Arjun goes to explain how to prepare healthy chicken 65 , where instead of frying chicken we grill it with masala .
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi guys welcome back to our kitchen hopeeverybody is healthy and safe todaywe’re going to make healthy chickenseasy fight and you heard me say help mebecause um we don’t actually fry it likehow normal chicken 65 people do we grillit so let’s get started with theingredientsI got kashmiri red chilli powder heresome pepper some girl masala some meatmasala some turmeric powder some garlicand ginger paste some curd and the mainthing of course chicken and takingboneless chicken 65 so we got the timeeat so now that your recipe starts sowe’re going to mix everything all upwhen Shadydad this is tough help me please surewhoa that was great so we rub thechicken with the masalas and now we aregoing to make it more tender by restingI prefer 20 to 30 minutes and we’ll seeyou at the grill and we’ve done themarination first of all and then werested for twenty to thirty minutes nowwe’re going to pull in the grill for 20minutesyeah we’re keeping it in the grill rightnow and I see a lot of fat dripping downit’s going to be so juicymake sure you turn the skewer so thatit’s cooked properly so I’ll see you atthe kitchen I have to go back to thekitchen and take the next set in orderto make the paste or the gravy for thechicken 65 I got some onions here someginger some garlic and some greenchilies we need to make a fine paste outof it to get the gravy you guess rightin the comment section below who do youthink is going to blend it I’ll tell youthe answer in next videogetting 65 out of the grille and nowwe’re going to cut into smaller dukesand then add it to the saucewe have cut it into smaller cubeswe’re going to add the sauce and may Iremind you that this is healthy usuallywe would fry it and it’s still cookedeven though we used only a touch of oilmm-hmm so we’re going to add the sauceokay what do you think that I do we haveto get a frying pan add some oil in itand you add the sauce and let it boilthere so we’ve sauteed it very well sonow is it time to add the spicesturmeric powder then add a littlekashmiri red chilli powder add somegrated fennel seeds garam masalaadd some oil and saute well so aftersauteing it over add a little bit ofwater it’s in a really good semi gravyconsistency right nowI added a little bit more water let itboil and add the chicken pieces on itadd some chicken pieces into the gravyI’ve added all the chicken pieces intothe gravy now let’s mix it let’s cookall the chicken pieces with the masalaso it gets really cook a little bit ofoil to enhance the flavor and now it’sthe time to add the cilantro some springonions and some kept them healthychicken tikka is ready please like thisvideo we hope to see you soon