress down same thing on this onethat’ll help it lay flat it’ll cook moreeven now of course they still have somethat Nick meat on there I’m gonna getthat took off as well now you got toremember this skin is going to drawduring the cook process so you don’twant to cut it off too close to theturkey breast we’ll get these put in afull panel on cooling rack and we’ll getthem ready to brine so now that we havethese two turkey breasts in this floorplan what you want to do is take theskin from this end and walk your fingersunderneath it just gradually get readyto pull it off it may give you a littlefit you might have to take your knifeand cut the very front of it andgradually pull the skin back you want toexpose as much of that meat as you canwe’ll do the same thing to this onenow’s a good time if you do haveanything else hanging underneath theskin you can go ahead and get it off nowthe first step to this dry brine whatwe’re gonna do is add a good salt peppergarlic base rub you really want thatsoft to work on this meat kind of openthe pores up that way it’ll take anymore of these flavors so we’re going touse our Mississippi grit you canuse your straight salt you can use anyAP on the market anything you’d likewe’re just gonna go kind of a mediumcoat we won’t go to too heavy do thesame to both of them once you get thaton you want to come back with yourbarbecue rub or a sweet element you wantthe sugar to mix with the salt andactually create that good dry brinewe’re using Mississippi grind you canuse any barbecue rub or any rub you’dlike I’ve tried it with brown sugar itdoes just as well I just want to kind ofincorporate some of these barbecueflavors on this turkey breast you’regonna go a little bit heavier with thisjust cuz that sugar is pretty mild whatthis allows you to do is get all theflavors you won’t own that skin but notactually being on the outside of theskin where the firing during the smokeprocess so all you’re gonna do is takeyour skin will it directly back overthat turkey breast pull it as tight asyou can and you’re going to tuck it inthe same thing to this one now Iremember this one here this skin herecome up a little bit short so we’regonna try to make up for it now if itain’t perfect right now we can alwaysadjust it once we get it on the pit onceyou get the skin right back up justsimply take a paper towel and you wantto dry it off the best you can this isgonna help the skin get a little bitcrispier pull all the moisture out of itonce in the fridge overnight we’re gonnaput this in the fridge it needs to goeight or ten hours at least it’s notgonna hurt to go a little bit longerwhile it’s in that refrigerator that fanof that refrigerator can move plenty ofcold air across the skin it’s gonna helpdry it out and get it tightened back upwe’ll get these out in the morning andlet them start coming up to temp whilewe get to pit fire it up and we’ll beready to put these babies on so to makethis injection you want a brown 1 stickof butteronce you get it to that beautiful goldencolor go ahead and add the second stickto cool it off now it’s time to add yourquarter cup of hot sauce 32 ounces ofchicken broth a tablespoon of AP and ofcourse a quarter cup or your favoritebarbecue ill let this simmer for about20 minutes let them flavors mingle andit’ll be good to go so today we’re gonnabe cooking on the grill a grillSilverbacksso let’s get it fired up we’re gonnasimply hit the start button gonna bumpthe temp down to 300 and I’m gonna goahead and add some pellets now I havecherry pellets already in here I’m gonnatop them with some Hickory we’re gonnamixed up a little bit in the hoppershould be a good balance in flavor andthen we’ll let it come up to tip beforewe get these birds injected in the rubput on the outside I want to go overkind of what we did last night with theof course we trimmed them up made themlook pretty got the skin foot off and weapply the salt based and a sugar baserub – that’s basically a perfect mixturefor brian they stayed in the fridge forabout 10 to 12 hours we got them outjust a few minutes ago just a littlestart coming up to room temp and we’reready to put injection in so we have ourinjection I’ve got it out the fridge aswell it’s coming up to room temp we gota cheap store brought injector we’regonna get these babies injected so youwant these turkey breasts to be good andcold when you’re injecting so what willhappen is as you pull the injectionneedle out that butter should coagulateand keep all your injections fromrunning out to me it seems to workpretty