BBQ Turkey Recipes

Stacked Cook, NuWave Primo Grill Oven, Turkey Burgers and Fries

Stacked Cook, NuWave Primo Grill Oven, Turkey Burgers and Fries. How to cook much food at once in the NuWave Primo Grill Oven. You can stack food in layers and cook it all at one time, for a large meal to feed many people. This is done with frozen turkey burgers and waffle fries as an example. But you can use any foods you desire. The NuWave Primo Grill Oven is able to cook a lot of food at one time. This saves you time and allows you to cook more than some other cookers at once. Watch now and enjoy.

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Video Transcription

Paisano available recipes today I wantto show you how to cook a large amountof food all at once in a new way primogrill oven using its differentaccessories all at the same time ithelps to be able to cook a lot of foodat once and I’m gonna cook up a good bitof turkey burgers and waffle fries allat the same time and you’re gonna seehow that’s done and I’m going to do thatright now alright so that we’re cookingup a little bit of food in this cookwhat I’m gonna be doing a cooking up agood number of turkey burgers aboutthese Columbus season turkey burgersthey’re 90% lean 10% fat they’re 1/3pound each I’m also gonna be cooking upsome sam’s club waffle fries on its cookI’m gonna be doing it all at the sametime in a new way primo grill oven andwhat I’ve got going on here I’ve got thegrill plate of course on top of thatI’ve got the razor rack and on top ofthat I’ve got the fry basket andbasically what I’m gonna do I’m going tobe cooking turkey burgers down on bottomhere I’m gonna be cooking a bunch offries up top all at once and so to getthat started I’m also going to need aextent and extender ring to kind of keepthe heating in the top a little higherup you know so it’s not just too fardown on things so you’re gonna have tohave things like that to start but thisis how you can get a whole lot of fooddone fast and so I’m going to turn a newway primo on up to temperature to 400degrees Fahrenheit I’m going to keep mycooking time at 15 minutes I’m gonna hitthe preheat button and going to hitstart I’m gonna let it preheat to 400degrees while that’s doing the preheatI’m gonna get a bunch of waffle friesout dip them in this bowl here you’regonna get about four of these turkeyburgers out and put them on the plateall right so got a bunch of walk with myeyes out there I’m gonna get my forposing turkey burgers out little writeour preheat is complete going to get thedome all carefully set that on the sidehere like a little run then I’m going toget the extender ring out of the way andstart putting stuff sliding on my turkeyburgers which I have to base the slidearound on the sides here get onto thegrill plate there already seasoned soI’m not adding any seasoning to themsince their preseason so we’re going totip my pork and Clintturkey burger in there not reallylooks like the force is not reallywanting to cooperate too much butobviously one kind of where he is I’mgoing to put all the fries up top hereright you know wait sit fries up topthere now I’m going to put my extenderring back on then put the dome back ongoing to hit start and so things arecooking at my 400 degrees Fahrenheitgoing to bring you back in maybe aboutseven eight minutes[Music]okay but it’s a parent’s you see thingsstarting to steam I’m just gonna pausewhat I want to do is I want to get themin and mix those fries up a little bitmove them around a bit so I’m justbasically moving the fries around Ifound it’s good when you stack a bunchof fries in there just to you know abouthalfway through just move them around abit put the lid back on let thingscontinue to cookalright we’re entering the final secondsof this 15-minute cook your 400 degreesFahrenheit able to cook a lot bybasically double stacking things sogoing to turn it off right there and getthe dome off carefully out of steam nowI’m going to take the fries well firstthing I get the ring off extend the ringjust gonna get that out of the way sojust sit that over over there on theside now I’m just gonna take the friesjust gonna slip those over here they canjust rest on their rackI’m going to take this race rat get thatoff and since I wasn’t able to flip thebarber’s because I had so much stackedyou know was I able to flip them but youcan see in temperature they are verywell done so every well done we can flipthem over to see how they look on theopposite side you can see they got somegood searing on the opposite side thenthey’ll let some of that excess fluidjust kind of drain down it looks prettynice put some cheese on one and I’ll doa taste test with so I’m just gonna putthe lid back on for a moment let mycheese melt in all right my cheese’smelting down so get that film back offnow I’m going to take I’ve got myhomemade bread with some mail on it andI’m just gonna have some mail and honeymustard on my turkey burger here so justgoing to put a little honey mustard onand there’s our honey mustard going onall right you know put the top on theturkey burger now just get some friesthese fries you know depending on howmany put in although they all cook upnice they’re not gonna be as crisp as ifyousingle layer of fries necessarily youcouldn’t let them go longer if you wantbut when you’re doing a lot you knowyou’re not going to give them asChristmas if you have a single layernecessarily but here we go we’ve gotturkey burger fries all cooked uptogether in a new way primo relevantleveraging all those accessories to beable to cook a whole lot more ones canhold on it’s just a little ketchup onthese waffle fries I’ve had them beforeso you know how they taste but sincewe’ve already made up a whole burger mayas well throw some ketchup in there tooso let’s go ahead and do our taste testall right let’s do some taste testingwe’ll start with the burnerinclusive the flyall right everything turned out wellbasically this was just to give you someideas for when you want to cook a lot offood at once in your new ways primo howyou can get it done and you can do youknow any combinations of foods you’vegot to do but this is you know just tokind of help you brainstorm a littlethere and so I hope that you definitelylike this there’ll be this in writtenformat super well recipes comm alongwith hundreds of the other recipes thereand written incredible form you canalways come to this youtube channelthrough whale oven recipes calm i’m ontwitter and instagram at wave ovenrecipes also there were fur links forthis cooker and others in thedescription box and you pay the sameprice it just helps this channel also ifyou liked the video please give it athumbs up share the video with thefriend leave a comment subscribe to thechannel hit that notification bell andgood eating

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