A step by step guide on how to cook a beginner smoked brisket on a gas grill. This video is mostly for the backyard bbq guy or gal that is new or just starting out with making smoked brisket or for those of you who don’t own a smoker and would like to try it out on a gas grill.
I was very impressed with the results.
Get more recipes at https://www.thebeardedhiker.com
T-Roy Cooks https://www.youtube.com/user/spacecowboytx
Smoky Ribs BBQ https://www.youtube.com/user/Smokyribs1
Some of the gear I use
Kudu Grill link ⭕️⭕️ http://bit.ly/kudugrilljaxx ⭕️⭕️
Pit barrel Cooker www.bitly.com/jaxxpbc
My favorite kitchens knives (expensive but awesome)
little boy https://amzn.to/2CSV4aS
Big boy https://amzn.to/2CRSamG
Link to other gadgets I use
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1/3 cup of salt
1/4 cup of pepper
1/4 teaspoon of tender quick or MSG
#brisket #beginner #smokedbrisket #gasgrill
#bbq #bbqlovers #bbqnation # #bbqfood #bbqpork #bbqlover #BBQs #bbqseason #bbqbrotherhood #bbqrub #bbqsmoker #bbqgrill #bbqbrethren
Song title Cantina Blues by Kevin MacLeod
Music is shareware supplied by http://incompetech.com/ and is used with their permission.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]what’s going on guys Jax the beardedhiker here that’s right beginner brisketfrom start to finish now I want toreiterate this is a beginner brisketguys this is gonna be no-frills brisketmaking we’re gonna be using a basic rubwe’re not getting fancy or anything likethat and I’m doing this video for allthe people out there who are justgetting into or learning how to dobriskets and maybe you don’t have asmoker but most people have a gas grillso that’s how we’re gonna be puttingthis together today or cooking it isgoing to be on a gas grill now I’venever done it on a gas grill before sothis will be a first for me as well andI’m by no means a professional atsmoking or cooking briskets but I didconsult who I believe are someprofessionals about this I contactedTroy over at tea Roy cooks and alsocontact a truss over at smoky ribsbarbecue those guys know their stuffwhen it comes to brisket making and theygave me a tons of tips tricks and ideasand on how to go about putting thistogether so without further ado let’sget started so I just wanted to show youguys what my setup is gonna be here youcan see it here we got three burnershere plus we got another one right herewe’re gonna be cooking indirect so ourbrisket is going to be going over onthat side I’m gonna set this pan in hereright now just to help with somedrippings and whatnot over here this isgonna be some of our smoking wood here Igot it leaned up here against thislittle where our flames gonna be comingout and so that should catch on fire Idid some testing it worked out perfectlyso that’s gonna be our smoke and we’regonna be setting this cranking it up andwe’re gonna set it on low and get it totemp so as low as your grill can gothat’s what we want just using oneburner I’m also gonna fill this tube upright here with some pellets this isabout ten dollars on Amazon I forgetwhat it’s called I’ll leave a link belowif you want to pick one up you can alsomake smokerboxes out of aluminum foil there’splenty of videos out there replacingthose right there just like thatwe’ll have our burner go in and then ourbrisket a brisket will be going herejust like this and then about once anhour or so I will be probably flippingthis the opposite direction and thenmaybe after the briskets shrinks alittle we might even be able to kind ofdo it like that this is a seventeen anda half pound brisket by the way allright so let’s trim this sucker up allright we’re gonna start trimming thissucker up and we’re just gonna get someof these hard fat deposits off like thisbig piece right here and I mean for allyou keyboard cooks out there trust methat says fats flavor this right here isnot gonna do much for you right here Ihadn’t looked at the other side reallyyet so I don’t know how much hard fatson that side but we’ll be back with youafter we get all that there’s no reallyrhyme or reason really about trimming abrisket I don’t think I mean you justwant this hard stuff here I mean this isthis stuff right here is it’s hard andit’s not gonna render so you want toremove that turn that big thing squarethis thing up herewe’re gonna save these chunks to some begood to grind up for some stuff you guyscan see we got a pretty good layer offat here we’re gonna try to trim thisdown pretty aggressively here you knowkeeping a little bit on you know maybe Idon’t know we might keep a quarter of aninch or so somewhere there abouts onhere but you can see all of this is hardso we just want to get rid of that forsure alright so we got that top donenails go ahead flip this over because Iwant to show you something here okay soon a brisketyou got grain running at differentdirections okay just so to help us outyou’ll one of the things that I learnedfrom those