Watch as Ace’s Grilling Expert, Chef Jason, shows you how to grill pork chops on a gas grill. See the technique for boneless and bone in pork chops.
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Weber Indigo Grill –
GrillGrates –
Chef’s Rubs –
Grill Thermometer –
Cutting Board –
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys thanks for joining us today fortoday’s edition of Ace this recipe I’mchef Jason Morris raised hardwaregrilling and expert we’re hanging outhere in the greenhouse at my local AceHardware getting ready for today’samazing recipe or as I like to call itporca Palooza because today is all aboutthese delicious pork chops we have infront of us we’re cooking again on theweber genesis e-330 grates and then weflip them over to make that plancharight that little griddle that we thinkis so awesome and we’re gonna do acouple of them on the griddle as wellnow if you’re wondering where you canget all the information and find all thecool stuff we’re cooking with today fromgear gadgets and grills you can head upto that guy that is our informationstation and that’ll let you into thewonderful world of barbecuing andgrilling and tell you where you can findall of this whether it’s at your localAce Hardware or an Ace Hardware comm aswell so I think it is time to get upclose and personal do our little food oringredient fly over and then we’ll i’llshow you how we get the grill startedwe’ll show you how we loaded those grillgrates as well and then we will getcooking and pull off three deliciouspork masterpieces today as you can seewe’ve got three different pork chops foryou all providing a really good porkexperience but I think totally differentflavors from chop to chop we’ve got thatcenter cut loin chop which we took it astep further and butterfly that givingus a much bigger surface then we havethat really nice loin chop with a littlebit of that back piece that back musclethat we like but then we left the bonein so this is our single bone-in porkchop I think bone-in chops tastefantastic I mean they all tastedelicious this is gonna be easy fasteasy to eat this is just gonna give youa more robust hearty pork flavor withthat bone and then we finished strongwith the pork porterhouse so kind oflike that t-bone right you’ve got thetea here you’ve got the part that goesdown into the chop separating the loinfrom the tenderloin the beauty of thepork porterhouse is you get the best ofboth worlds you’ve got that pork chopflavor that loin flavor then you’ve gotthat really nice soft easy porktenderloin flavor this is going to giveyou areally good cook a really good sear areally good flavor as well coming fromthat bone so you can’t go wrong with anyof them it’s really a preference andwhat’s available but I was able to go tomy local grocer and find all of thesethere and ask for my nameingredient-wise we’re keeping that easyas well today I think you guys know whenit comes to cooking I really feel likeas much or as little seasoning as youlike and I think you know I alwayscomment a lot about really letting themeat stand out and letting the meatshine and I want the pork to stand aloneon its own and and the seasonings to medon’t become the only flavor they reallybecome an accompanying flavor so whatwe’ve got is a little bit of ourtiki-tiki today we thought we’d kick itup and go a little bit Hawaiian and alittle bit island with just a tiny kickand then we’re gonna go link obviouslywe’ve got pork orink is delicious we’regonna do ink on the bone end chops we’regonna put those on the grill we’re gonnado the Tiki Tiki here on the bonelesschop then we went with just a little bitof canola oil that’s our canola oliveblend then we’re gonna finish strong andglaze a couple of these with fire honeyso let’s do this first here let’s goahead and drizzle just a little bit ofoil on these guys I like the oil as abinder that’s the only reason I’m doingit I want this oil to stick to the porkand I want it to help find and just do areally nice job so I’m not adding somuch that that’s the only flavor allright a little bit of tiki-tiki on herethe reason I’m doing it on these pans aswell when it comes time to flip I can goahead and flip the pan flip the porkchops over get it onto that pan and beset to go all right so little ink onthese guys and again as much as littleas you likeall right so now we’ll go ahead packthis down just a little bit get all thatset and we’re gonna go ahead and flipthese guys so the nice part about thisI’m gonna season these while the grillpreheats kind of like we’ve done beforeI’ll pull the pork out let it sit formaybe ten or fifteen minutes to softenjust a little bit and then while Ipreheat the grill we’ll let that rub doits thing and work its magic and get allthat flavor in there okay so we wentahead and ignited and got the grillfired up and ready to go we’re cookingon the weber genesis to today thatbeautiful ace exclusive indigo bluecolor look at that we’ve got the insidesloaded with grill grates you know I digthese they are such a fantastic additionto my grill really allowing me toamplify that grilling experience I’vegot these grates turned up giving methat hot sear beautiful grill marks andthen those channels where the juicescome back downsizzle explode come back up and reallybathe it in this awesomepork fat flavor right then we’ve got thegrill grates turned up into a planchagiving us that flat surface or that flatgriddle a couple ways you can tracktemps we’ve got two I grow two which isfantastic that’s gonna do a great joballowing you to be connected now throughthe app to your pork chops you load thatprobe in there really tracking thattemperature along the way we are gonnause the Weber snap check today thisbeautiful guy a good instant readdigital does a great job works fast andeasy for us or if your grill has theiGrow three you can utilize that as wellso