BBQ Beef Recipes

BEEF RIBS#bbqfam#unclesteveshakes

Here a video on beef ribs 1 seasoned with Adkins western style seasoning and the other with #unclestevesshake thick meat both were good but only 1 could be on top

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alright guys welcome back right here wehave some beef ribs we’re using our newtripod stat we just got in today perfecttiming for this new video we’re gonna doone of these ribs with the uncle Stevethe thick meat you’re gonna see apicture before this clip of anotherseasoning we just got that as well[Music]barbecue western style barbecueseasoning I’ve heard good reviews on itI want to give my shout out to barbecuepit dog first one of your emptycontainers is gonna come there good useput the expiration date of thatseasoning in here this is the Atkinsit’s like armadillo dust from tacticalbarbecue it’s the same manufacturer butdifferent brand name so if you guys arelooking for that armadillo does I’m notsure if anybody hasn’t heard of that butit’s pretty big in the barbecue scenebut we’re gonna use that on one of theribs and the thick meat on the other solet’s begin seasoning it I’m gonna startoff with the Dakin’s one on one rib[Music]don’t want to Pat itget it nice and coated this is my firsttime using it I’ve had a read goodreviews on itI kept the lining on the back you guysnormally on my pork ribs I take that asilver lining off in the back you gotthese seasoned up nicely add them upthen what I’ll do this open the next onelet me turn it around open the next oneupand this one’s seasoned with the thickmeat right here[Music]turn it aroundand hit the other side look at that dickmeat that peppery coating you get fromthe picnic this is my favorite thatuncle Steve shake offers the thick meatand my wife loves the Gator shake sothese these seasonings are very good forbeef I like more of a peppery taste apeppery taste on them so these beef ribsare gonna be perfect then you pat themall in thereI went pretty light on the seasoning onthis one but it’s alright I might throwsome Gator shake on top let me hit itone more timeI like that peppery face tied it up andwe’re good let it sit I’m probably gonnahit this other one right here put somemore rub the Atkins Western barbecueseasoning yeah so these are gonna be twodifferent flavor ribs but as you can seethey’re both gonna be good so I’m gonnaget these set on the chipper and getthis video started want to show you guysI have it on holding it on the mouthit’s actually gonna be more sturdierthanthey are holding you by hand because myhands shake a lot look at thatgo deep every their uncle Steve’s thickmeat right therelook at that and we got the Atkins lookat having a sitting for about fiveminutes now it’s sweating out there thecoloring on that rub it’s perfect Iactually got a remote now let me showthem it’s little remote it’s like a caralarmit’s perfect I can just click it turnoff my video so I can be walking to aseat turn it on and boom I’m ready to goguysis gonna change the game this tripodright here alright so we’re back outsidegot the tripod up post it up right nowand screechthe uncle Steve’s right here Atkinsbarbecue right here[Music][Music][Music]that’s how we have them that’s howthey’re gonna be three hours maybe we’llsmoke we have some hickory chips lumpcharcoal put that in there with someregular Paquette[Music]so it’s up you guys we’re about an hourin Steve’s on the leftgotta put some more chips right now I’mholding the tripod getting some goodangles for you guys[Music]hovering on the rims look amazing I’mgonna cover backlet me get that smoke just want to showyou guys within me within the hour maybean hour and a half mark how they look[Music][Music][Music]we do that coloring guys on the ribsthere’s Atkins a West Western stylebarbecue seasoning render the moreredderyou have peppery on thereand do that right heresmoked for about another hour and wrapfeedback[Music]it’s around the two-hour mark see youguysdo that[Music]the coloring on that I’ve set up thesteam to dig meet the Afghan barbecue[Music]love the Atkins BBQ how that that redcolor just pops out on the[Music]having spritz them or anything like thatjust so I’m gonna smoke here like thatand they’re doing fineboys if I see that the outside isgetting dried out a little bit I’llspread something with maybe some orangejuice that’s all I have I don’t haveapple juice right now I don’t want tojust screech them with wateryou know what I do have Pepsi so I mightbring some with some Pepsi to get somemolasses in there get some more darkcolor on them for that way this onecould turn more mahogany and we’ll getthat up stiff beef rib cook on goinghaven’t tried this one this one rightheredon’t go steeps I know it’s gonna rockAtkinsI’m enjoying the color right now but thetaste is is really at the end that’s ahickory chips going it’s a mesquite lumpcharcoal we’re doing good so we got theChristmas lights going on right here onthe patio is a viewnot that man then we got these bad boysright here it’s almost at the three hourmark probably about a wrap it up letthem sit for two hours[Music]we need to make with charcoal and I’m onmy fallout partner to do that right nowwith the family let these sit for a bitrapping love no don’t sit inside- Ernie so that a long time[Music]take me right therewhile that pepperthe wonderful tasteThat Ends barbecue Western barbecuestyle seasoning wreckerred colortaking that redness the mahogany that’shappycan you close it up[Music]like two and a half maybe we ever wantedI ran out of charcoal – so I gotta runto the store problem do is take these upI’m gonna wrap them up and when I getbackput these back on for another two hoursyou really don’t see that much pull backon these stepanovka piece shape ribsyou see more pull back on this one andthat can one so finally in the kitchennow so you guys can see what the AtkinsWestern saw barbecue seasoning lookslike Texas made just like uncle Steve’sso you know it you’ve got to be goodcoming out of Texas you got to be goodso let me wrap these up we’ll come backwith some more briquettes and we’ll putthese back on just got back from thestore got some on you guys haven’t triedhim these are the kroger brand charcoalbriquettes these other missed onethey’re pretty good so I put a couple ofthem in there to get more water sourceof heatwrapped up the ribs same way uncleSteve’s Atkins barbecue so we’re gonnatry them out got those in and wrap themup for about two hours we’re doing threeto one method on