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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone my name is pan Bajaj andI’m a chef and baker from Nagpur India Iam going to share a very nice recipewith you all today it’s called greatchicken steak with creamy garlicmushroom sauce and I’m sure that all ofyou will love it and it’s so easy tomake and you can make it in under 30minutes and most of the ingredients arevery easily available so you can findthem anywhere and let’s get this recipestarted also one thingthis recipe is gluten free it is almostketo and it’s comparatively healthierthan all the other recipes which we guyspost and I’m sure that all of you willlove it[Music]so for this recipe you need wholechicken breasts you cannot use thesmaller pieces and that’s why we areusing this whole breast and I’m justgoing to take the fat off it like thisalso you can use a nice sharp knife todo the same and that’s it you just haveto clean the best very nicely in waterif you don’t then some of the bacteriamight still be there and one thing isvery important by making anything withchicken to wash your hands after youtouch the raw chicken because if youdon’t then the bacteria might stay withyour hands and you can you knowcontaminate all your other ingredientsso if you see this chicken breastclosely you will find that there aresome thicker portions and then there aresome star like you know thinner portionsso we need to thin this part out so thatthe chicken breast can cook evenly fordoing that we are going to use a ziplockbag and we just put a chicken breastinside the bag I’ll pay you to do thatjust press on it like a nicely then justtake a rolling pin and smash it so thatthe thicker part bin becomes thinnerlike this so this is also good for humworkout just kidding don’t overdo itjust till the chicken breast is nice andeven I think we are just getting thereso yeah as you can see the chickenbreast is almost very even after thatbeer is going to wash your hands nicelyand keep the chicken aside these are allthe spices which we are going to use sohere is some salt some pepper somepaprika some Mexican chili seasoning youcan also use chili flakes some mixedherbs and some parsley so now we justsprinkle all of our spices over thischicken breast at first I am going toadd some salt to taste you can be alittle bit jealous about this becausethe salt needs to go inside the chickenbreast now for some pepper you need tobe careful about this step because ifyou don’t wash your hands properly thebacteria can stick to your hands andthen you can contaminate all of thesespices now for some paprika this is myfavorite of allsome Mexican seasoning you can also usesome chili flakes some parsley and somemixed herbs or oregano whatever you haveone hand so that’s it for this step weare going to add some olive oil and somelemon juice and then we’re going tomassage it you just need a little bit ofolive oil a couple of drops on each sidethat’s it and some lemon juice a fewdrops as well and we are now going togive it a massage your hands need to beclean at all times in this step bymassaging it you are ensuring that thespices go right into itso that the inside of it doesn’t tastebland and then we are just going to youknow wipe it off like this just flip itover and repeat all the steps againafter you’re done with mandating both ofthe sides all you have to do is justleave it for a couple of minutes around15 minutes so that it can get marinatedthe best part about this recipe is thatyou can change the spices and you canuse anything if you don’t have paprikayou can use thyme basil rosemaryanything if you can just even skip it orelse you can add some coriander now forthe mushroom sauce obviously we needsome mushrooms so we need five mushroomsfor this we also need to fight a sixcloves of garlic half an onion and somefresh parsley or any of the herbs youlike we also need some butter and someoil firstly we will just clean ourmushrooms with a clean cloth never washyour mushrooms because that they actlike a sponge and they absorb all thewater after you’re done cleaningthem just remove these ends off likethis cut them into nice thin slicesafter you done with that just take halfof this big onion and finely chop itafter you’re done just finely chop thesesix please six pieces of garlic as wellso now the prepping is done and we areready to make our creamy garlic mushroomsauce in a pan add one tablespoon ofbutter and around one tablespoon ofolive oil or any other oil then justheat the pan at medium low heat afterthe bulk butter has melted and you canhear the sizzling sound just add in allyour mushroomsjust saute these mushrooms in butteruntil they have reduced in size and Ihave turned lightly golden brown tospeed up the process we are going to addsome salt in around two pinches themushrooms are going to reduce a lot insize you can see that very soonas you can see the mushrooms have youknow reduced almost by half now we aregoing to add the onions we’re going tosaute the onions until they turnslightly Brown garlic’s take very lesstime to get sorted so it will be onlyone or two minutes and then we can addthe rest of the ingredients we are nowgoing to add one cup of whole milkactually 3/4 cup of whole milk and 2tablespoons of fresh cream you canchange this ratio it depends on howcreamy the sauce you want it will bedone in another five minutes I just lovethe flavor of garlic and this sauce isjust the best and I am sure thateveryone of you will love this you cansee that the sauce is now done as it’svery thick and it will thicken up onceit’s cooled down so we are just going toturn off the heat now and we’ll add someseasonings like a pinch of salt somefreshly ground pepperand some fresh parsley you can justavoid this and have add any other herbsyou like like coriander thyme rosemaryanything and just mix it all together ifyou want it to be less creamy or youknow liquidy then you can add a bit ofmore milk now just keep that pan asideand take a grill pan and it’s time togrill our steakso just take the built pan and add someoil to it and some butter just turn onthe heat on low medium flame and waitfor the butter to melt so this is ofcomparatively healthier recipe becauseyou v are not putting any thickeningagent like maidaI mean all-purpose flour or corn flouror anything else so this is a pure milkbased dairy recipe of the white sauceand now for the steak it is a ketorecipe it has mostly proteins because weare using a chicken breast and now it’stime to put our chicken breast onto thepan just take a pair of tongs lift it upfrom one end and put it on right on thekey to making a good state is to not youknow disturb it while it is you knowgrilling on one side so now we could bejust going to wait for a couple ofminutes around for five minutes till thefirst side is done and then we are goingto flip it over if you see closely thechicken size has been you know reduced alittle bit which means it has started tocook and it has started to come off fromthese edges so which means we are almostready to flip it up you can also useyour tongue and just press it like thison the slightly thicker portion so thatit gets cooked evenly this also helps inbringing out those grill marks it’s timeto flip the bit as you can see you havewe have received very nice grill marksjust press it down a little bit and letit cook for 3 to 4 minutes on the otherside a steak is now done as you can seethe other side is now fully grill youcan also hold it like this for a fewseconds so that this is also cookedproperly you can just see the smokecoming in and it’s really interestingand steak is very juicy as well now it’stime to plate it up[Music]thank you so much for watching thisvideo till the end and if you have watchthis video till the end just comment athumbs up and thank you so much againand please subscribe to my channel sothat you can stay tuned to all of thesewonderful recipes I’m going to post andfollow me on Instagram as well thank you