good the colder these turkeybreasts are when you do this and it’sgonna take probably this full 32 ouncesdo both of these whole turkey breastsyou want to make sure to get goodcoverage that way your injection spreadout nice and even and this injection isvery much so it’s not going to overpowerthese turkey breasts whatsoever I’mgonna go ahead and finish injectingthese and we’ll be ready to apply therub to the outside so now that we gotthese turkey breasts injected I’m gonnago ahead and get them ready to season soI’m gonna cook them on this cooling rackI have in this pan just for making themeasy to handle I’m gonna make sure theskin is tucked under good do the same toboth of them yeah we pulled it prettytight last night we just want to makesure we do all we can and make sure itstays put so now what I’m gonna do alittle bit of this butter from thisinjection has leaked out I’m gonna useit as my binder just kind of rub thatboat around on the skin it’ll help withthat golden brown color and then we’regonna ply just a light coat of rub tothe outside just to add a touch of colorthis is a salt based rub so any kind ofa fee again or just regular table softbe fine next we add our barbecue rubagain we’re just going super light withthis all your flavors under the skinthis is only to add color and last butnot least we’ve got just some nonstickcooking oil we’re gonna give them alight spray this just happen to be abuttered flavor spray but we’re gonna dothis throughout the cook process just toaid and help them getting that skinextra crispy and golden brown let’s getthem on the pit so the Silverbacks comeright up to temp let’s get these birdsonso like I said I’m gonna leave alonethis cooling rack and get them placedright center we’re not gonna worry aboutsticking a probe in them now I know theygot a long ways to gowe’ll get the lid shut and we’ll comeback here about an hour give them aspray and get a probe put in them thesebirds have been on the hour let’s givethem a look you get out of the Sun youcan tell like a good color starting atthat golden brown we’re gonna go aheadand give them a pretty good spray andthen I’m gonna take the time now to goahead and get probes in both of theseyou just want to go in the kind of thedeepest part of that pressed there Bostsitting at about 105 so we know we got agood ways to go we’ll keep our eye onand get the lid closed so both theseturkeys hit 160 we’re gonna go ahead andget them off we’re pulling it 160 weknow it’s gonna carry over to the safezone 165 we’ll still have plenty ofmoisture packing these turkey breastswe’re gonna get them in here sit them onthe counter for a little bit let themrest for about 20 to 30 minutes beforewe slice into them so we’ve broughtthese turkey breasts in and let themrest for about 30 minutes just as aquick recap we started off with twobone-in whole turkey breastswe used a dry brown method overnightinjected them got them on that pelletgrill for about two and a half hoursthey hit 160 we pulled them off we knowthey carried over to 165 I’m excited tocut when there’s open and see thatmoisture so let’s check it out sothere’s a thousand ways to carve aturkey what I usually try to do is cutthat breast off as one whole piece andit is packed full of moisture that wayyou can lay that breast out just likethat and cut it across the green justlike you would a steak or anything elseso what I’m gonna do skin feels good andtender now on Turkey I do highlyrecommend cutting your slices a littlebit thicker that way once they set outwhy everybody’s eating it’ll hold themoisture in there’ll be a better bitefor your guests so I have to get one ofthese right out of the middle and youcan see that dude is just packed full ofmoisture that butter stayed in thereonce they got up attempt of course thatbutter melted all it had to do was addflavor skin looks good and tender let’ssee what this turkey breast is all aboutthat turkey breast has a great textureyou can taste all the flavors of aninjection Plus that brine really adds asoftness element to his breasts thatreally complements it you show up to aparty or your get-together with theturkey breastess juicy you gonna knockeverybody down perfect texture it’s gota great flavor great spice this ought tobe your go-to this Thanksgiving that’s awrap for today at swine light weappreciate ya’ll checking this video outif y’all got any questions shoot us amessage on Facebook or Instagram and asalways and like and subscribe thechannel we’ll see y’all next time

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