BBQ Turkey Recipes

WARNING!! The BEST Turkey Wings Recipe | How To Make Turkey Wings |Oven Baked Turkey Wings In Gravy

#Turkeywings #Food #Yummy

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1 Tsp Cajun seasoning
1 Tsp all purpose seasoning
1 Tsp everyday seasoning
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Onion Powder
1 Tsp seasoning salt
1 Tsp chicken seasoning
1 smoked paprika
1 black pepper

1 Spoon olive oil
1 Tsp parsley

3 cloves loves garlic
3 straw spring onions
1 onion
Small amount fresh Tyme
Tiny amount scotch bonnets Pepper

1 Spoon olive oil
2 Spoon dark soya sauce
Add 1/4 cup water to your seasoning bowl
1 Spoon Butter

Pure gravy in a jar add 1 Spoon Plain flour,1 Spoon dark soya sauce and
add remaining seasoning taste to your liking
1/4 Cup Of water
150 degrees Celsius

Cooking total 1 hour 55 minutes

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Video Transcription

hey JC squad if you guys want to see ourI made the best turkey wings justcontinue to watch this video when I’mtelling you this recipe is finger-lickinit’s delicious I’m telling you guysplease give me a thumbs up and subscribeto my youtube channel if you haven’talready stay tuned for the videohi guys this is Jody cookie and welcomeback to my channel today I’m gonna makesome turkey wings yeah so that’s myturkey wings right there in thatcontainer already wash it is clean andguys as you can see it is so big theseare all of my seasoningI have Cajun seasoning I haveall-purpose seasoningI have everyday seasoning I have garlicpowder I have onion powder I have seasonsalt chicken seasoning smoky paprika andblack pepper and it is one teaspoon okayso first you just want to blend all ofyour seasoning together just make sureit is all combined okayso first guys I’m gonna add one spoon ofolive oil to my turkey wing then I’mjust gonna rub it cuz I want it to benice and moistyou know if you don’t have olive oil youcan always use vegetable oil also so nowI’m gonna add my seasoning to my turkeywings just make sure you just sprinkleit all on your turkey wings okaythen I’m just gonna take my beer endsand I’m just gonna massage all thatseasoning right on my turkey wings justmake sure guys all the turkey wings isall covered in this seasoning okay cuzyou want your turkey wings to be niceand full of flavorand guys remembered you can always use agloves but I prefer to use my bare handsokay so now I’m just adding some moreseasoning to my turkey wings and as youcan see I flip it over on the other sideso this is totally optional but I’madding 1 spoon of parsley so you canbring out the color yeah you’re justgonna take your hand and just rub it allin okay so these are all of my herbshere I have 3 cloves of garlic as youcan see I cut it up I also have somespring onions 1 onion some fresh thymeand just a tiny bit of scotch bonnetpepper okay so now I’m just gonna add itto my turkey wings so HAFTER you had allof your herbs no you’re just gonna takeyour hands and you’re just gonna mix itall in okayso I’m gonna add at least just ateaspoon of olive oil just a bit more tomy turkey wings then you’re just gonnatake your hand and just massage it allin so I’m gonna add at least twospoonful of dark soya sauce to my turkeywings then after you’re just gonna takeyour hands and you’re just gonna mix itall in okayso all of my turkey wings is allseasoning and guys remember you canalways leave it to marinate okay so noguys I am about to bake my turkey wingsso here I have my tray and to my tray Iadd some baking paper so as you can seeI’m adding some oil to my baking paperyou’re just gonna take your hands afteryou add your oil then you’re just gonnadab it all on your baking paper becausethe reason why I add oil I don’t want myturkey wings to stick so that’s thereason why so know I’m adding my turkeywings to my baking trayso that’s the ball that I used to seasonmy turkey wings no I’m adding at leastquarter cup of water as you can see I’mjust shaking it and now I’m gonna alsoadd 1 spoon of dark soya sauce okay thenyou just want to shake it guys just makesure everything is all plain they justwanted to pour it all on your turkeywings okayI’m just using my spoon just to base myturkey wingsso guys I’m gonna add at least one spoonof butter to my tray and I’m just gonnaallow my turkey wings to bake for atleast 1 hour and 45 minutes and I’mgonna also cover it I’m gonna cover mybaking tray with some foil paper so itwill cook sure okay so I just remove myturkey wings from the oven so now I’mjust gonna remove the foil paper andthat’s what it look like as you can seethe steam is coming right out and guysit look amazing it smells so so so sogood I’m telling youso now I’m just taking my spoon and I’mjust basing my turkey wings I’m basingall that butter sauce right I need tosay nice and moist and juicy okayI’m just showing you guys all my turkeywings look up close and guys it is niceand tender I’m telling you I’m gonna putit back in my home and guys so staytuned okay and I’m gonna also add somemore butter to eat at least one spoonso no I’m adding my butter to my turkeywingsso guys as you can see I remove all theliquid from the tray and place it into alarge glass container so now I’m gonnaadd at least one spoon of plain flourthen you’re just gonna take your spoonand just mix it all in as you can seesome of the floor is a bit lumpy soyou’re just gonna take your spoon guysand just press on it okay so it will benice and dissolved what I’m doing rightnow guys I’m making my gravy for myturkey wings yeahso that’s what my gravy looks like afteras you can see it is nice and smooth sonow I’m adding at least one spoon ofdark soya sauce then guys I’m gonna addmy remaining seasoning that’s left backfrom the beginning of the video okaythen it just want to mix just make sureeverything is all combined so I’m gonnaadd at least quarter cup of water to mygravy then I’m just gonna mix it all inthen I’m just gonna pour it all on myturkey wingsso after I pour all the gravy on myturkey wings I’m gonna put it back in myoven guys for at least 10 minutes and150 degrees Celsius so finally finallymy turkey wings is all finished and guysI’m telling you you look amazing and ittastes absolutely delicious the gravy isnice and take it is tender that’sexactly oh I want it just perfect I’mgonna place them for you guys and showyou guys how it looks on the plate sostay tunedI’m just giving you guys just anup-close look and or delicious my turkeywings look I just garnished it with somepepper and with some spring onionsso guys I’m serving my turkey wings withsome mashed potato and with some greenbeans you can serve your with rice riceand peas with salad with broccoli youknow whatever you preferredI choose mashed potato because I believemashed potato goes so perfectly with itso that’s the reason why so now I’m justadding my turkey wings to my plate andyou know your girl gotta add some gravyso here I am adding some delicious gravyto my turkey wings yeah it’s all aboutthat good good gravy[Music]so my turkey wings is all plated up guysdon’t forget to give me a big big thumbsup for this video and guys please sharethis video to your families and to yourfriends and all over on your socialmedia I will really really appreciatethe support guys I really needed it guysand don’t forget to subscribe to myyoutube channel if you haven’t alreadyand eat that notification button so youcan receive more delicious videos likethese I thank you all so much forwatching until next time byestay blessed keep smiling keep laughing

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