BBQ Turkey Recipes

Honey mustard grilled Turkey Wings

Honey mustard grilled Turkey wings

1 3/4 c of frenches mustard
1 cup of honey
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder

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what up fam she Boise rich like in yourmind yes I am just check it out mantoday I want to try something a littledifferent on the grill it’s because mywife asked me to so I wanted to you knowtried to do that for now I got turkeywings yes these are turkey wings see howthick they are hopefully yes but anywaysI’m going to try to grill these and I’mgonna come back I’m going to show youthe sauce that I make that I wanna puton them as well okay grilled turkeywings also over here I got you see thebig winner that’s the big tub rightthere that y’all was talking about rightthere I had to get a little smallerversion with the faux you know for smallbatches of meat they shall have enoughspace to move around and ground up intheir thing look here now these you knowthese the Tenderloin these the porktenderloins with no bone all it is it’spieces of rib with no bone in it that’salltenderloins is okay these up they goingon there on the grill as well all righthere you go now you know this is all youneed 1/4 of a cup of garlic powder okay1/4 cup of garlic powder sprinkle thatthing on that good coated good right 1/4of a cup of black peppersomebody will mix it with me on thatbecause I say black pepper like spelledlike BL i ke in your mouth 1/4 of a cupof black pepper yeahlooks black doughnut don’t worry thenmix it up good it’ll be okayone tablespoon of cayenne pepper come onnow y’all know how we like to downhitting the dirty dirty this is the realdirty dirt that the state of Floridabelieve it and 1/4 of a cup of salt yougot to have a little salt in that theymay not 1/4 a cup I’m sorry I’m sorryone tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoonof cayenne pepper that would be too damnmuchokay so the milk good in your mouthright in your handsappreciate y’all y’all man subscriber tothe channel art there appreciate it youknow I’m starting to like be cookingmore I always have but you know you guysinspire me and then making me guilty youknow keep giving me the energy andmotivation to keep making more and moreokay you scared to get in there y’allknow how my skin get in there get alittle theory and it up don’t worryabout the beers spice or whatever cuz Igot some songs that I’m gonna make thatI’m gonna put on there my own version ofall well sweet sweet mustard sauce okayhoney mustard song whatever you want tocall it a little version look at thatsadly going in I imagine put that onthat grill I’m gonna show y’all thegrill in a minute I want to season thisup for you right quick okay so you juststay tunedtake this off stay tuned and I’ll beright backokay guys all right I’m back to show youhow I make my sauce to put on there thisis all you need it’s funnyreliable honeyyes sir 100 and in there got a halfsomething sweet onokay I’m gonna stop right there and addthe mustard to it all you got to do ifyou taste your food your taste yoursauce and you’ll know how much more howless to put stuff in that are you that’sall it istaste taste your food so if they’re manmamalike pimples yes like pepper put that intherethat’s the darken it up a little bitokaystaying here whip it up you can makeyour own saucejust be willing to taste your food andyou’ll be fine sweet honey mustardyou see how watery that is that’sbecause of the honey that’s because ofthe honey and if I want to thicken it upall the guys do add more muscle thanblack pepper to it but first I’m gonnataste look at that colorsee they’re just like thatyeahone of these spools here and tasteoh my goodness man y’all should do wejust serve you see what I’m saying seeI’m gonna put that on the turkey wing ohmy goodness I’m not gonna put that onthe turkey wing until they halfway doneon the grill and then I’m a pope i’mapull the rest of it when they’re doneonly on the turkey wing I’m gonna showy’all oh my goodness I don’t need themif I make it you know over the yearscooking this stuff I make it quite oftenso mmmbut you don’t look like it’s enough soI’m gonna do it againjust not enough okayneed more Monster than anything gottahave that must a little bit mo just tothicken it up in there docking it spiceand sweetness in it that they see nodouble dippers so I had to bring meanother spoon I did y’all don’t missnothing in your mouth okay yeah I’m gladthat I don’t want it too thick I wantedwatery like that yes siralright let’s taste boy I better quitsleeping on G rich okay that’s ready togo now turn this week you see it can yousee it good you see it folks now you seeI got the put 100 pork tenderloin okaywho the things smell so good keeping paryeah see that