Co-owner of Slap’s BBQ and award-winning pitmaster, Joe Pearce, shows how to smoke a turkey breast.
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
well this recipe is gonna have yousaying more than thanks on Thanksgivingwe have Joe Pierce owner of slaps BBQwith us today to talk about how to makeyou tender and juicy turkey paired withsome crispy flavorable flavorful turkeyskin cracklins so you’re gonna walk usfrom like basically start to finishstart to finish here I’m yeah so this isyour weirdest trick and cooking turkeybreast yeah right so this this is myadvice to somebody who doesn’t cook alot of Turkey okay don’t try to cook awhole bird at oncewell I already already skip past thatthat’s okay you know trial by fire it’sperfectly fine but I recommend is youstart with just the turkey breastbecause it’s like a pork but it’s got abunch of different muscles in it yeah soyou have to cook the breast the legs thethighs the wings the flats all do adifferent temperature right let’s juststart with one so okay this is yourtypical turkey breast it’s skin on rightthe hard part about turkey is that theskin doesn’t always get crispy and andthat’s right for you yeah we want thatbite-through crispy skin so what happenswhen you see a lot of people cuff turkeyis that that skin comes off all in onepoll yeah I’m gonna make this easy foreverybody okay all right I’m gonna takethe skin completely off there it is okaynext does it always it work like thatalways works like yeah always works likethat maybe a little TV magic okay nextrub the trapthis is slaps perfect blend this is whatwe use we cook thousands of thousands ofpounds of Turkey every year but we couldflip this over but we usually just rubone side of it because I’m gonna put itin a pan with some butter and all thatrub on the bottom of them is gonna comeand spin them off anyway yeah so you’regonna cook this in an oven at 300degrees for maybe two two-and-a-halfhours right internal temperature is veryimportant with turkey 165 that’s that’salmost overcooked okay yeah wanted toomuch yeah 160 160 to 165 okay never morethan 165 you’re gonna dry it out andthis is the big thing you’re asking meabout this earlier you don’t want tocook a turkey too far in advance okayso the longer you hold something theless moisture it’s gonna have it’s notgonna reabsorb moisture so my perfecttime line is probably cook a turkey letit rest for 30 to 40 minutes slice itand serve it okay okay so right alongwith it right I don’t let it sit you’vegot a couple hours here right yeah sothe next thing we’re gonna do is we’regonna talk about this turkey skin okayalright so one of my favorite things todo is we like to take the skin and wecut it into thin strips alright andwe’re gonna deep frydeep fry yeah yeahno right and so we’re basically makingpork rinds yeah out of turkey skin rightand so what happens is this this isgonna take a little bit and I got thison low just because I didn’t want to butso what happens is you’re gonna cookthese about four or five minutes inthere okay and they’re gonna get crispyis their jar or seasoning or anythingand they’ll season you’re gonna seasonafterwards okay right and one of myfavorite seasonings that I use besidesslaps barbecue perfect blend is righthere it’s jalapeno salt jalapeno saltsokay holla kick to it it’s got a littlepop to it and these are crunchy yeahsoft when they’re hot and fresh theymake the turkey skin absolutely amazingthey’re my favorite thing so I will frythese up beforehand yeah and make a bigpile of them just said a metal setbetter people great absolutely I meanyou dip them in whatever cheese dip youhave I mean you can make it a chip youcan do whatever you want with it okaythey’re amazing they’re amazing sobottom line these are amazing these aresupposed to be doing a tricky skin thisis what you want to do with your turkeyskin and they’re gonna take a little bitof time and you take a little bit ofpractice but you saw how big that pieceof skin was yeah you can get a whole lotof you’re gonna get a whole lot ofending for by few turkey breasts orthree turkey breasts for however manypeople you’re serving you’re gonna havea lot of turkey skin to play with now onyour jalapeno salt where do you guys goahead to get that so you can get thisfrom the Kansas City barbeque store okayyep and you can get it from online atbig papa smokers that’s who actuallymakes it they’re out of Californiareally good dude it’s an awesome rubalright alright well you got yourBristol script here what’s the best wayto cut this up and server how do youguys like doing it yeah so I like I likeyou know it’s a big piece and so Ididn’t bring a big knife with me todaybecause usually at a restaurant I got abig knife and I can make beautifulslices out of this right yeahso what I’m gonna do I’m gonna you cankind of see that there’s two parts hereright you see this big fat part here inthis kind of smaller skinny part so I’mjust gonna cut right there okay and I’llmove off to the side and then I’m gonnastart making my slices there we go yeahjust right here you can see this turkeysjust / just a little leaner then on thisend versus the fatter not really it’sall turkey meatturkeys pretty lean to begin with butwhen you try to cut that whole thingwith this knife your small kitchen knifethat you have in your house it’s gonnabe a little difficultbut I like leaving slices you know Iwould say happy yeah and look at this Imean just tender just come hereand flavorful that’s for you all rightwe’re gonna show Joe Pierce just hearfrom slaps we sure appreciate it thankyou very much sir a blend