Dehydrated Beef Jerky, Cuisinart Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven Recipe. How to make beef jerky in an air fryer. The Cuisinart Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven TOA-65 is used, you can use your own air fryer if it can reach dehydration temperatures. Your air fryer can also work as a beef jerky dehydrator, the Cuisinart Digital Air Fryer Toaster Oven is also a food dehydrator. Watch now and see, you can do it yourself. You can make beef jerky at home, that tastes better than any store brought beef jerky. Try this beef jerky recipe in your own air fryer.
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Video Transcription
hi sono away all the recipes and I’mgonna make up some beef jerky in theCuisinart digital airfryer toaster ovenand we’ll get started here the nightbefore because garlic’s and thingsmarinade who can get started with thatright now I’m gonna be using a recipefrom the power air for our oven cookbookfor beef jerky in the Cuisinart digitalairfryer toaster oven and so let’s seehow this recipe turns out okay so forthis beef jerkey cook I’ve got insteadof using just like a lower grade steak Iwanted to try and make some beef jerkyout of a higher-end steak so I’ve got aribeye steak hereit’s about 1.1 pails of ribeye steakwhen I weighed it and the ingredientsfor the recipe there’s about a half ateaspoon of freshly cracked black pepperthere’s four tablespoons soy sauce issupposed to be sweet soy sauce but I’mjust using regular soy sauce I’ve gotabout five tablespoons of ketchup abouta half a teaspoon of garlic powder halfa teaspoon of kosher stuff salt you’resupposed to also use some sriracha andrecipe but I’m fresh out of sriracha sobasically we’re going to go with what wehave here and I’m going to basically getthose mixed up in this pan[Music]all right so I’m getting this mixed upand this is going to be our marinade forthe beef jerky so just getting it allnicely mixed in so we get a more evendistribution of all these ingredientshere all right now that I’ve got themarinade you know pretty much made uphere in the pan I’m going to now try andthen they slice the ribeye steak and putthe pieces into the pan front of themarinating[Music]all right so that’s about all that I canreasonably fit in the pan which meansyou know I’m probably not going to beable to get anything more than that intothe airfryer and that I’m gonna be usingin the Cuisinart digital airfryertoaster oven so I’m going to stop withthat there I’ll just have to use therest of the stick for something else butI’m gonna cover this with some plasticwrap get into the fridge and let thismarinate like this overnight all rightso it’s the next day I’ve gotten themeat out of the fridge but I’ve starteddoing is coordinating here on theairfryer rack that I have with thebaking pan underneath I know I didn’thave the meat like swimming in themarinade like a whole bunch of marinadeall over on both sides so I’m just kindof flipping it and getting a little onthe opposite side as I put it in andthis is probably going to be a bit of atight squeeze maybe to try and get allthis meaning we’ll see how it all fitscome up with me I’m a sizable piecethere[Music][Music][Music]just trying to get things wellcoordinated hereyou’re just trying to make sure thatI’ve got a little space between eachpiece so that big Lord willin don’t fusetogetherall right I think that looks pretty goodso now I’m going to take my marinatedmeat put it in the Cuisinart digitalairfryer toaster oven on the second racklevel up there are only two levels inthis cooker basically low is one hive torough on the higher one now that we’rein I’m going to basically wait thecooker up gonna spend to dehydrate andI’ve already set the hydrate to 160degrees Fahrenheit six hours cookingtime and going to hit start and going tolet that run on dehydrate I’ll keep aneye on things bring you back some timelater alright we’re coming into thefinal seconds of this sixth powerbeef jerky dehydration process so it’llbe interesting to see what we have inhere in a moment as you can hear it’sbeen a really quiet be hydration whenwe’re done there we have our finishedbeef jerky all right let’s get thisribeye beef jerky out of here I’m justgonna sit right here close that up andgo in to get a piece off for some tastetesting right this PC is coming up comesright offand it is going to be dehydrated here soyou can hear it give you a good close-upview of it let’s get the camera movedand taste test all right some ribeyebeef jerkyit feels firm let’s do a taste on thisin here[Music][Music][Music]all right sorry it took so long but it’sbeef jerky and it’s some good beef jerkyand you know beef jerky takes a lot ofchew you know and I was trying to chewthrough it for you you know for thetaste testdid some good beef jerky it turned outwell and I like my beef jerky betterthan the stuff in the bags at the gasstation that’s for sure definitely likemy better so I definitely recommendanyone who was really into beef jerkygiving this a shotyou know beef jerky it’s a low car it’sa keto friendly so you know all thatgood stuff is gone on there so I like itand I hope that you give it a try andthat you like it as well you’ll be ableto you know always come to this YouTubechannel by going to wave oven recipescalm you can get recipes for othercookers and this cooker other recipes atsuper wave oven recipes calm and alsoi’m on twitter and instagram at whalingrecipes and you can find links for thiscooker and others in the videodescription or for all links you pay thesame price and help this channelalso if you like this video please giveit a thumbs up share the video with afriend leave your comment subscribe tothe channel hit that notification belland good eating