BBQ Beef Recipes

Our First Smoked Brisket | Tepro 1087 Biloxi Offset BBQ

Building our Tepro 1087 Biloxi Offset BBQ Pit Barrel Smoker and smoking a 10lb beef brisket.

For the fire, we used a combination of Oakwood chips and Whiskey Oak Barrel Chunks in the side chamber, and for the season we just made a rub of salt and black pepper.


Wood Chips:

Wood Chunks:

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We’re Cameron and Daniella, a Disney obsessed married couple from Scotland and are the proud parents of fur Baby Jarvis (A Cocker Spaniel) and soon to be parents of a small human too!

We took up vlogging on our Honeymoon to Disneyland (and more of California) and now post videos every Tuesday and Friday! We also post daily on our Instagram account @OurPrideRock

#Smoker #BBQ #Brisket #DisneyCouple

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Video Transcription

good morning or at least days for me sotoday’s video it’s gonna be a little bitoff topic today I’m smoking my firstever brisket so I’m just back from mylocal butchers who’ve given me thisgorgeous 10 pound slab of meat this isthe fatty side which is a side we willbe laying up on its end my smoker andlet’s see how much effort it takes toflip it over and show you the other sideso this is the other side of her knowI’m no expert so I don’t know up to methis is a gorgeous big red pile of meatso next step is seasoning which I have alittle Bowl off here pre-mixed groundblack pepper and coarse sea salt you’regetting out both sidesin fact every side that can and in hereand then you leave that to sit overnightin the fridge wrapped and it’ll be anearly start tomorrow tonight I stillhave to build the actual smoker I’llshow you a processor that quickly afterI have oak chunks and oak wood chippingsfor a bit of flavor but I will be usingcharcoal to try and maintain the flameso let’s see how this goes time forseasoningyouokay hi I made a bit of a mess but sheis seasoned generously I managed to getas much of the size as possible I thinkshe asked I could do Italy bit more onthis sideI’m ideally a bit more just kind of takethese bits here there we go oh she issmelling and looking absolutely stylet’s flip it over see the other sideyou can see that I’ve got this big wedgehere oh look at that look that in hereas wellwhole thing is seasoned so the plan islet this rest absorb all up I’m sorry Ijust off my days I’m so in love with heralreadyso yeah – let it rest put it back in thefridge and then tomorrow cooker I thinkit’s gonna take it somewhere between 8and 10 hours to get us cooked at myinstructions I have a meat probesomewhere on the smoker itself has athermometer on the main chamber so I’llknow when it’s hot enough to put it inbe able to put it in once the meatprobes in and take it out when I knowshe’s done so on to the next part thesmoker itself okay so the next stepbuilding the smoker so I forgotten whatmodel exactly I’ve gotten back on hertempura BiloxiI’m not entirely sure oh she had goodreviews whenever I looked at her onlineso next thing is building it let’s seehow this goes he doesn’t look veryhelpful or helpful let’s seeyouokay so the barbecue is mostly completeso our smoker I suppose days of avec youso here’s a chamber where the fuel goesand here’s the actual barbecue you cansee inlet there not know if you can ornot yeah so two issues one are hamperedit wheels on yet and two I don’t knowwhat this is I cannot for the life of mefind it anywhere in the instructions itdoesn’t appear to be apart seriously Idon’t know where this thing came fromwell Jarvis mmm good boy I see you tooso yes we’re gonna put the tram put thewheels on and then I don’t know what todo with that bit so let’s see how thisgoes okay so I read through it again andI think this is it here might theashtray 11 which is not noted in thepicture at the long size of the charcoalgreat 10 which is that okay so I alreadyhad that in and hang it bad about aboutabout so I think this is what it meansah come on focus you there we go so Ithink that’s the ashtray there and thenthat goes in so set the camera here andthen I lord this end this is the ashtrayto the position I needit’s just a lure as far as possible foran eye to get out of the way sosuggestible there and then pick my lastbet said you cannot seem to impress popyou don’t eaten your breakfast eitheryeah okay we’ll take you out in a minuteyeah there we gosign there you go that’s it bill thereis the smoker ready for tomorrowso brisket has been on for seven and ahalf hours now it’s currently sitting atlet’s see is off it / 221° it’s atemperature inside there yeah shallsmoke herself disagrees so I’ve beenusing oak a little bit of charcoal toget it started okaychunks and chippings comes in there andas it’s been in there for so longlet’s have a quick peek because we’rehaving people around and I don’t know ifI’ll show you laterthere she is beauty and there’s the bullfull water to keep it humid in there Iknow I know I know you’re not supposedto peek but I did this is barbecue I’llbe using for the burgers and sausagesI saw the corner for myself and bit of aSun trap over thereso I’ll take some pictures when she’sdone[Music]

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