BBQ Beef Recipes


Today I’ll show you how to make perfect beef short ribs – on the grill! (NO braising in involved!)
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so you only thought you could cook shortribs in a big pot on the stove or in theoven well guess what today we grill thembitches and you’re gonna love them theseare beef ribs they’re gorgeous they’rebeautiful and it is true most peopletend to cook them in a braisingsituation that’s like in a big pot onthe stove with some liquid cooked slowlythey steam they get tender they getgreat but you can also grill them andthat’s what we’re gonna do are theygonna be good but before they go on thegrill we’re gonna make them a lovelylittle onion marinade it’s gonna be goodso of course we’re gonna start with anonion but to get the most out of itwe’re gonna grate the little sucker justlike this and yes you’re gonna get theonion like shredded up beautifully butthere’s a ton of moisture in here and wewant that so do your thingand when you’re suddenly at risk oflosing pieces of your fingers which I’vedone before add the rest and that wouldbe some minced garlic a couple of themminced ginger fresh of course it’samazing some long red Holland pepperswill chop upand I’m okay with the seats here theseguys are not that hot so we’re gonna beokaythey smell fantastic some chopped greenonion of course I don’t know how I couldhave a recipe that doesn’t have greenonion in it it goes in try to get thatcan fly the next when he comes aroundquarter cup of brown sugar okay juice ofabout half a lime good squeeze of oil aquarter cup a couple tablespoons of soysauce about a teaspoon of sesame oil andof course big pinch kosher salt and thefresh ground pepper and we mix yeahdoesn’t know this onion I’m telling youthis onion is really what helps makethis thing as my mother-in-law would saydeluxe mmm okay gorgeous right all rightlet’s prep the ribs so here’s what we’redealing with this is what four pounds ofbeef short ribs look like and clearlythis is the beef side and here’s the ribside there’s four they’re about a poundapiece even though there’s extra hereand some extra here so here’s what wewant to do we’re gonna cut them and trimthem up a bit so just find your middlepoint and down you goand by middle point I mean the spotbetween the bones like here here’s agood examplebone bone right there I think we’d allget that right so find your middle pointand cut and there you go nice and onemore that’s guyso see do you see this the fat in herethat’s called marbling and that’s gonnamelt what we’re cooking and that’s gonnabring the flavor that’s what you wantbut there’s a little bit too much fat onthese guys so starting with this kidright here let’s see what we’ve got likethis kind of stuff like it almost justpulls right off I don’t really need thatthat’s not really gonna be my friendwhen we’re cooking these things thislittle bit here depending on how deep itis yeah we can take that off I don’twant to eliminate every bit of fatbecause we know that fat brings flavorand we like the flavor if you’re worriedabout beef and fat and stuff like thatyou should have some carrots I think isprobably my best suggestionso here againthis in here is not too bad it can takea little bit of it’s over but just takeyour timethis is you know look you’ve got a sharpknife hopefully in front of you and byrushing you’re only gonna do one thingthat I’ve done a million times beforeyou’re gonna hurt yourselfwe don’t want anybody to get hurt sodon’t so let’s take your time I’m okaywith that guy this guy now you see thislook there’s two different types of fathere I’m glad you’re on that side maxthis is just your basic run-of-the-milleveryday fat that comes off almost bypulling if I had a paper towel it wouldcome off a lot easier but thisunderneath it this is called silver skinthat is not gonna do anything good foranybody and we’ll just screw this wholething up so we’ve done this before it’seasier if I have a paper towel so whydon’t I do then you pull up the a littleend of it and then you use your knife asclose to the skin that silver skin asyou can here and then you just pull awayand there that’s what you’ve got you’vegot this terrible thing taken off thatyou don’t want there we gohere’s a little bit more silver skinhere we can try and get this off too I’mtelling you it really is the scourge ofany any animal product just get rid ofthe shit it’s just impossible to eatyou’re going to go to all the work toseason these flavor the marinate themcook them beautifully on the grill andthen somebody’s gonna get a piece ofthat shit in their mouth and game overand then just finish up the other twoand the last one lookbasically all effing silver skin acrossthe top so knife goes carefullyunderneath Ohthen you grab a new piece of paper towelyou hold itand you go on you got a big giant asspiece of this horseshit okay there