quick and easy fun simple but hot andfast cooking today on the Weber as youcan see these guys are doing a great jobreally letting that rub soak in rightand it’s just working perfect this isdoing exactly what we want so what we’lldo next is we’ll go ahead and flip theseguys over and pick up any of that extrarub on these chops and then we will getthem over and ready to go on the Weberwe’ve got it all preheated now whatwe’re gonna do is we’re going to goahead and put the first chops on theplanchanow the beautiful part of adding alittle bit of oil also helps when itcomes to the sear and you’ve got abeautiful sear going there we’ll getthese guys started on the plancha nextup we’re gonna do the single bone chopsright thereon those hot hot grill grates and thenwe’re gonna put these pork Porter housesright here now I’ll give them a littlepress down just to make sure I get themembedded in there and get some beautifulbeautiful grill grates but that’s how westart quick and painless that is easyand we get them all set and ready to gonow we’re gonna shut this and let themdo their thing we’re gonna let them cookand get a great sear well we went aheadand rotated these guys a little bit toget some marks on there look at that wegot a beautiful sear so now it is timeto flip and we cooked about six minuteson the first side we don’t want toovercook our pork chops keep in mind thedoneness temperature now that the USDAsays it’s acceptable for pork is that145 degrees totally agree that isbeautiful now a couple things to noticebone-in pork chops are gonna cook alittle bit faster right that bone isgonna conduct some of the heat you’realso gonna see a little bit of thejuices or the marrow come out don’tworry about thattake them to 145 150 and you are in agreat place you’ll also see a little bitof the pork chop starting to turn whitethat is that albumin that is that whiteprotein in the pork starting to cook nowyou’ll also see on this guy some of thatbones starting to sizzle too so really agood kind of overview of the doneness ofpork chops we flipped the guys on theplancha as well but really quick andpainless got the Weber snap check setand ready to go and again I’m goingright into the middle of that chop andlook at that I’m at about 96 degreesthat is perfect on our drive to get tothat 145 let’s go into that chop as wellwe’re at about a hundred and fourteen sowe are still in a good place go intothat pork porterhouse and we’re at about90 so overall really good to check withthat snap check just making sure thateverything is done properly like I saidwe’re gonna take all of these chops to ahundred and forty-five degrees we areabout two minutes away and look at theseguys doing their magic those areabsolutely perfect so again we’ll letthese finish off enjoy that beautifulhot sear andwe will see you at the cutting boardwe’ve got the pork porterhouse thesingle bone chop and the bonelessbutterfly chop pulled them all at 145degrees to give them a chance to rest wewant everything to rest because wereally want those juices to redistributenow we went ahead and cut into this guyso you could see a little bit of thedoneness let’s go ahead and cut into thebone in chop as well pull that 145degrees and look at that that isfantastic so again another easy recipebut is showing you again how to do threedifferent kinds of pork chops hot andfast I think that’s important toremember we went hot and fast on theseto walk in as much juices as possiblewell I’ll tell you I woke up thismorning and said today today is gonna bea good day because I get to eat porkchops right this ASIS recipe video isabsolutely like perfect timing becausewe’ve been doing a lot of pork chopcooking and I really wanted to focus onshowing the difference on those bone-inchops to maybe a butterfly chop that youcan do a little bit on that plancha anda little bit on the on the grill gracethe Weber did fantastic the grill gratesdid fantastic we used like to set alittle bit of our joint Contiki tiki rubfinish these guys off with fire honeyjust to give it a little bit of thatsweet heat today’s recipe can be foundby heading down below into thatdescription section just click that thatwill expand it today’s recipe you canclick print and follow along alwaystrying to show off some good grillskills and really make you masters inthat backyard cooking then while you’redown there hey don’t forget to leave usa comment tell us what do you like whatwould you like to learn and how can webe more helpful I love listening to yourcomments I love responding to yourcomments and it’s always great to haveyou help guide us with what we cook thenwhile you’re down there don’t forget tosubscribe don’t keep this a secret tellall your friends to subscribe to the AceHardware Channel ring that bell clickthose notifications and you’ll benotified when more drool-worthy contentis ready for you and then like we saidin the beginning that I up top that isour information station that lets youinto the world of gear gadgets grillsand shows you really everything that weare cooking with today now you havemastered pork chops right we’ve got porkchops set and ready for youat the end of this video check out ourhow to cook a fillet on the Weber andwe’ve also got world’s juiciest chickenas well so beef pork and chicken at theend of this we’ve got all the videos tocontinue to sharpen your skills and makeyou a legend in the backyard cookingcircuitI’m chef Jason Morris your Ace Hardwaregrilling expert thank you as always forspending a little bit of time with ustoday cooking we enjoy cooking with youwe hope you enjoy cooking with us it istime to do a little quality control andlook at this guy cut ahead of time thatlittle beautiful delicious juicy nuggetof heaven right there we’re going totrim this down yeah there’s like thebest thing that could probably happentoday thanks for joining us