Hi and welcome to my channel. In this video I will be showing you how to make this amazing special dinner for your love one. We al know that we are in the month of valentines! And everyone is thinking about that special gift to give. Think no more because this is an amazing recipe that your love one will appreciate a lot. I know most of us love going out to restaurant to eat but trust me there is nothing that beat home cooked meal hahaha. So add this recipe into your special occasion menu I promise you will never regret it ?.
If you like this home cooked special dinner please subscribe like this video and share to your love ones as well.
Thanks for watching and I will see you in my next video bye.
Meat seasoning
Olive oil
Rosemary fresh
Garlic fee gloves
For potatoes
Fresh potatoes
Olive oil
To season
Lemon zest,salt,rosemary and black pepper
Valentines anniversary .
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi everyone and welcome back to mychannel in this video I’m going to beshowing you how to make this deliciouscomplete dinner so these are theingredients you’re going to be needingsome beef some Rose may read meatseasoning extra virgin of olive oil saltyou can use black of a asshole if thatif you want okayand here is my potatoes out of thesefive potatoes I’m going to be usingthree potatoes okayand I’m going to be showing you thissauce later how to prepare these songsthe magnetic sauce later so the potatoesare well clean like I’ve washed them theback of the potatoes so right now I’mgoing to still light them because I’mgoing to be baking these potatoes in theoven I’m not going to be frying but ifyou don’t have open please go ahead andfry or you can boil the potatoes as wellokay it’s just your choiceso after slicing the potatoes I’m goingto be using tomato here as you can see Iadded them into the bowl and I’mcovering them with my playing few theseI’m going to pump that potato into mymicrowave for five minutesthis helps to reduce the time of cookingin the oven but if you don’t havemicrowave or you you want to bake goahead and do that okayit’s just optional but it helps to getthe put it to halfway cooked before ovenso here is after five minutes guys theyput now I’m going to add the potatoesinto my casserole so at this point I’mgoing to be adding extra vision of oliveoil just drizzle a little oily aroundthe potatoes please do not add salt atthis point are these moments okay I’mgoing to be seasoning that after mixingthem I’m going to add the rosemarybecause rosemary gives you baked potatoa very nice taste so you might want totry it if you haven’t tried it thembefore okay so after adding the rosemaryis what I’m going to put them in theoven and I’ll order to bake or to cook[Music]oh ho is already preheated and I’m goingto bake that until the British Cod crepesee okay so why the potato is cooking Iwaited for the potato to be almostkilled before I before seasoning themeat all can’t preseason they’ve madeand allow them to sit okay so I’m usingmy meat seasoning can get use any midseason of your choice okay I’m going todesign both side we can eat seasoningand a little bit of salt after that I’mgoing to throw in some sliced garlicgarlic and rosemary gives your beefthere’s this unique taste it gives toyour beef okay so if you haven’t triedbefore give it a try so over the heat Iplaced my grill pan over the heat thisis optional guys I love to drizzle alittle bit of olive oil before addingthe beef but he found that add the beefdirectly into the pan okayjust your choice so I’m going to gripboth side of the beef and it alsodepends on the size of the beef you’regrilling my is a little bit thick soit’s going to take a little bit timebecause my hot one perfet cooked beeflike well-cooked not half way and itdepends on how you love yours if youdetect I love eating half done beef justcook yours the way you want it okay soas you can see I’m flipping my over soallow them to cook swamp oil so allowthat to continue cooking and here is theattempt to prepare the motivating sauceso that is Badman vinegar and extravision of olive oil and that is rosemaryand some garlic the salt is totallyoptional okay because the meat hasalready so you don’t even have to addsalt into the marinating sauce so goahead and mix them on today our combinedthis sauce you’re going to add the meatwell the moments they come out of theagree you’re going to put the meat intothis sauce flip them over after twominutes so this is my rucola this saladI’m going to be using and the potatoesare out of the oven as you can see thecolor of the potatoso that spicy I’m holding in my hand isall lemon seeds salt black pepper androsemary like I blend everythingtogether just use them to marinate youbut it will give them a very nice flavoralight affirm it takes them to the nextlevel ties so after I’m done with thepotatoes the meat is well cooked I’madding the meat into my sauce so I’mgoing to allow it each side to stay forabout 2 and 1/2 minutes then I will flipthem over for them to get that as avinegar taste and rosemary and thegarlic you’re going to love thisso this is after 4 minutes or so I’mgoing to I’m slicing the meat this ishow my husband loved they made the meathe just loved the beef to be well cookedokay but I like I said he can cook ushalfway so go ahead and slice I look atthat pinkish color my god this tasted sogood like so so good guys need to giveit a try especially in this specialoccasion you just want to prepare dinnerat home I especially Neverland time iscoming up just make the dinner for yourhusband you appreciate it so so muchthis will take care of my god I don’tknow but this you need to give it a trybecause you won’t understand like as I’msaying it here so please give this a trylet me know what you think about itthank you guys for watching and I willsee you in my next video trust me yourhusband you love your friends yourbrother your father we are going to lovethisalright guys see you guys later bye