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In today’s video, I fired up my Kamado Joe Classic for some awesome country style beef ribs! This recipe couldn’t get any simpler. I started off with some country style beef ribs from Walmart. These bad boys required no trimming at all. Just a quick pat dry with paper towel and they were ready to season.
The flavor I chose today was Sucklebuster’s 1836 Beef Rub. This is WONDERFUL on anything beef. It is heavy on salt, pepper, onion and garlic which I happen to love. After a light coat of olive oil, a medium coat of the rub was applied. Done. That’s all there is to it.
The cooker was brought to temp using some good Royal Oak lump charcoal. I attempted to maintain temp around 250 degrees with a couple of chunks of pecan for some good smoke flavor. These beautiful country style beef ribs were put on the cooker and were left untouched for about 2 hours. At this time, they were wrapped in aluminum foil where they got good and tender. When they probed tender, the foil was opened up and a liberal coat of Head Country Hot and Spicy BBQ sauce was applied. The sauce was allowed to get good and tacky for about 15 minutes.
That’s it! It can’t get any simpler than that! If you like country style pork ribs, you have to give country style beef ribs a try! Try this recipe out and make it your own. I think you will be impressed!
If you like the video, please give it a thumbs up. I’m definitely still getting used to talking to a camera. I would love to answer any questions, so please leave me a comment below. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! I would love your support.
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
thanks for stopping by a little pig BBQtoday we have some country-style beefribs that we’re going to do out on thecommodity today I’m fired up mike amatoJoe I’m gonna put some pecan smoke in itand these are gonna turn out really goodso this is a really simple recipe you’regoing to start off with just twoingredients I got a little cup of oliveoil here then I’m gonna brush on andthen I’ve got some suckle Buster’s 18:36beef from now you can use any kind ofrub you want today I’m going for justsome traditional beef flavor some saltpepper onion and garlicyou can make up your own but this iswhat I’m using today so let’s get you inhere for the prep and throw them out onthe smoker okay so here are the countrystyle beef ribs and even though they saythe ribs they’re not actually ribs theseactually come from the chuck roast youcan find them at Walmart Kroger prettypretty easy to find around where I liveso the first thing we’re going to do isget them seasoned up these came straightout of the package all I did was drawoff and with a paper towel and got themlaid out here so the first thing I’mgonna do is I’ve got a cup of olive oilthen I’m just gonna lightly brush onthat although the olive oil is justgonna be a bonder for the barbecue rubthat I’m gonna use today and it willalso help with a little bit of the colorso you don’t have to go really heavywith this you’re just gonna coat a niceeven coat on every one of them so we’llget that done herenow today the cooker I’m using like Imentioned before is the kimono Joclassic it is a kimono style cooker doesreally well in cold windy weather todayit’s pretty windy where I’m at so I’mgonna use it today also it’s pecanchunks you can use Hickory or oaktypically I use cherry for like my porkand my chickenbut today I’m going to be using thepecan I think pecan pairs really wellwith beef so these are gonna turn outawesome[Music]now I’ll typically stay away from sweetflavors whenever I’m cooking beef buttoday I’m gonna use the suckle bustardrib which doesn’t have any sweet flavorsin it but I’m gonna finish these offwith some barbecue sauce just for alittle sweetness okay so these are niceand covered and look really good getthat out of the way againI’ve got some 18/36 beef broth buckleBuster’s a lot of black pepper got a lotof salt some onion powder garlic powderand it even has a little paprika for thecolor so we’re not putting this onreally heavy these aren’t very big sojust a nice medium coat get all sidesthis rub smells amazing you really pickup the onion in the garlicbut again you can use anything I’veactually used my own rub before when I’mcooking something like this and it turnsout really goodnice even coat now after I get theseseasoned up I’m gonna let them hang outon the counter for about 30 minutes I’vealready got the cooker heating up usingsome royal local on charcoal it’s goingto turn out awesomethat’s the last one hereokay so takes care of that again I’mjust gonna let these hang out for alittle bit Pat the rugged really goodand while these are hanging out you’regonna see some of the moisture start topull out from the salt so that should doit so I’ll check back in about 30minutes after these hang out for alittle bit I’m gonna finish getting thecooker ready to bring it up to temp I’mcooking these at 275 to 300 a day so assoon as that’s ready we’ll get you outthere and check out the grill sticker inall right we’re out here at the cookerit’s been going for about 30 minutes nowtake a look at the ribs this is what thebeef country-style ribs look like afterabout 30 minutes so we’re gonna getthese on I’ve got the temperatureholding them steady at about 250 said Iwas going to shoot for 275 but I’m justgonna leave it at 250 today so we’ll getthese on just get them evenly spaced[Music]just like that[Music]and again I got some pecans poke on justa couple of fish cause chunks down inthere I’m gonna let this go for aboutone and