BBQ Beef Recipes

Easy Smoked Brisket! | Green Mountain Grills Davy Crockett Portable Pellet Grill

When we owned our sticks and bricks house, Tom owned a big cast iron smoker and his favorite meat to smoke was beef brisket. When we became full-time RVers, we couldn’t bring the big smoker with us, so we searched for a portable alternative and found the Davy Crockett portable pellet grill by Green Mountain Grills.

In this episode of Tom’s Chuck Wagon, we show you how easy it is smoke an AMAZING brisket while you’re traveling, camping, RVing or tailgating. We also show you an easy way to make homemade cole slaw and beans to go along with your brisket. For all of the recipes, visit our website:

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Smoking a Pork Butt:
Perfect Portable Pellet Grill for RVers & Tailgaters:

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?Mentioned in this Video:
Green Mountain Grills Davy Crockett:
GMG Premium Texas Blend Pellets:
Collapsible Camp Table:
Instant Pot Lux Mini:
Nesting Melamine Bowl Set:
Travel Berkey Water Filtration System:

?Also in Our RV Kitchen:
Coffee Grinder:
Electric Tea Kettle:
Vitamix Blender:

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Video Transcription

hey y’all welcome back hey y’all we’vebeen doing a lot of work on our travelvideos that we’re gonna be bringing toyou you know we’ve already seen a fewfrom the big trip we have a ton more toshow you that absolutely man what agreat time but we’ve also been wantingto do another cooking video and today wehad time to do thatso we thought we would just go ahead andbring it to you this is one that Tom’sbeen really excited about doing yeah wecook the brisket on the Green Mountaingrill and I got to tell you this is soeasy y’all and so you know we’re goingto just bring you along show you howeasy it was to cook this brisket andseveral side items to Stacey did somecoleslaw and we did some some pintobeans so you know stick around and we’llshow you how we made all this cometogether and and you might your mouthmight be watering after this one reallygood stay tuned[Music]okay hmm so I’m gonna show you how easythat says we already got the smokergoing and win it when it starts up itgoes to 150 degrees which I don’t knowif you can see that it’s at 150 and onmy phone I’m going to go to the GreenMountain Grill app on my smart phone I’mgoing to go ahead and connect and whenit connects it says okay I’m already at150 so right here I’m going to set thetemperature that I want to cook at at225 degrees I confirm that and now thegrill is going to start working its wayup to 225 and then when we get the meaton I’m going to initially set it to 165I’m going to cook the meat to 165 andfor you major grillers out there I’mgoing to cook fat side down now I know alot of people out there with it stickgrills are going to say fat side down nono you do fat side up most people do butsince the heat source on this isdirectly under most people are sayingcook it fat side down you have plenty offat in a brisket to give you that goodtenderness and everything so I think itshould be no problem so we’re gonna cookfat side down we’re gonna cook the 165take it off wrap it then cook it to aninternal temperature of 202 we’re gonnalet it rest a little bit and then cut itand we should have some good breastedso stay with us okay now we’re justgoing to season up our brisket and likea lot of the major pitmasters in Texasthey just use salt and pepper that’swhat we’re going to do we’re going tomake it easy but you want to start offwith your salt that needs to fit yourfirst layer[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]all right that’s all it iswe’re seasoned up we’re gonna go checkour temperature on our pit if it’s readyat 2:25 we’re going to put it on againwe’re going to put it on with the GreenMountain burro we’re going to do it fatside down and and so that’s how we’regoing to cook it and usually we’re goingto cook it to 165 so let’s go on outokay work the temperature now 225 we’regonna put the brisket on not coveredright now so it’s just straight on we’regoing to put the meat probe in and we’regoing to set our temperature for thatfor 165 for our first you know part ofthe cook before we take it off wrap itand then set to 202 soboy look at that that looks awesome[Music]you want to try to get that probe in anarea that is meat not fat because if youget it into a big fat thing it’ll showup false temperature so try to get itinto a meat session so let me get thephone set so now I can on my phone I’llset the temperature to 165 I’ll confirmthat and it’s already showing us thatour