BBQ Sauce Recipes

Easy Oven Baked Barbecue Chicken legs | Barbecue Sauce Recipe

I am sharing how I make my baked barbecue chicken. It’s a very easy and simple recipe, I paired it with sweet potatoes and white rice. Tasty and delicious. Enjoy.

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[Music]hey guys welcome back to another videomy name is eater and this is EdithConnor in this video I’m gonna go aheadand share how I make big barbecuechicken legs with mash sweet potato andright Rhys hope you enjoy so I loveeating food that’s that’s well seasonedso being an island girl I had to seasonmy meat very well so when I use I uselime onions green onions red peppers twoChili Peppers I use salt seasoning saltand pepper okay and I putwater so the mid can cook well Oh alsodon’t forget to add Gallic veryimportant after 30 to 45 minutes at 350degrees Fahrenheit I took my chickenlegs out of the oven and what I’m goingto do next I’m going to go ahead and addketchup and barbecue sauce over itso what I’m gonna do I’m just gonna flipthe chicken legs over so the other sidehave the opportunity to baked or cookedand then I’m gonna go ahead and put itback into the oven so after another 30more minutesI took the chicken legs out of the ovenand what I’m gonna do I’m gonna go aheadand repeat what I did in the last slidewhich is flip the chicken legs over andadd ketchup and barbecue sauce over itvery simpleyou can see that the chicken legs isreally it’s actually ready to be eatenbut I prefer it to I prefer that eachside has the opportunity to be somethingwith barbecue and ketchup so in themeantime I boil one sweet potato forabout one hour and I also made somebright rice with my rice cooker as youcan see my sweet potato is all done Iwent ahead and peeled the skin from itand I’m about to use my fork and mash itup after a mash the potato up I’m gonnago ahead and add some butter about 1/2teaspoon and a little bit of blackpepper then I’m gonna go ahead and putit in the microwave for one minute untilthe butter is melted and I’m gonna stirit up so after two and a half hours mybig barbecued chicken legs is alllook how nice it looks so deliciouslooking ooh I cannot wait to enjoy this[Music]so as you can see this is the finalproduct on my plate I have bright ricesweet mashed potato and baked barbecuechicken leg so if you guys love mycooking and wanna see more of that letme know them in the comment also if youwant to know what other ingredients Iuse or any questions comment down belowI love interacting with you guysalso subscribe like and turn on thatnotification bail so you won’t missanother video for me thank you forwatching either color and I’ll see youin the next video[Music]

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