BBQ Pork Recipes

Grilled BBQ Pork Chops with Sesame Sprouts Slaw

Chef Tom fires up the Yoder Smokers YS640s Pellet Grill for a west-meets-east barbecue fusion with these Grilled BBQ Pork Chops & Sesame Sprouts Slaw!

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hey everybody I’m chef Tom with a tbqcalm and this is grilled barbecue porkchops with sesame sprout slaw but todaywe’re going to be making a very simplebut flavor-packeddish that you can pull off any night ofthe week and best of all it’s not gonnabust your New Year’s resolutionswe’ll start with a nice lean pork chopsoaking in some marinade to pump up theflavor and we’re gonna grill it off andbrush it with a very light glaze of abourbon barbecue sauce on top of thechop we’ll do a bright green slaw withthe sesame vinaigrette so here we havesome nice big thick bone-in chops as youcan see they’ve already kind of beentrimmed up a little bit of fat left onthe outside I’m not really gonna worryabout any of that we’re just going tokind of leave what’s there behind youcan see the nice lean pork has just thesmallest veins of fat running throughwhich is great it’s a lean product witha little bit of fat to carry the flavorso nothing much to do with these we’rejust going to go straight into a zip-topbag here and add our marinade now forthe marinade we’re using the smoke onwheelspork marinade and injection this is agreat product for pork as the nameimplies it’s got some great stuff in itlike apple juice pineapple juice soysauce have been a worchestershire thingsthat lend itself to all kinds ofdifferent flavor profiles today we’ll begoing Slightly Asian with our flavorprofile but this works just as well fora barbecue profile as well all right solet’s just zip this up we’ll get the airout of there we’ll let these soak inhere for about Oh 30 to 45 minutes whilewe put together a slaw and get the grillgoing so now we’re going to prep theveggies for the slaw just three reallyeasy vegetable ingredients here we’vegot Brussels sprouts bean sprouts andcarrots my Brussels sprouts I’ve alreadyrinsed we’re going to cut that stem endoff we’ll cut these in half here andthen we’re just going to kind of do ashred on them so line them up right nextto each other and slice them as thin asyou can take the stem offcut that in half and then just go in asthin as you can so once you got all yourBrussels sprouts finished off we’ll moveon to our bean sprouts just about aquarter of the weight that you use onyour Brussels sprouts whatever thatnumber happens to be and these we don’twant to chop up too fine we still wantedto have that nice long texture so we’regoing to just go a rough chop and lastwe’ve got our carrot which I scrubbedreally good so we’re not going to botherpeeling that we’re just going to goright on the grater here that largegrate there we go and now we’ve got thatbright orange pop to add to our slawlook at that now before we move on tothe dressing we’re gonna add a littlebit of sugar to our veggies I’ve gotabout 2 teaspoons of sugar here thatwe’re just going to sprinkle over thevegetables and then we’ll just kind ofwork that in there start to break downsome of those cell walls open it up sothat they can release some moisture andthen we’re gonna go build ourvinaigrette so four simple ingredientshere we’re going to start off with ourvinegar we’ve got a quarter cup of ricevinegar and I add to that twotablespoons of soy sauce and onetablespoon of sesame oil now for thatextra citrus pop we’re also going tosqueeze in the juice of half of a limeall right so we’ve got some acid in herewe’ve got some fat in here two thingsthat we have to have for a vinaigrettewe’ve added the soy sauce for the saltand our sugar is already in the slaw sojust a quick shake gives you thattemporary emulsion you get with avinaigrette I’m not gonna add all ofthis at first we’ll make sure that wedon’t have more than we need we justwant to soak the veggies here we can usemost of this and honestly let’s just topit off here if you want to scale thisrecipe up you always can but this is apretty good little amount to make duringthe week something you can get throughbefore it goes bad so let’s check thisout Oh beautiful crunch it’s so brightand acidic but that sesame fat justcalms everything down the fat carriesthe flavor the only thing that I’mthinking we can use is a little bit ofgarnish sesame seed would be a greatgarnish but we’ve also got everythingbagel seasoning so I’m going to shakesome of this in here and this way notonly do we get the sesame seed we alsoget some garlic and some onions um andthose little poppy seeds as well socover this up throw it in the fridge andjust let it sit it’s a good idea to dothis right when you do the porkchopmarinade that way you can kind ofcompact everything this gets a niceamount of time to sit for those juicesto soak up and you’re not wasting timedoing this way ahead during the day sowe’re trying to compact this into a nicelet’s say hour-long scheduleapproximately on that 30 to 45 minutesis up on those chops which we’re comingup on pretty quick here