these that’s the otheryou compel all right you guys we’re backa few beers later this took a two hoursay an hour and 45 minutes an hour and Iwant 32 two hour but uh we got our beefribs out of the chipperlook at that dude juices out of thereyeah right there you know them Steve’sright hereyou know I know cuz they’re bigger gobig or go home with uncle Steve look atthat you guys see that blue the pullback of the ribs right there we’re gonnatake this off three to one method guysthree two one we’re gonna throw thatright herethrow all the drippings on top thoseback right here can you guys see throwthat like that we’re gonna look at thepull back on those ribs they’re perfectright now now what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna unwrap back and ribs righthere as you can see these are juststraight off the grillthey are hot my hands are burning but Ido electrical work so my hands are theredone man I have no sensation in my handsso I’m able to touch this hot stuffwithout really feeling anything I’m likeSupermanthese are acting reveille lit up turnthem around do the pull back on thatlook at that blue the coloring on thoseyou can see themI didn’t Sprint’s these ribs or anythinglike that I just let the ribs the ribsyou know the seasoning do its thing andthat’s about it uncle Steve’s actionswe’re gonna put these back on thegriddle on the chair let them cook foranother hourthis should be done shout out to abarbecue pit dog there’s a Kendra that Iput in this empty bottle we’re gonna hitit with some more just on top just alittle bit just to get that extra flavorand then on the ribs right here we’regonna hit it with them go Steve to thickmeat just a little bit on topthat slightly slightly coating it rightthere then we’re gonna put it on thedrill all right guys you hear theMexican music in the background startdancing sorry if I get copyrighted Ilive in the hood and they play musicvery loud so on the left is uh uncleSteve’s the right is the Adkins Westernbarbecue rub I’ll put that right heresame place that right there and sothat’s our dancing guys little Jew leftit’s all rightthe coloring on both of the ribs andpullback set these for an hour got theheat great chips it should be good thattripod right thereput it anywayperfect sup guys guysgrabbing all that beepso we’re back check them outafter the foil they’ve been smoked forabout an hour time to add some moreseasoning on them is the Atkins barbecuepit dogshout out to barbecue pit dog we’regonna throw some more on here give thatnice little shape right there turnaround now look at the colors on thoseribs right there and I’m back get theback portion with them hit the side andthese are our other ribs already took apiece you can see right there just totry it these ribs so faruncle Steve’s to take me there’s winningso far so I’m gonna hit hit that realquick a nice portion take me turn itaround look at you guyssee that right therehit the backside with it oh yeahthat’s what I’m gonna do if I could openit dad some barbecue sauce on top ofthem put them back out on the hot setthe hot portion of the grilllet me sit for about twenty to thirtyminutes and they should be all good sostay tuned I’m gonna rub these up weshould all be finished right here whyyou guys you guys are gonna hear somemusic in the background you too don’tpop your IV I live in the hood there’ssome for quite some party going on rightnow but it’s very cold right now look[Music]can you see that you guys see thatit’s California man it’s like 40 degreesright now and I’m cookie right now thechipper right now I’m gonna tell youguys right now it’s it’s being verydifficult so I got the ribs we go hotside I’m letting them finish off andthis California cold right now it’sridiculousI know it’s snowing this Perea going ina rather lancaster it’s crazy man I’mout here go to Los Angeles you know it’scrazy man it’s crazywe’re gonna put our ribs on the hot sideyou know vice versa put them right here[Music]take a little piece of that one and theyhave been trying it out but if it’s abarbecue sauce I’m just so cold man Ihave to be out here constantlylike the summertime Nicholas here inCalifornia now I know how you usecoasters on barbecue guys deal with ityou guys are snowing and still barbecuethumbs up to you guys for sure manso on to you guys we took our ribs outit’s called right now manwe can still hear the music from insideour house you guys here’s the pizza fromoutside we can soon hear it these arethe hope of Steve’s think meat AtkinsWestern barbecue wrap they all got thesame barbecue sauce the original theprogram sauce so different rubs samesauce see how they come up you guys[Music]i’ma let him rest for about30 minutes I cover to himso the final guys Duncan Steve’s rightherethe Atkins barbecue right here alreadydice them up and we’re gonna see[Music]thank you guys[Music]not really a smoke ring would he expectfrom a shepherd you know it’s not anoffset smoker but the smoke flavorsstill there as you can see the rednessin between the technique and thebarbecue there see the other piece righthere[Music]wellI don’t really make beef ribs we likemore uh pork these are the Atkins thatit was easy to cut like butterlet me show you guys the other one[Music]thatnice ribsand I really a test taster guyI really just want to show you my foodlook at that and then we’ve got anotherpiece right here lit up even cookperfect beef ribs you guys want to trythis at home please do it I’m gonna givethem a try plate up show you guys myplate I’ll let you guys know who’s thewinner so there you go guys they put iton macaroni and cheese some ribs somepotato wedges what can go wrong you guyshave a good oneI’m gonna enjoy this plate and probablyat the end I’ll show a bottle who’s thewinner all right so I’m gonna let youguys know that the winner is and that’suncle Steve picnic meat the reason whyit’s a Hopkins the western stylebarbecue not really meant for beef thethick meat right here the peppery thatgoodness on this shaker here is perfectthat Ken’s barbecue maybe it’s going tobe good on maybe chicken or maybe somepork buffer Petealfred stick with the uncle Steve’sshake dick me so this was the winner Itried both pieces the thick meat andthat gives a western-style seasoningfrom our barbecue see see it was goodyou had flavor but for beef this iswhere it’s atthis is gonna be the go-to right hereokay Steve shake think me guys that’sthe winner right there you guys have agood one I’m out

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