BBQ Beef Recipes

Katies Beef Jerky Smokey BBQ And Spicy Smokey BBQ

For Smokey BBQ –
For Spicy Smoky BBQ –

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

today we try and Katie’s be jerky thisKatie’s smoky barbecueKatie’s spicy smoky barbecue so I’mgonna try itwe’ll try smoky barbecue first we’regoing to read it on flavor and spicinessobviously this won’t have these placeflavor you’re the six out of ten forflavorphaonadaughter so this is spicy barbecue so Igive this a 1-1 for heat and a six againfor flavor linguist is sister and thatis Katie’s smoked barbecue beef jerkyand spicy smoky barbecue teacher thankyou for watching please subscribe onkitchen action

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