guys is you see how thisgrain is running this way alright so wewant to mark the way that grain is goingso I’m just gonna kind of cut this offright here this little tip that way weknow we’re gonna be cutting in thisdirection when we go to slice thisbrisket up we’re also going to beseparating the flat from the point twowe’re gonna make some burnt ends out ofthis point hopefully there will beenough light to shoot a video orsomething or at least add that into thisvideo let’s just go ahead and get rid ofthis tip here now again beginner brisketguys if you were in a competition orwhatever you’d probably square this upand whatnot but this is just we’re gonnaleave it just like this okay so whatwe’re gonna do is now obviously it’slate in the afternoon alright and I’mshot this video the day before just sowe had enough light so what I’m gonna dois in the morning hold on I’m gonna talkto the camera alright so remember I’mnot cooking this right now I’m gonna putit in my refrigerator because thelighting out here if I start it’s gonnabe dark you won’t be able to see sotomorrow we’re gonna start this cook I’mgonna get up around 4 o’clock I’m gonnaturn on my gas grill I’m gonna put it onits lowest setting not only gets toabout the lowest it goes is about 300degrees Fahrenheit andthat’s with one burner on it slow so buttake yours as low as it can go and ifyou can get that sucker to around 225degrees Farenheit awesome and that’swhat I would cook it on okay so I’mgonna take this inside we’re gonna wrapit in saran wrap we’re not gonna put anyrub on it at all in the morning we’lltake it out unwrap it and then we’ll putin a rub the basic rub is just gonna besalt it’s gonna be pepper and it’s gonnabe some tinder quick I’ll leave a linkor not a link in the description but Iwill leave the proportions in thedescription it’s basically gonna be likea half a cup of salt 1/2 a cup of pepperand about a quarter teaspoon of tinderquick also known as msg don’t freak outabout the msg you’re only using about aquarter of a teaspoon all right ourgrill is all ready to go for in themorning all we got to do is light itI’ve went ahead and filled up my tubewith some pellets and I’m using hickoryand the Jack Daniels bourbon this stuffright here the Jack Daniels you know usewhatever you want don’t be afraid to mixand match pellets if that’s what youwant to do know the reason why I’mactually putting the wood in there isbecause when you’re smoking with pelletsthere’s sometimes less of a smoke flavoraccording to what Troy told me so I’mhoping to offset that whole situationwith doing this and the acacia wood thatI’m using acacia wood is kind of hard tofind you can get it at kudu grillsdot-com and I’ll send you a big sack ofthat if you can’t get your hands on thatyou could use any any other kind of woodthat would you know that you want to useand one of the things about the MSG orthe tinder quick the reason why we’reusing that into our rub it should helpus get a smoke ring or at least becausewhen you use these pellets as wellsometimes your smoke ring is not as youknow defined or maybe non-existent sowe’re hoping that that MSG or tenderquick will help us develop a at leastsomewhat of a smoke ring alright so inthe morning the next thing you’re gonnasee is it on the grill alright goodmorning guys we’ve been on here exactlyone hourwe’re about ready to turn this 15degrees here still can’t do that sowe’re just gonna turn it 180 and I’vegot it fat side down and I put a littlebit of water in that water pan all rightso we flipped that brisket 180 degreesand we close that lid because we want tomake sure we were obtain as much heat inthere as possible now let’s kind of justgo over what we’ve donefirst thing is notice on that brisketthat I am doing it that side down doingthat because the heat is coming fromthat right hand side from up underneathso we want to try to protect thatbrisket as much as we can so the firstthing I did this morning is I woke up Icome down and I fired up my grill I litthe pellet tube till it caught on firecaught on fire it burned for about 10minutes and I came and I blew it out Ialso did the same thing with that acaciawood and you make sure if you’re doingwhat I’m doing and putting a like apiece of wood in there make sure itdoesn’t you know once you get it smokedand just kind of move it off of theflame there so after I got that goingI pulled the brisket out of therefrigerator and I covered it prettyliberally with some Worcestershire sauceand we’re just using that as a binderand then I went over with my rub richwhich remember was the salt pepper andthe MSG after we coated that liberally Icame down put it fat side down close thelid and we’ve been running at about 280and also about every 30 or 45 minutes orso I’m gonna come in and I’m gonna tryto turn that or I’m gonna turn thatbrisket and I’m gonna keep turning itthe 180 degrees until it shrinks enoughuntil we can start doing it a quarter ofa