temperature is 57 degrees right nowup to me so it’ll cook here it’sbasically set it and forget it and wealready oh I wanted to tell you whatwe’re using we are using the Texas blendof course does brisket Texas blend ithas black oak American Hickory and TexasMesquite that that makes up the blend ofpellets so wanted to let you knowbecause people will ask um you can usewhatever you want but you know this is Ilove all those woods so hopefully it’llhe’ll make for a good flavor okay sowhile the brisket is cooking we alwayslike to throw in some homemade coleslawand so what I’ve done is I took about ahalf a head of a large cabbage a half ahead of a purple cabbage or some peoplecall them red cabbage what do you callthem I’d love to know is it purple or isit red I call it and two large carrots Ichopped them up and mixed them up in abowl big tip here use a bigger bowl thanyou think you’re gonna need becauseespecially when it comes to mixing itall up it’s good to have some extraspace and we like to use these bowlsbecause they also have a lid on them forwhen we put them in the refrigerator nowfor our coleslaw dressing that makesthese coleslaw I used mayonnaise applecider vinegar honey dry mustard and someblack pepper and you know when I putthis on the website I’m going to put thewhole recipe so if you’re interestedwe’re just going to pour that over andmix it up toss it together then we’regoing to put it in the refrigerator andlet it all come together and chill so bythe time we’re ready to eat it should begood to goand I made extra because this actuallystores pretty well too for a couple daysso if we want some leftovers later we’llhave it so very easy from scratch[Music]okay got it all tossed together and youcan see it kind of settles down into thebowl as it gets the dressing on it butit’s still better to have a bigger bowlbecause it was a lot easier to toss butthe top on it again this is why wereally like these melamine bowls there’sa said they nest together they all havetops make something like this reallyeasy does it be good for like a potluckalso we’ve done this several times andthen just stick it in the refrigeratorand we’ll let it sit there and cometogether okay it’s showing me a hundredand sixty-five degrees and so and nowit’s giving me the alarm there on thegrill itself[Music]so I’m going to take the probe offlook at that nowa tip here you got to resist the urge ofwanting to look at it when I put it onlittle over three hours agoI haven’t lifted the lid till now I’mgoing to take it off and now we’re gonnawrap itthis is one of our tables that you knowwe carry all the time because they breakdown the you know a little size andthey’re easy to carry and we’ll put alink down we have bigs in our Amazonstore these are awesome they break downsmaller than the in your chairs that youtake so very very convenientI’m gonna leave myself a little place toput the probe in and then wrap the foilaround it if you want to wrap thisreally really wellokay I’m gonna take it over it’s not toohard for me to handle with my handsmake me a spot here so I can put mythroat back the endnow while I’m doing this I’m gonna setmy temperature and I’m gonna check mypellets – I started with the hopper pollso I can add some right now let me putthe probe back in oh here’s my phone soon my phone go back to my app we’reconnected I’m going to set thetemperature to 202 I’m going to confirmI’m seeing this temperature pretty highon this meat so I’m gonna adjust thatprobe because I probably got it into afatty part of the meat so I’m gonna justthat so we can have a more a bettertemperature of the meat not the fat soI’ll do that but let’s look at thehopper adjust it so you can see how manywe usedso I got the probe readjusted there andnow it’s in the meaty part and I’mgetting a more realistic rating and it’seasy to tell because I was gettingreading set about a hundred ninetydegrees and and obviously we were onlyat 165 so I I just took it back to afound another spot put it in hit a goodmeaty spot and now it’s show on 160-someso I know I got it in not into the fattyarea but into the media area and so nowagain I’m gonna set it and forget ityou saw me I already set the temperatureto 202 so I’m gonna trust the processand again we’re set to cook that we’reset to cook at 225 and and you know thisthing at Justin’s heat pretty well andtoday it’s been really good I mean inreal windy conditions you may have someissues but we’re in here in a barn andthe reason why we are you know this ishere where we’re mooch talking and ourfriends have this barn and it’s beenraining today over the last several daysand so we kind of been able to