a half to two hours I’m justchecking for color after after that timeand then what I’m gonna do is get themput in a foil wrap to get them reallygood and tender so stick around we’llcheck back in a couple hours and seewhat they look like okay we’re back it’sbeen about two hours it’s holding abouttwo hundred and sixty degrees here solet’s open it up and see what it lookslike okay so you can see right off thebat we’ve got some good color let’s geta zoomed in groups have some good coloron the bark is looking really good solet’s get these pulled off and we’ll putthem in them in a aluminum foil wrap andput them back on and get them good andtender now at this point they’re nottender but they are done so if youwanted to pull them you could but Iwanted to be really tender so I’m gonnaput them back on so alright so we’regoing to get these moved over to thefoil[Music]now you can fill the foil with a littlebit of liquid we’re even putting alittle bit of sauce or anything youreally wanted it to add some moisturebut today these have enough fat on themso I’m just gonna let them go withnothing in it and that should be enoughto get them good and tender so[Music][Music]all right let’s move it back to thecookerput these back on here just like thatand we’re gonna let it go about anotherhour and a half maybe I’ll open it upand take a peek at it after about 45minutes to an hour just to check on thembut that should be plenty the foil isgonna do two things it’s gonna protectit from the smoke so it doesn’t oversmoke and then it’s going to tenderizeso this is this is all we have left todo here we’re in the homestretch sowe’re going to come back in aboutanother hour and a half and check one[Music]all right we’re back so let’s get somesauce on these and finish them up zoomin so you can see what we’re doing allright let’s see what they look likethey smell really good oh yeah these aredefinitely tender so now all I’m gonnado is get some sauce on so for the sauceI’m using some head country barbecuesauce with about a teaspoon of butterand it melted I’m gonna cover the ribsup all the way really good and you couldput them back on the grain I’m gonnaleave them in the foil just so I don’thave to clean anything up afterwards[Music]flip these over and we’re gonna get bothsides[Music]a good foot up hereit smelled really good anyways you thebackside a good brush[Music]it should do so now what I’m going to dois I’m going to kind of move the foilover just a little bit so I can closethe lid and I’m gonna let this saucetack up get good and sticky shouldn’ttake more than 10 or 15 minutes so I’llactually make a little tray to carrythese in the house with when you’re donejust like thatso I’m gonna let him go about tenminutes come back out here and checkthem and these things will be donethey’re ready to take in all right it’sbeen about 15 minutes should be finishedso let’s get these in the house give youa quick look what they look like afterthe sauce you can tell they look reallygood they’re nice and saucy the sauce istacked up nice really tenderalmost like jelly so we’ll get those inthe house and cut into one after it restlet’s see see how we did today okaywe’re back in the house we got theseribs done you can see the bark on thesethings is amazing the sauce set upreally nice really looking forward tocutting into these so I’m gonna take myknife here and just move this one out ofthe way this isn’t one I want to try outand these things are super juicy so whatI’m gonna do is I’m just gonna go rightdown well actually I’ll take the end offall that slice is really nice likebutterget another little slice here well yousee a tearing apart like that that’swhen you know it’s gonna be good so youget a bite here real fast I’ll take thisonethat’s really juicy you definitely tastethat beef rub and that sauce the hotspicy head country BBQ sauce is whatmakes this perfect so if you can seehere let’s try to get a better betterview of the insideso I think this cook turned out perfectI’ll get you up top and we’ll recap onwhat we did and see if I would changeanything or whatever but all in all Ithink this is a success so let’s get youback up here and see how it turned outokay so this was a really fun cook totaltime was about three and a half to fourhours just to give a real quick recap ofwhat we did I’ve got the ribscountry-style beef ribs straight fromthe store no trimming got them seasonedup with some suckle Buster’s beef from1836 beef from brush them with a littleolive oil then season them we got thekimono Joe fired up today and I held thetemperature between 250 and 275 theywere on the cooker for about two hoursbefore I pulled them off and put them ina wrap I didn’t put anything in thealuminum foil I just let the the fatringer down on them and they got reallytended that way put them back on thecooker for another hour to hour and ahalf and whenever they probe tenderopened up the foil and brushed on thesolut some head country hot spicybarbecue sauce which paired perfect withthis beef so if you haven’t given that atry try it out it’s awesome I think andreally liked itthis is a really easy recipe to try athome you can do this in the oven or youcan do it out on the grill so the dogsare marking hope you don’t mind butanyways I think this is a really easyrecipe I don’t I wouldn’t changeanything about this maybe try adifferent barbecue sauce that would bereally the only thing but it turned outreally good we’ll definitely be doingthis againand I hope you give the try so if youliked the video give me a thumbs upsubscribe on my channel and hang aroundbecause there’s more videos to comethank you