we golook before we stick these in themarinade let’s steal a little marinadefor after you go perfect okay let’s putour ribs in just Nestle it oh you wantall the sides covered look this backpart is not that important because it’sjust bone and unlike those boneless ribsthat we did a while back that we pulledoff this membrane we’re not eating backhere so I don’t really give a shit aboutthat you you want to take that off byall means be my guest have a party butthe goal for this second and the nextcouple hours in the fridge is exactlywhat you’re seeing here get these guyscovered well make sure everybody’s happyand how could you not be happy with thisgorgeous amazing smelling marinade onyou will cover them up don’t stick themin the fridge before we put the shortribs on the on the grill I got an emailthe other day from somebody that saidhey we just watched the episode whereyou smoked a big tomahawk on the smokerremember that oh yeah so good so whatwhat options are there for people thatdon’t have smokers and I thought aboutit in short of being a dick and sayingyour lights out max it wasn’t the lineof standbybut you’ve got no plug and before I am adick and say just get a smoker becauseit’s not a good answer I thought aboutit a bit and I thought you know theymake those those things that you fillwith woodchips and you put on your grilland there’s holes then it imparts smokeso that would be cool maybe I couldsuggest that and then I thought oncethat better I’ll buy one and try itwe’ll run the experiment if it worksthis is a great option if it doesn’twork then it’s a piece of s and then youdon’t have to worry about spending yourmoney on it we’re nice guys right likeother people who are doing this okay sohere’s what it looks like stainlesssteel clearly holes all over it becausethe flames have got to get to theunderside so what you do is you take thethis type of wood chip not the giant Imean I guess suppose technically theseare wood chips fucking flies man I’mgonna shoot somebody so this kind ofwood chip not big pieces they got to besmall so they actually you know you canget to get burned up on the on thisthing so we don’t want all the water inthis so watch a little bit put this guyhere and then we’ll let most of thewater come out and we’ll just drop themin and I don’t know how much I’m suretoo much can’t be a problem I’m sure toomuch clear for your portable I can’t doit and that looks about fine to me makesure you can shut it they’re gone that’sitonce your grill is hot on it goes sowe’ll throw it back here in the middlewell shut her and we’ll let it start toget a little smoky before we put theribs on and speaking of the ribs I justtook them out of the fridge because wedon’t want to cook them ice-cold so givehim the bite at least a half an hour outin the openaway from the Flies so they can warm upa bit and then I can do it look atsmoking like I’m crazy I gotta leave itup for a second oh oh and here we go andlook ahit’s smoking like a son of a bitch whichis great but bad for my eyes okaythis took about a half an hour to getsmoking like that that’s greatthis side is on sort of medium-high I’veturned this side it down to low becausewe’re gonna finish over there but we’regonna take our gorgeous beef ribs ahhere are you ready max and get sort ofas much of this off as you can Wow no Ijust made a noise I’ve never heardbefore because I’m so excitedno but the goal is we got to get thisthing onthese guys on him shut ah holy crap thesmoke but the key is to keep the smokein so max I gotta shut itmy eyes are recovering the thing workswe’ll see if it imparts a flavor becausesmoke without flavor is just a pain inthe ass here’s the thing we want to letthem start to sear and get some decentcolor before we turn them on their sidesand so we’ll let that happen but we’regonna try and keep the lay down as muchas we can so there’s gonna be a lot ofthis max quick lift the lid turn turnshut max again come it’s gonna be thatkind of stuff so just hang with us thenwe’ll once they’re good 10 12 ish 15minutes all the way around we’ll movethem to the the low side to let themfinish through and just let me saylittle personal public serviceannouncement for myself I was reachedout to by a Jason Hawkins a Jason youwill know why and I don’t have any wayto get in touch with you that’s all I’llsay so will you like direct message methrough Instagram or something like thatokay didn’t slide into my DMS he doesn’teven know is that what you kids saythese days no idea what yeah dude slideinto my day never mind don’t say thatand we’ll do some crack and what isslide basically trying to hook up withyou so never mind in a sexual way yeahoh I don’t want that I mean I don’tthink I want thatpretty sure Kelly doesn’t want me tohave that lets check but wait stay therelook at that you see the smokelook it that’s none of a bitch’s workingit keep it shut come on