turn one of the other things I want totell you is about brisket selection thisis a prime brisket that I got fromCostco I highly recommend if you canpick up a prime cut make sure you dothat it’s gonna produce us a heck of alot better brisket than it would say ifwe were using a choice or select if youcan get Wagyu that would be even betterall right we’re gonna give them abrisket a little spritz here just tokeep it moist on top so we don’t dry itout too much and this is just plainwater also help our crust formall right so now that we gave that aturn and we’ve spritzed it let’s talkabout spritzing and or mopping there’sgonna be arguments on both sides onwhether you spritz or mop or whether youdo either one at all now I don’tnormally spritz personally I believewhen you open that lid you know thatwhat they say if you look and you ain’tcooking okay so you can go by that butwe’re spritzing now just because we’reflipping in anyway so we’re gonna youknow I’m gonna have the lid open anywayso I’m spritzing it so again I believethat’s your choice whether you want tospritz mop or do any of it at allalright just a little update guys thisis what it’s looking like we get somelight in here looking good we got a goodcrust on there or and the Barca has setwe probably could wrap it if we wantedto so we probably could wrap it rightnow we’re at 150 it actually just wentto 150 I just probed it we’ve beenaround 148 for I don’t know man probablyabout an hour now so I’m guessing thatwe’re at at the stall or whatever so I’mgonna let it go I’m gonna try to get itto 160 before I wrap it but I’ll getback with you maybe I don’t know I’llget back with you right now we are at 7hours and 10 minutes into this cook soit’s definitely it hasn’t went over 300yet we’ve been rolling at about between275 280 somewhere there abouts kind ofsurprised I actually thought we werealready reached 160 by now but no it iswhat it isget back with you later well at 160about ready to move this bad boy overhere and wrap itso remember that water that I told youguys we put so I only put a little bitof water enough to cover the bottom butyou see all our drippings or whatever soin a lot of people will use beef brothbut again we’re going beginner brisketand simple we’re just gonna add let’sadd a little bit on top tooall right that should be enough allright I’ll give us some moisture andwe’re gonna go and seal this up reallygood and then we’re gonna put it back onhere until we get it tender now normallya brisket be done around 200 degreesFahrenheit 201 or something but youcan’t that’s just a guideline youbasically are looking for when we probeit is you want it to be no resistant inthe point and the flat so you can’talways go by temperature but again 200201 is a good guide I mean but it couldbe 215 degrees before it gets tenderwe’ll see all right let’s put ourbrisket back in here closer down you seewhen it’s tender okay guys I all rightso we got very little resistance hereand when I’ve been doing the flat we areat 205 206 all right we’re gonna goahead and pull this little hot we’regonna wrap this sucker up for a couplehours put it in our cooler here allright we’re leavin in there two hours sototal cook time has been eight hourswithout and then let’s see we did eighthours and then we it’s been wrapped forthree hours so a total of eleven hoursit’s a lot longer than I thought it wasgonna take okay we’ll see in a couplehours and we’ll give it a cut into itall right so we’ve had this in thecooler for two hoursshould be good we’re not kind of uses inthere to say all right let me uh let’stake it out of here and put it on thecutting board all right here we goshe’s a jiggly alright so this is ourpoint here I’m just gonna cut it in halfright here first oh wow nice let’s seewe got a little bit of a smoke ring lookhow juicy she is oh yeahalright let’s uh alright so we cut hereremember we cut here now this pointsprobably gonna be a littleoh she’s juicy look at that that’s a cutin hereto see how she looks it’s taking whoashe’s hotoh look at that alright so let’s do thepull test Wowall right I’m happy with that the smokering is not well-defined good flavornice beefiness is it as good as yousmoked one all day in your smoker notnot really but this is pretty good I’mhappy with thisalright management just got owned to mefor eating with my talking with my mouthfull so what I do this again absolutelyI would probably try it with somedifferent experimenting next time withmaybe some different rubs and see if Iget a dip labor profile alright guys soremember let’s recap what we did we putit in there we smoked it for about fourhours then just went straight with heattotal cook time on that was eight hoursand then we went with a three hour wrapso that was 11 hours total and then weput it in the cooler for two hours wegot a perfectly cooked brisket all righttomorrow burnt ends beginner brisketfrom start to finish in your grill wood[Music][Music]