controlour environment here when we get donewhen it’s 2 o-two we’re going to take itout we’re gonna let it rest we’ll put itin the RV on our cutting board probablyand we’ll let it rest for a whilemany people say take them out and letthem rest in a coolerwell we’re traveling on the road wedon’t have a big cooler anymore so we’lljust let it rest on the board it’ll befine keep it in the aluminum foil we’lllet it rest at least an hour and thenhopefully we’ll be eaten wellokay so besides coleslaw what goes goodwith brisket and that is in my opinionbeans now normally we would soak thebeans all night cook them for a longperiod of time but we were out late lastnight Austin and his team had a juniorcollege baseball tournament and so wewere late getting back so we didn’t soakthe beans so we’re gonna do them in theinstant pot now we’ve never done thisbefore but our friend Tony who bought usthe instant pot as a housewarming giftwhen we moved in to our RV last year heyTony said this is the way to cook beansand not even have to soak them so we’regoing to give it a try so what we’regonna do I’ve got about two and a halfcups of pinto beat dry pinto beans overhere we’ve already washed them checkthem out for rocks and all that we’vegot some smoked ham hock from vent 6 macows here in East Barnard same place wegot the brisket we’ve got somein garlic jalapeno cilantro we’ve gotsome diced tomatoes some beef broth somewater and a variety of spices that I’vealready measured out everything fromsalt pepper cumin smoked paprika chilipowder and oregano so what we’re gonnado first is we’re going to get ourinstant pot going on saute[Music]and we’re going to start off with just alittle bit of oil just to get it goinghere using bacon you could start withbacon and it would release an fil I amgoing to put we’ve chopped up chopped upthe ham hock for me so I am going to youknow put put that in here also but Idon’t know how much good stuff it’sactually going to release as we’resauteing so I’m just going to starttossing that in I’ll save the big pieceor after we get tests this stage I’mgoing to put in the onionthe garlic and the jalapenoand when I do when I post this recipe onthe website just like the coleslawI’ll put all the measurements that Iused there but it’s like about half of ayellow onion I think three cloves ofgarlic a couple jalapenos seated unlessyou like it hot and then leave receipt[Music]we’re just gonna saute that up and thenwe’ll check back with youall right so I turned off the fantemporarily so you can hear me but we’vegot everything all sauteed up you wantto take peek in there we needsmellivision it does smell really goodour beanI turned off the saute feature by theway we’re gonna put in the rest of ourham hock actually I’m going to keep himout two last things I want to mix in ourcilantro[Music]spicestomatoes[Music]mix that all up and then see how muchwater I want to end and top it all offnow we’ve got a small instant pot sowe’ll see how this does we wanted tocook a decent-sized pot of beans I thinkwe’re gonna be okay but you know thesethings do clump up a little bit so we’llsee how it goes on the instant potsthere’s a line that tells you do notoverfill you know past a certain pointwe have a little bit of room in therethat’s good put in our phone flavorthere and a little bit of water now I’mthis reminds me let me give you anupdate on our turkeydo you remember we bought this Berkeythis past spring and it has beenphenomenal we are loving it y’all thatbig trip we had everywhere we’ve been wealways run all of our water through theBerkey and every bit is consistent wedon’t have any funky smells or tastes oranything floating around all of ourdrinking and cooking all of our drinkingand cooking water right goes through theBerk eat and I love it love it love itlove it so if you don’t already have oneI highly recommend you look into it evenif you’re not an RV or just for yourhouse maybe it’s a full and waterpurification system and we’ve beenreally really happy with ours I’ll put alink in the description in case you wantto get more information but that is itfor now I’m going to put the top on itmake sure that it’s closed at the topI’m gonna put it on pressure cook for 30minutesand then I’m gonna let it do its ownnatural release so it’ll probably beabout 45 minutes to 50 minutes by thetime the it’s totally released see howthis worksso it’s gonna start coming up topressure and we’ll see what we get soyou can hear we’ve reached ourtemperature the phone told me 202 andobviously it’s telling this 202 here’swell it’s kind of going back and forththere but it’s ready it’s at 202[Music][Music]now