BBQ Turkey Recipes

Fall Grilled Smoked Turkey Wings, you don’t want to miss this!!

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[Music]youtell me when you ready okay so today Idecided to smoke some turkey legs soakedin vinegar for the nightso I’m chicken I didn’t soak the chickenand it’s raining so it’s like a realnice smokethe turkey is really tastyyou know you soak it in vinegar oh mygod it’s good and the chicken and I’mjust smoking this real slow and by theend of the night when I’m done with itit’s gonna be nice and brown so what Idid was barbecue the arm the charcoalall the way to the back of the grill sowhen I come forward it’s not gettingdirect fire so all it’s getting is thatsmoke so you see the nice tone on it sowe’ll be back to show you some more okayso this is what it looks like after I’mdone with itnow remember I soaked the turkey legsand vinegar all night soI didn’t soak the chicken because Idon’t want to check it allMoshe but the turkey leg is nice andsmalllike I say you know I’m not the chef ofthe world but when I do it at times wewould have my needleso you can try it that’s it for nowfolks everything looks good thanks forwatching subscribe like and share thankyou don’t forget to subscribe try tosmoke circulates and smokes turkey wingseven barbeque and in in in Septemberwith vinegar and also I forgot tomention that I did soak these in hotsauce also did sodium and soaked in hotsauce so turkey legs is gonna be realnice and spicy but not too hot so spicyenough the nice kept to it so that’s itthank you[Music]

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