BBQ Turkey Recipes

Smoked Turkey Legs On The Grilla Grills Chimp

I take you through the steps I use to smoke turkey legs on my Grilla Grills Chimp.

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Video Transcription

hey it’s Johnny from smokey so today I’mgoing to show you how to do smokedturkey Lakes on the grill girls gym soto fine-tune don’t go anywhereand will be back when I grab her up theingredients alright so what I got hereis about 6 turkey legs they’re prettygood size so I’m going to go ahead andstart injecting them up and I’m usingthe 20 sat trees or roasted garlicbutter injection it’s not going to needmuch injection to these they’re prettydark meat I just want to use them forthe gravy and make them kind of tastelike the other stuff that we havethat’s about all we need for theinjection wise let me grab the rub thatI’m gonna be using so I’ve already goneahead and inject piece one my ideas onthe cs on up and today I’m using JohnHenry’s pecan rub for him and I’m gonnado what they call a dry brine whichmeans let’s ease them up stick them inthe fridge let them dry brine for alittle while in there you can go aheadand be pretty generous with theseasoning I’m not gonna hurt much ofanything you’re wondering what thatnoise is mr. Q is making stuffing or assome people call it dressing we’re doinganother Thanksgiving here todayI would go ahead put them in another oilpan just to hold them and when they gointo the fridge so you only want them inin there for a couple hours or so nottoo too longbasically I smoked them up like just abig drumstick that you would you know dofor chicken or anything else for thatmatterokay so I’m gonna let these chill out inthe refrigerator for a little bit and soI’m not at the chimp and we’re gonna putthese turkey legs on does not be perfectwhen you put them on just throw them onany which way but they’ll fit[Music]so I’m going to leave them on for aboutan hour just to smoke and I’ll crank theheat up to about 275 degrees to try tocrisp up the skin so I’ll see you wantto pull them off the grill okay so Ileft a part out and I wanted to get itin before I uploaded the video andforgot totally about it is after thefirst hour what I do is I take theturkey legs off the grill I put them inaluminum and cover it with foil andleave it on there for about another hourhour and a half and then after the hourto hour and a half I take them off and Iput them back on the grill again andbasically what you’re doing is they’rekind of steaming the turkey legs to getthem so they’re you knowfall-off-the-bone tender and they have anice bite to them so that’s what I leftout and that’s why I just uploaded thispart right now hey so this is what theturkey legs look like when they’re readyto come off the grill they got a nicelittle red hue to themthey were smoked with a smoke ringpellets the Applewood Gary and they’vegone for about three hours totalso for Thanksgiving or any other holidaythis provides a nice little treat foryour guestsI’ll have pictures for you at the endbefore we serve it so hey give theturkey legs to try cook them any way youwant to they’re always a wonderful treatDisneyland sells out of them constantlyout of venture win they’re a big hitthere so you can save yourself a lot ofmoney and just pick up some turkey legsand try them at your own house becauseJohnny from smoke the queue I’ll see youlater

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