This peppered Chicken is so easy to make, but it always turns out yummy. Its a signature recipe and has never failed me in the past.
I hve lots of other chicken recipes on my channel, you cn check them out in the link below.
Lemon pepper chicken wings
How to make the tasyiest oven grilled chicken
Crispy fried chicken
Honey butter BBQ chicken wings
Fried Chicken recipe
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
you saw the chicken on my tongue mealthat made you click on this videooh my god this chicken is so crunchy itsjuicy it’s delicious its tasty oh my godyou just have to try it for yourself nowI’m just going to show you quickly howto make this delicious chicken and I cutsome soft chicken into big pieces likethis and I added a lot of water becauseI wants to spoke now to that water Iadded my seasoning cube some bay leafsome onions curry and some salt and I’mjust going to cover and bring to a boillike this oh my god I’m so excited todayto show you this recipe there’s so muchenergy in my voice I can feel it now youwant your chicken to boil like thisbring it on roaring boil and then thestock is so rich you can use it to cookfried rice rice shall arise to oranything you want to make with it so nowdon’t waste opportunity of getting stockany opportunity you have to get somestock and reach your cooking use it sonow we’re just going to scoop all thatyummy she came out of the port I alreadyhave my oil on fire and it’s piping hotand we’re just going to fry every singlebit of that yummy chicken and by boilingneeds all the flavors the seasoningsthey’ve gotten into the chicken is saltyyou know it’s nice and delicious this isEmma’s special pipet chicken recipe emmais my younger sisterand she loves to cook as well I have allthe recipes for perfect she came butthis is theso you want to fry your chicken untilit’s crispy and golden brownbeautifully golden brown like this sonow we’re going to fry all the badgesalike she came and we’ll move on to thenext level of our recipe keep watchingto see the final productat this point I’m going to incorporatethe rest of my ingredients and show youhow I made my region delicious perfectsauce so I have some scallions and Ihave some bell peppers bell peppers arerich in antioxidants and they are veryvery good for your skinand then I have some onions I have somebell pepper for kakashi onions gingergarlic pepper have a narrative blendedtogether and in that next pool I havesome seasoning cubes some curry thymesalt and turmeric so in a pot where I’mgoing to add a little vegetable oil andto that I’m going to incorporate myonions and just let it fry until it’stender[Music][Applause]so now I’m going to incorporate my nextingredient of blended heritage a mix Ididn’t use any chili pepper for this Ijust use Kakashi and ginger garlic andonions lots of garlic and ginger thisnext step is very very important as itwill enrich the taste and flavor of yourdishso you the bowl in which you use yourTomatoes you know there will be someresidual in the bowl so now you’re goingto take some of that stock from the keychicken and then you’re just going torinse and add it into the blenderprepare and then I’m going to cover thatand let it cook for about ten minutesafter which I’ll come back andincorporate my seasoning cubes and myspices and then I’m just going to coverthat and let it cook until until all myspices are well cooked now it’s time toincorporate our chicken[Music][Music]at this point we’re going to just mixeverything inject Li until all ourpieces of chicken are well incorporatedmarinated in the delicious perfect sauceand then just quote it you know let itjust cover it skillfully beautifully[Applause]so after this we’re just weeds in coverand let it cook for an extra fiveminutes on very low heat so that all thebeautiful juices can get into thosechicken pieces[Music]really how kiting hurt and beautiful ourchicken is looking now the moistureinside is almost dry but don’t let itdry completely and then because you justwant some of that juice is the kid youwant the chicken to keep soaking up someof those glorious juices at this pointwe’re going to incorporate somescallions scallions are going to justadd some interesting armor and andvirtual eatin experience[Music]don’t worry I’m going to reserve somefor you now is a time to incorporate toimplicate our last ingredient those areour very nutritious colorful flavorfulbell peppers and I have some yellow redand green bell peppers there and we justincorporated into this dish link at ourend product oh my good it just didn’tlook good it tastes absolutely amazingthank you so much for watching thank youfor stopping by seeing my next video andmake sure you give this recipe a tryyou