over we’ll turnthemhello sweetness just turn these guysthis way look at this big boy hellohello subs these are some meatymotherfucking ribsboy look look at home et that is do youknow how do you have any idea do you youdon’t do you know nobody has any ideasokay maybe that will put it out if youstarve it from the oxygen doesn’t thatnope it’s still going okay I don’t knowif that’s good let’s just do this oh andjust come on come on manwork with me I guess it’s okay shut mymouth shut cha cha cha cha let’s getthese guys on their sides and start – ohso we’re going alternate Lee for 130degrees inside guys and we’re gonna knowit’s there because we’re gonna use athermometer a good instant-read digitalthermometer we’re not gonna guess poormax every time he’s got a nice shotgoing I shut the lid so if you’rewondering if the smoke box works justsee this this almost works – well now Ithought it started to run out a littlebit so I put some more of the chips inhere and got them wet and dump the waterand just laid them on top but it’s allgood but now we want to move these guysah Sh ah you know how you’re gonna campfire and the smoke follows you that’swhat it’s so look at this it’sunbelievable that really is I’m veryimpressedbut again it’s about flavorgive it here’s what we want to do nowlook at this guy Wowso our goal now now that theirbeautifully browned all the way around Imean absolutely looking superb ourgolden ale is to take them and put themon the not hot side so I’ve turned thisside down let’s take our little smokingguys put them over here now the ribs arecoming here to finish I’m gonna set himon the bone ah attack at the smoke nowthey’re sitting on the bone and now wewant them to finish slowly getgorgeously tender but before we shut thelid let’s give them let’s do the fuckingthing works too well but before we shutthe lid let’s give them a little basewith that reserved sauce that’s what wewant we want that gorgeousness on there[Laughter]Oh can you smell that max is that justinsane and you see I’ll check this outpay attention one sec ready report fromthis guy falling over don’t fall overdon’t fall overdo you see what’s happening the meatpulling away from the bone you know whatthat meansmeans the meats pulling away from thebone no means it’s cooking it’s gettingtenderit’s a shrinking its tenderizing it’sgetting gorgeous and let’s check atemperature while we’re here 117 on thatguy114 on that guy so we roll in the samerange we’re gonna nother 15 degrees orso to go so a little more of this canthere ever be too much basting I don’tthink soand then we’ll shut it we’ll just let itlive quietly by itself like that whenthey’re ready off they come look at thislook what’s happening here man this isinsane stand it for me okayget a load of this guy we’re all rightaround 130 degrees you see this to seewhat that you what that means these aregonna be freakin insane you just say theword max and I will take one and I willcut it and I will eat the shit out of itso here’s our test guy now remember whatwe’ve got got bone down here so we canjust simply cut him offlook at that color okaythis is Oh pot that’s what it isit’s unbelievable and then to take apiece right here out of the middle likethat well the fat is melted it’s juicyit’s I say unctuous I don’t know thatthat means what I think it means butthat’s going to my mouth right nowthere’s a little bit of sweet from thebrown sugar that soy of course gives itthat kind of umami ish thingginger-garlic everything that I loveeverything and here’s the thing youbraised short ribs and they get fallapart tender you could take a piece inyour fingers and go like this and justcompletely shred it so there’s morefirmness to this but in the mostdelicious beefy sort of way I meansliced super thin which is which is sortof hard to do when this fresh off thegrill but but pieces like this like in asandwich or we’re in a quesadilla orjust thrown on a plate beside like someamazing potato salad or grilled corn ora grilled half a romaine we had lastnight for dinner just bacon and God wasit good but this this is beef beef thatthis is what’s for dinnerstop mmm you can cook short ribs on agrill ladies and gentlemen there’s proofright there proof right there so what dowe always say make these make everythingdon’t make the same thing all the timethanks for hanging out with us we reallyappreciate it we love that you’re herewe love that you like and and and andand comment and and share our stuffcan’t tell you how many people say theygot turned on to us because a friendtold them about usand we thank you for thatwe’re good some girl I could turn thisinto anything now but I’m just gonnastand here and eat all the pieces bymyself and that kid ain’t gettingnothing yeah okay by the way if you wantthe recipe just slide into my DMS andwe’ll take it from there

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