there you see that that’sexcellentin my book hold on now to top it off youknow I got to put the money’s on thatfit no I got to put the money is onthere you let them drop that the playersdrop wherever they meet they followingthat cold and get it onion it’s lateonion onion oniony flavor if you willthey can smell onions rise up rise upthrough the meat see that now this won’ttake long now I’ll be back but halfwaywent by halfway when I think those arealmost donehalfway to 3/4 done that’s when I’mgonna click the little salt I’m gonnabreathe it and put the sauce on there okand then I’ll be back with that finishedlook hold on a second I fam I’m back I’mgetting ready to put the my sauce onlymy turkey wings oknow it’s almost done and it’s got a goodcolor good color on the meat andeverything so i’ma show you what’s goingdownlook I just want to say they’llappreciate all y’all man appreciatey’all y’all subscribingthe ones who subscribe hit don’t forgetto hit that notification button theydidn’t wait man I’m just a regular guyhard-working guy who like to cook forhis family and they talked me into doingthe u2 thing I ain’t no chefain’t no certified chef you know I justdo what I do and you know my family youknow like my weight you understand whatI’m saying they like the way I cook myfood so so that’s why I’m doing thishere you know I ain’t trying to get youaccolades nothing like that say I’m justbeing me but my life is in your mouthnow hold on now let me show you wanna domyget a good-looking okay oh my word yousee that there now my window is right onthe edge I’m gonna braise the turkeywing so you get that sauce flavor onfreeze and rent wedding oh man look atthat death man I’m gonna do a close upfor y’all to see that yeah oh just likeyou like a little yellow mud look justsome little mustard flavor barbecuesauce my styleI’d like to try it see what I put on itto be more carefulhold on man look at that walk y’all overhere Plus yes sir yes yes yes that thinglook do it not only look good it smellgood goto make it a little bitI wanted to touch the porknothing so cool about ready to go readyto goand see when it’s done now put it in thepan I’m gonna just pull the rest of itall over the meat and then a littleflavor on I don’t know if we’re gonnaput some foam sauce on the pork lointhough the ain’t like it just might daythen I slice it up they eat it just likethatand it’s a thing of beautyokaysoit wrap it up Aggieit is I’ll be back with their fitnesslook ya’llokay fam I’m back now the turkey wingsare done before I take them off I justwanted to say something um this is who Iam and this and this is my channel likeI said I told you everything about thatbut my wife has a channel Reesa Reesafor the ones that don’t know most ofy’all came from over her channel youknow come you know it’s like a token shepassed to me so imma pass one back forthe ones who just came directly to mychannel go check her eye resources sheall about love my wife is the ultimatewoman she do it all as you if you youknow her and know her channel is RisaRichardson are e-s-a Richardson go checkout that’s my wife just love of my lifein a way you know I am Teresa and I wehigh school sweethearts graduated youknow right here in Duval yes wegraduated right here and we was togetherwe were six I was 16 and she was 15I’m 49 now and she bout to be 48 yeahit’s a beautiful day anyway like I saidwe were 30 22 years married and 33 yearstogether we have six children threeadult children and two teenage and onepreteen 10 now Corythat’s my man he the last of the bus butin the way you know check us out checkour story out the you know you can bingewatch one day or you can just keep doingwhat you do but I appreciate y’all butyou know I’m about to take this stuffoff and I’m gonna show you the finishedlook on the turkey wing now the airportlong the pork tenderloin day and readyit I’m gonna smoke them a little longerso you might not see the finished lookat that but I’m gonna show you what I’myou know what this this this episodehere whatever you want to call it thisvideo is about okay hold on one secondoh man you say I separated rate becausethe turkey wing is already done I wantedto smoke them a little bit more see yeahthat’s right who they dropping juice offof them thoughthat means they smoke right they smokedoes it lead them on then let them smokea little long because they think andthen you’re playing the meat on hey I’mgonna swing you over herethat’s all you want to do read here comeon man come on then this is what I wantit’s the look I had wanted just look I’msatisfied with see that yeahit’s got a sweet taste to it look littlebit of spices because the black pepperyes I said black pepper G RichardBandler your life in your mind

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