BBQ Pork Recipes

How to Make BBQ Rib Tips in a Crock Pot or Slow Cooker

How to cook pork rib tips or riblets in a crock pot or slow cooker:

Riblet Rub Recipe:
4 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp chili powder
3 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
1 tbsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp dry mustard

1. Season pork riblets with Riblet Rub Recipe
2. Place riblets in crock pot
3. Pour 16 oz of bbq sauce over riblets and mix
4. Optional: Pour 1/8 cup of beer over riblets
5. Cook on low for 4-6 hours
6. Place riblets on rack or baking sheet
7. Place under broiler for 3-5 minutes, you can also throw them on the grill for a little more char.

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________________Products in this video______________________

GlovePlus Industrial Black Nitrile Gloves:
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Nordic Ware Natural Aluminum Commercial Baker’s Half Sheet:
(Amazon US Store) –

Ultra Cuisine 100% Stainless Steel Wire Cooling Rack:
(Amazon US Store) –

Crock-Pot Louisiana State Tigers Collegiate 6-Quart Cook & Carry Slow Cooker:
(Amazon US Store) –

___________________Things I Personally Carry________________________

Carbon Fiber Money Clip Wallet for Men
RFID Blocking Minimalist Credit Card Holder
(Amazon US Store) –

Gerber Bear Grylls Folding Sheath Knife, Serrated Edge
(Amazon US Store) –

__________________ My Camera Gear _______________________

Canon EOS 70D Body:
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Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM Lens:
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GVM Camera Slider Track Dolly Slider Rail System:
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Neewer 20 inches Mini Tripod:
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Ulanzi U Rig Pro Phone Video Stabilizer:
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ULANZI L1 Pro Mini LED Light –
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Music from YouTube Audio Library

Music from Epidemic Sound Audio Library

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Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music]hey what’s going on guys hey welcomeback to another episode of bad beatsbarbecue it’s rain we’re gonna be doingsome riblets in the crock pot okay sowhat I have here is some rib pieces thatare left over from when we did a cook afew months ago and we trimmed them downst. louis-style I keep all of that inthe freezer for cooking maybe later andthat’s what we’re gonna be doing hereokay so we are going to be seizing theseand putting them in the crock pot andgetting them prepped and we don’t seehow they come out okay so don’t gonowhere we’re going to do the short prepwork and it will have a taste test inabout six hours all right guys we’regonna take our riblets we’re gonna putthem on our baking sheet here all aboutrib pieces now you can either buy rivetsin the store already or like I said youcan save the trimmings from yourspareribs when you cut them down st.Louis style and use those later onalright so we are going to use mr.shears sauce or watch your sister sauceand as a binder hit these right quickthis is gonna just add another depth offlavor to your ribletsthe only thing cooking on this wayyou’re gonna miss out on that smokeflavor I don’t like to use a liquidsmokeI think artificial liquid smoke has aartificial taste you know so I don’t useit so but what I’m gonna do is I’m gonnado a video in a couple of weeks onsmoking salt and I know there’s severalof my there I’m gonna smoke my own saltand I think adding smoked salt to yourrub when you’re cooking indoors and theother in the crock pot this may add alittle bit of that smoke flavor thatyou’re missing by not cooking on the ona smoker okayall right so now that we have our binderon here this is our rub okay and this isjust an empty bottle and I mixed up therub and I put the rub up here on thescreen as you can see it’s got brownsugar in it black pepper kosher saltit’s got that freaking and cumin and abunch of other flavors dried mustard andI this should be enough for the amountof ribs that we have or rivers that wehave and so all we’re gonna do is justcut these wellso we’re gonna sprinkle each one andmake sure they can get a a decentcoating of rub so let me finish this upand I’ll be right back all right guys sowe got all of our riblets season andeverything is gonna go ahead and throwthese into crock pot and this is a 6quart crock pot so you don’t want tofill it up to the top you want to givethem room to cook there we go all rightso now we have our riblets in the crockpot this is 16 ounces of your favoritebarbecue sauce we’re using sweet babyRay’s just cuz I got one of those bigtwo gallon bottles upstairs ok so we’regonna pour our barbecue sauce over itand we’re gonna reserve a little bit ofthis for later on ok cover like so and Ilike to kind of mix them around makesure the sauce is on everything it’llspread around while it’s cooking in thecrock pot for 6 from 4 to 6 hours but Ijust want to make sure that everythingis coated alright and we have a littlebarbecue sauce left for our final pieceon this all right the last thing I wantto do is hit it with a little bit ofbeer nothing like a little blue moon togive it a little oh not that much just asparkle just a sprinkle okay all rightand we go for the top on it and thereyou have it so we’re gonna put this onlow for 4 to 6 hours then we come backwe’re gonna put them on the rack and putthem under the broiler and we’re gonnahave a taste test we’re gonna seeexactly how these crock pot riblets comeout so hey don’t go nowherealright guys so it’s been five hourssince our riblets have been in the crockpot then we’re gonna take them outand put them on this rack they smellgood all right let’s see we can takethese out without them following thepieces I’m on this baking rack and sowhat we’re gonna do is we’re going toput a little bit more sauce on these andthen we’re gonna take them upstairs andput them in the oven under the broilerfor three to five minutes to get themnice and charged look like mybrother-in-law I said even got realbarbecue unless you got some char on soall right so this is a little bit of ourreserved barbecue sauce that we had leftover from the initial cook I’m justgonna hit these againall right that’s it so let’s head up tothe broiler oven didn’t put that finaltouch on it and we’ll see what we get[Music]alright guys so that ends our cook wejust took him out of the brawler theywas in there for about five minutes justto get a little char on top up you canleave him in there a little bit longerif you want to but I thought fiveminutes was good okay so you saw theclose-up of them they look pretty goodso let’s go ahead and have a taste testand see if they’re tender and if they’reflavorful okay then they smell reallygoodall right let’s see what we got here isa very good they’re tender they got alot of flavor Tom they’re tangy theseare really really good and I like saidfor me they’re not as good as if youthrow them out on the smokerneither authentic smoke flavor in anauthentic smoke texture that barbequegives when it’s on the smoker ratherthan being put in the crock pot but forcrock-pot riblets you can’t go wrongwith these gotta get another bite whilethese are very very good well that’s allwe have time for today I want to thankmy friend Carla pool for giving us thisgreat LSU crock pot we’re gonna be doingplenty of cooks in it also all theingredients for the rub and everythingand the directions will be down in thedescription block of the video okay andlike I said riblets four to six hours sothrow them on early that morning beforethe big game and they’ll be ready thatafternoon when you guest around okaywell that’s all we have time for todayand like we always say where there’ssmoke there’s fire it was fire endemicthere just might be a barbecue there yesalways it will see you guyssmoke I’m good really good

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