BBQ PORK RIBS AND CHICKEN FINGERS MUKBANG. First attempt. I feel like I failed but I didn’t want everything to go into waste if I didn’t post this video. Struggle is real! Audio is terrible – but I enjoyed it and I hope you guys will do too.
Zark’s Burgers – Chicken Fingers
Canto – Lomo Ribs
I will try my best to do better for my next videos 🙂
#bbqribs #zarkschickenfingers #conanbavarian
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Thanks for watching!!!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys this is coming behind welcometo my youtube channel this is my veryfirst McDonald video we’ll be doing a ofPantelis know my ribs and Zach’s armchicken fingers[Music][Music][Music][Music]Red AlertI’m telling you guys this is gonna bemessyI think reversing the first for the sidethis is for our motives[Music]yeah[Music][Music]yeah it’s great it’s for mashed potato[Music]happiness is he a national commercialcommercial theater as hell[Music]my maturity above six6:00 p.m.thereokay that one Apple is interestingperson[Music]and this was – unless[Music]just our side let’s draw us it can’tpossibly drink without some sauce so youknow start to strengthen my hand I’llmake sure you know before you I’m usingthe bare hands wash your hands alwaysmake sure to wash your hands before you[Music]those huh[Music]like a kid[Music]- potato[Music]over to meso president American client maybe thisis not and the video that you shouldwatch so video hugging a better part ofthis on my tab sloth but not so[Music]I think this is a barbecue flavor Iremember that that a bug I think mrs.Arness the water when I’m chickenfingers needed to ask for a favor andmost of all and I’m introducing a seniorticket of angry gorilla to me the makingan important favor anything else happenalso automatically they gave this to usI think it’s barbecue barbecue[Music]there are so much food I hope I canfinish all this[Music]you look about easy being in theSorbonne Bobby :I’m Japan telecasting PLO look at thatsome but not allfocus massage on you know how that works[Music]well after this month I’m going to be sofull so I what’s going to happen to me[Music]she wasn’t evil of your ways and itdidn’t even last your name immigrantsMachado good to know this[Music]many qalam qalam mouse has a mealwhile eating in butsudan coupon thatItalian girlgaku[Music]anything is available till the trainlike TJ go out there[Music][Music]protection[Music]wasn’t ugly chicken tears that it bleedsmuch I got the ha haso bring them but no so broad and there[Music]so done but not it was on the Bonner[Music]how does me know how just looking onOh God[Music]kamil only not enter[Music][Music]moving a stupid[Music]so this is what we have left you seelatino men are allowed[Music]another solid gonna make anotherthe mashed potato[Music]there’s no healing support that it’s amust try it don’t know moods[Music]when you barely look it was gonna besorryit’s a messy[Music]it’s really good reception to sleep to600 vessels[Music]especially 600 pesos to fill this aboutmethyl oh there’s a good for Iike sorrypumpers on to the money so you can shareit with others they’re getting to theschool on me beforebeautiful silver necklace tonight we’regonna share it with your special someonegood Marilyn[Music]sort of[Music]oops lesson number twoa little chopped offender[Music]so I was hoping to do enough bone I’mnot sure if I did it right it’s that I’mso fullthen the square hole dug a loner it’s nomuscadine oh so pretty no chickenfingers Ozarks so I ate a lot to finishthis my second quarter[Music]so so that’s it this is the end of myfirst knockdown video I hope you guysliked it please like and share the videoand also please subscribe to my channelif you want to see more lip bubblevideos with common B and that’s it I’llsee you again maybe tomorrow or nextweek bye