BBQ Pork Recipes

How to make grilled pork ribs soft and tender easily?

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[Music]remember to click Subscribe anotification button for more a pastvideo hi this is cooking Napa the momthe time when I’m recording this videois already November it is only towardsthe end the year christmas is comingI’m not sure if any of you will be doingany Christmas dishes I’m going tointroduce to you one very very extremelysimple dish from but first of all yo youApple you probably need to get this abrick oh baby Rick’s from gross curiousgrocer calm ok so I would like to recordmy thank you too curious grocer calmfrom Kuala Lumpur to give up are achance to try the our product which isactually an apricot imported a brick orpop premium pop from all the way fromSpain okay I will put inside thedescription box to explain to you thebenefits of eating or or the the goodthing about a brick or pop yeah it’sbasically okay almost like a wire beefit is the it has very nice fatdistribution okay now this is actuallythe baby rib it comes from your slablike this and with grocer curious grocerthey are actually saying this in twodifferent manner you can choose numberone get the whole slab like this this isalmost like 800 gram okay and this israw so we will need to step the firststep is I would bake it and the medianheat then use high heat to chai that’sall so there’s only two steps this iswhat I’m going to do today now there isanother way where you can actually buyand order the cooked ones which isalready Alban cooked for you fromcurious grocerthen after you bought from from themwhat you do is you just use your Alvinor you can just pan fry it for up tothree minutesunder high heat then it’s going to tastesuper nice outside super crispy outsideby very juicy inside okay so what I’mgoing to do now is something to removethis and I’m going to pull somemarination okay I have checked out I’vetaken up the RIP slap and it is veryeasy to marinate you only need twoingredient number one this is a groundground black pepper you can buy theready make one or you can make yourselfif you want to make yourself just go inback just go and buy the black pepperpepper con pan fry okay drive for andsorry dry Rosie meaning your pan frywithout using any oil for probably abouttwo or three minutes then use a blenderto ground it grinding okay into powderform like this then this is salt so youonly need these two ingredient here soI’m going to sprinkles two black pepperthis is very wrong longer than myshopping botturn aroundI’m using my own self ground blackpepperthis usually more fragrant[Music]okay right something like this don’t wesee I still got some and here’s the salt[Music][Music]okay one very thin layer of salt okaygood enough okay well I’m going to donext is to use aluminum foil okay towrap it up[Music]so they still you don’t have the food doall this if you buy the coop ones okayso do you have to use aluminum foil theshiny part will be facing the meat okaythe shiny part will always face the meat[Music]it’s a bit messy here nicely I don’thave to put any extra oil because laterthe fat is going to dissolve yeahyeah you want to rap rapping nicelythe reason why we want a rabbit isbecause we don’t want direct hit we wantto slow cook this particular thisparticular for itthis part is open probably I will useanother to cover extra aluminum foil tocover this part okay we will come backshortly okay basically my aluminum foilis not wide enough if you have the whitethose which is very white ones then Ithink one layer is going up but my wayis smaller so I’m going to use a secondlayer here sorry this really depends onhooks here this really depends on thesigns of your aluminum foil okay youwill want your meat you don’t want yourmeat to have direct contact we’ve got itall right doneokay so what we do next is to heat uppreheat the oven 250 degrees for atleast about 15 minutes then we can putit all right I have preheated sorry Ipreheated my oven 150 degree for thepast 15 minutesoh I will put the ritz very longokay okay I’ll probably want to put itslightly lower let me add just a littlebit about hardly actually I saw then useAlbert Appa is a walk person okay closeitonly 150 degree I’m going to let itslowly I won bank for one hour exactlyone hour okay so we will come back inone hourokay my brick Oh Paul Paul rip baby potrib has been I won big for the past onehour under 150 degree Celsius today I’mgoing to offer this is going to be veryhot so our pie is also very scared I ohI saw them use oven okay let me getsomething long enough[Music]hmm very fragrant[Music]okay the juice is coming up okayokay after carefully take it out want toopen the foil ooh look at how beautifulthe rib turns out to be this few reasonfor this particular first process one ofit of course is we want to make make iteasier to cope later for the second forserving purpose number two you canactually remove part of the oil for thisparticular ebrucaba because it is ratherFatihaso I’m going to okay adjust the angle alittle bit see if I can cut it yeah nowI’m not sure if you know how to cut theribs do not cut most people will tend tocut the meat in the middle no you shouldcut at the edge cut at the edge of thebone okay this way you then only yourribs will have some good amount of meatfor you to bite yeah if you cut in themiddle then you won’t have much to biteon this is something I learned recentlyokay you probably notice here we are themeat is almost cooked is basically coolpart but it is not sharp so the nextthing we are going to do is we want weare going to charge the meat yeah yep soI’m going to keep half and pan-fry theother half okay so this is we are goingto do a second step number two you wantto heat up some oil okay make sure it isvery hot then we just want to char theribsfor probably two three minutes then theywill complete the processso basically like I mentioned in the inthe beginning of the video just now ifyou curious grosser comm actually giveyou two options the first is to buy theraw one which is a much bigger it’s abigger slab like the one you are lookingat in my video that we need to oven bakeit ourself for one hour now there is asecond option where you can buy theready cooked ones which is also going tosell to you in a vacuum pack situationwhich is a marinated the same way andwhat you need to do is to open up thepack the free defrost it and do stepnumber two which is all you need is justto eat some char flavor and color tothis particular dish look at howbeautiful it is right now this isexactly what you want to do[Music]okay you don’t have to cook it for along time because this study is alreadycookedmaximum two three minutes just nice ifyou have an oven you can use high heatto grill both side for a minute or twoish okay or airfryer all rightit’s basically done look at howbeautiful you this let me take a pictureokayrafter you take a fro from the pan letit rest for a minute or two okay thenyou can actually start cutting it nowlet me repeat when you want to cut yourribs do not cut the meat in the middlebetween the ribs no that’s the wrong waybecause the Vieux Carre this way both ofyour ribs is going to be not very meatyso how do we make the meat will it wouldbe very meaty so what you do here is youwill actually cut right next to thebones itself then every cut every carwill have the will be very meaty likewhat’s happening right heresee okay this would be very meatyalright so I will do the same for therest okay so for the guy if you want toimpress your girlfriend this is one wayof one easy way of doing it not justChristmas if you have any home party youwant to impress anyone with a very nicejuicy and very flavorfulnicely charred and very simple to doribs grill ribs or then try this riskfrom curious grocer calm okay if youlike my video do share my video on yourFacebook friends come to cooking up apencil-thin page you click like andfollow button follow up on Instagram andsubscribe to cooking up our YouTubechannel thank you very much

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