BBQ Chicken Recipes

Grilled chicken caesar salad with tomatoes – Savory

You can make this main-course salad using a stovetop grill pan or an outdoor grill. Keep the heat moderate to avoid scorching the veggies.

4 medium eggs
1 garlic clove
1/3 cup olive oil
4 slices artisan bread
8 oz cherry tomatoes, on the vine
4 small heads romaine lettuce
10 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast
2 oz Parmesan cheese
6 tbsp caesar salad dressing

Boil eggs for 7 min. Run under cold water and peel. Meanwhile, blend garlic and olive oil and set aside.Cut each bread slice in half and brush with 1/3 of the garlic oil. Using a well heated grill pan, grill the slices for 4 min., turning once.

Snip the tomatoes on the vine into small clusters (don’t remove from the vine) and grill for 3 min., or until skins brown and blister. Cut the romaine hearts through the middle into quarters and brush with half of the remaining garlic oil. Grill for 3 min., turning once.

Brush the chicken with remaining oil, season with salt (in moderation) and pepper and grill for 4 min., turning once to ensure the meat is cooked through.

Arrange the bread, chicken, romaine hearts and tomatoes on 4 plates. Halve the eggs and place on the salad. Shave the Parmesan. Drizzle salad with the dressing and sprinkle with Parmesan. That’s how you make grilled chicken Caesar salad with tomatoes.

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Video Transcription

make your very own fresh and savorygrilled chicken caesar salad withtomatoes boil eggs for seven minutesrun under cold waterand peelmeanwhile blend garlic and olive oiland set aside cut a loaf of bread intoslicesand brush with one-third of the garlicoilusing a well heated grill pan grilledthe slices for four minutes turning oncesnip the tomatoes on the vine into smallclusters don’t remove them from the vineand grill for three minutes or until theskins brown and blister cut the romainehearts through the middle into quartersand brush with half of the remaininggarlic oil grill for three minutesturning oncebrush the chicken with remaining oilseason with pepper and salt the tasteand grill for four minutesyouturning one to ensure the meat is cookedthrough arrange the bread romaine heartschickenand tomatoes on four plates have theeggs and place on the saladshave the parmesan and serve with thedressing and that’s all it takes to makea savory and delicious grilled chickencaesar salad with tomatoes

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