we’re gonna getthem right onto the grill all right wellit’s time to pull these out of themarinade and soaking up all that fruitjuice goodness a little bit of saltinessa little bit of sweetness in therestarting to break things down and I’mjust gonna Pat the surfaces dry hereso that we can put a little bit ofseasoning on the outside but what we’redoing today is a little bit differentthan what we normally do we kind oftalked about all the flavors that weworked into the pork already so insteadof using a dry rub today we’re simplygoing to be using some gochujang pastenow this is a fermented chili paste soit’s got some heat to it it’s also gotsome funkiness and some salt to it andit’s got that nice bright red color sowe’re just gonna rub this into thesurface of our pork chops so we’ve kindof accomplished a bit of a balance herewith with the sweetness in and the saltythis is going to end up more salty thansweet which is fine because we’re gonnafinish it off with a light glaze of ourbourbon barbecue sauce today we’ll begrilling on the Oder smokers ys6 40spellet grill it’s running at 475 degreesI’ve got it set up for direct grillingso we’ve got the door removed on thetwo-piece diffuser so we get directflame onto the grill grates and we dohave grill grates installed on the leftside so that we can get those reallynice sear marks also got the bafflepushed all the way in to really trap theheat in this area so we get some reallynice intense heat I’m gonna hit thegrates here with just a little bit ofduck fat to prevent some stickingand then right on to those super hotgratesall right we’ve been going for aboutfive minutes now look at those grillmarks that’s looking beautiful we’regonna flip this overthese are nice thick steaks so we’vebeen cooking with the door closed thisone’s not quite ready to release yetgetting really close so as soon as thosepop they’re ready to go there we go alittle coaxingso we’ll do the same thing on this sideand then we can kind of get a nicecrosshatch going and always finishindirect if need be alright so somegreat color going on there we’re justgonna turn these slightly so we get thatnice crosshatch going onwe’ll flip them and do this one moretime before moving in to indirect tofinish cooking all right let’s see howthis is lookingWow that’s beautiful I love that verynice let’s go ahead and take a littlereading on the internal temperature herewe’ll start with the big guy in the backdead center we’re still at 90 degreesthat means we’ve got a ways to go seethe little guy right in the hot spot 100so we’re gonna fall in that range we’regonna let these get their grill marksone last time here before we move themindirect so now we’re gonna finish theseindirect we’re shooting for an internaltemperature of 135 to 140 and that’sgoing to finish this in the end at about1:45 after the carry over cooking that’sright where the USDA says that we shouldbe finishing these off and moreimportantly that’s right where we stillhave a very juicy pork chop if you’regoing to go any further than this youreally risk drying them out so Irecommend pulling at 135 to 140beautifulnow remember the baffle is pushed in sowe’ve kind of got this indirect zonecreated right here we can let thesecontinue to come up to temp withoutsignificantly darkening the outside allright well the little guys come up totemp now so we’re going to pull that oneoffthe bigger ones still have a few degreesto go these out yeah about five or so onthe bigger ones so let’s just let thoseride and then as each of these chopscomes off we’re just going to hit itwith a little bit of our smoke on wheelsbootleg barbecue sauce I mean just alight glaze so we’re gonna get somesweetness out of this this has got somereally cool flavors in it as well it’sactually got some Cola in it some somesoda pop[Music]spread it evenly so this is gonnasweeten things up a little bit ofbourbon in there as well so we’re mixingtogether our KC and our Asian flavors onthis one so I would just pop a littlebit of slaw on top of the each one ofthese before serving them now you’vestill got your barbecue but you’ve got anice fresh salad on top as wellall right let’s get a tasteright in the center there let’s take alook oh yeah nice and juicy just barelypink in the middlehmmwell the slaw is the first thing thathits it’s bright its citrusy and thenyou get the smoky char from the porkI’d say the sugar is pretty understatedwhich is great you don’t want a lot ofsweetness in this dish but you reallyget the impression that you’re eatingbarbecue here from KC to the Far Eastit all comes right together well thankyou guys so much for watching be sure tocheck out ATB BQ comm for all theproducts featured in today’s video ifyou enjoyed the recipe hit thatsubscribe button and if you have anyquestions or comments or there’sanything you’d like to see me cook letme know in the comment section downbelow and let’s be good to one anotherfor more recipes tips and techniqueshead over to 80 BB q comm slash thesauce all things BBQ where BBQ legendsare made

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