I’m going to take this take it intothe RV we’ll get a cover it let it restfor an hour – so let’s do itall rightwe’re gonna put it here we were gonnaput it on the cutting board which willcut it later but Stacey needs thecutting board to do some other stuff[Music]it’s gotta make it a lot like I said ifyou have a big cooler you can just putit in the cooler shut the cooler orleave it there but if so act like acooler since we don’t have room for abit good so we’ll let that rest get ourother stuff done and oh I wanted to showyou a new shutdown sequence I justlearned on the grill so let’s go shutthe grill down so I was going to showyou how many pellets are left right nowwe just got done and so it didn’t use alot of the other stuff remember I’verefilled it againbut I didn’t have to refill the wholehopper I showed you how much was left init from the start we added we filled itback up and it it really didn’t use thatmuch we cooked for about six hours threethree before we wrapped in about threeafter we wrapped so the new shutdownsequence that I wasn’t sure of a handydandy guide Quick Start Guide before Iwas just hitting the power button and afan comes on and then after the fan goesoff I was unplugging it evidently you’resupposed to hit the down arrow until itgets to 150 so that’s what I’m going todo watchagainst a 150 then you’re supposed tohit it one more timeand then you’re supposed to hit thepower button so your fan can come on andit’s showing fan so that’s the propershutdown cygwin something once the fangets done once the fan is done then youcan unplug the grill and that’s theproper shut that shutdown sequence sohelps to read the guideokay now the brisket is rested for twohours so let’s see what we got[Music][Music][Music]that is looking good[Music][Music]okay so let’snever tried you always cut against theCaray you can see this is going this wayso I’ll kind of like thisI mean look at that smoke rightWowI mean I’m I’m not kidding guys this isworklet me get Stacie’s reaction hold on[Music]which smells goodOhgot turned out greatoh yeah that we’re doing that again andit doesn’t get much easier I mean it wasreally easy and this is awesome we’regoing to share this with Greg andCarolyn have dinner we’ll show you apicture of our plate or Stacey’s plateand then we’ll come back with you afterwe eat dinner tell you about our beansand everything as well and what Greg andCarolyn thought about that brisket sostay tuned wow that was really good yeahI mean to be truthful I think it was thebest brisket I’ve ever made oh I thinkit was juicy it was I mean it wasdelicious yeah it was delicious GregGreg and Carolyn loved it and and thesides were really good as well I meanthat coleslaw was awesome thank you onthe beans I think they were they had agood flavor I think I would go 40minutes on the pot instead of 30 I thinkthey they were a little bit firm stillso but we’re learning it was the firsttime we’ve done him in the instant potand they still tasted good but we willmake that adjustment in the future youknow I think what helped with the thebrisket is that the Green Mountain Grillkeeps that temperature so steady and bynot opening that up with the temperaturestaying steady with a stick grill it’stough to keep it steady I mean you can Iget up at all hours of the night youremember when I used to do that but it’stough to keep a good constant 200 to 225well here it stayed very close if it gotoff to 225 it was only off for a fewseconds and got right back to it so Ithink that really paid off it had a goodsmoky flavor to itis really yeah really good so I mean trythat one salt and pepper that’s all youneed it and it was an eight and a halfpound brisket I don’t know if we saidthat I wouldn’t go much bigger than thatbecause I mean you can go bigger and youprobably saw the reserve them in therebut I think that’s a good size reallyand that was plenty for the four of usand we still have a lot left that wehaven’t cut yeah it probably could havefed seven to eight easy yeah so if youliked this video give us some thumbs upeven if you don’t give us a thumbs upand please subscribe if you haven’talready and join us for the adventuresnext video we’ll be back to our travelvideos yeah but we also have othervideos here that about our cookingoutside that will link to in thedescription we’ll also link to all thesedifferent things that we’ve talked abouthere in case you’re interested ingetting more information but thanks somuch we always look forward to hearingfrom y’all so leave us a comment andwe’ll see you next timesafe travels and happy camping[Music]

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