BBQ Turkey Recipes

Smoked turkey leg

In this video I will be showing you how to make smoked turkey legs

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Video Transcription

[Music]hello everyone welcome back to mama inthe kitchen today I’m gonna be showingyou how to make smoked turkey legs soI’m gonna go ahead and show you theingredients over here I have two turkeydrumsticks and then I’m going to needsome seasoning salt and some garlicpowder and now I’m gonna go ahead andget started the first thing we’re gonnabe doing is trimming the excess skin offof the turkey legs these don’t have thatmuch but we’re just gonna go ahead andremove the excess skin[Music]okay now we’re gonna go ahead and justseason with some seasoning salt andgarlic powder so typically I wouldactually brine these but today I’m gonnabe making a healthier version so I’mjust gonna be seasoning with some garlicpowder and seasoning salt and thenthey’ll be ready to go onto the smoker[Music]so now we’re gonna go ahead and place atrickle eggs and the smoker we’re usinga smoke Pro pellet smoker using hickoryflavored pellets and we have thetemperature set to 275 and we’re gonnaleave them in there until the internaltemperature is between 165 and 170 allthe turkey legs are in the smoker we’regonna be checking their temperature afew times so it’s been about an hour anda half now and we’re gonna check on thetemperature just to make sure that itdoesn’t overcook so it looks like it’sgonna need about another twenty tothirty minutes so we’re gonna go aheadand just leave those in there for alittle longer and we’ll check on thetemperature again okay so it’s been 20minutes and now we’re gonna go ahead andcheck the temperature again and ifthey’re between 165 and 175 or a littleover 175 is fine then they’re ready soit looks like these are ready and we’regonna go ahead and pull them off thesmoker[Music]after taking them off the smoker ruinahead and covered with aluminum foil andwe let them rest for about 20 minutesand after letting them rest they’reready to serve so we’re just gonna goahead and cut into it so you could seewhat it looks like on the inside[Music]the turkey legs are ready to serve Ialso have a video on how to make smokedchicken I’ll leave a link down below forthat thank you for watching and pleaselike share and subscribe[Music]you

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