BBQ Beef Recipes

Full Meal on the Smoker: Beef Jerky, BBQ Meatloaf, Cherry Cobbler, Mac & Cheese (#737)

We’re firing up the smoker today! Marinate and smoke some easy beef jerky in 2 hours for a quick snack and learn about the hazards of Vegetable Oil with our new segment “Ask Doctor Matt”. Add some BBQ flair to a juicy meatloaf with a side of Smoky Mac and Cheese and Fried Cabbage. End the meal with a Double Cherry Cobbler Cake that will have you coming back for more!

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hello and welcome to Tim farmers countrykitchen well hello miss farming wheredid you come from you know me I snuck upalright today we’re in a cabin mm-hmmwould you barely make it here because ofthe rain that’s right we would like tobe cooking outside over the campfire andwe just can’t that breaks our heart butyou know what cameras aren’t made forthe rain that’s right now something Ilike something you like you like morethan I do is meatloaf right I do love meboth so we’re gonna do stuff you knowyou can cook anything on a smoker I havea couple smokers I’m playing with theTrager now and I’m finding thisinteresting and it does things that Ireally like because I can get thetemperature up there mm-hmm up to 450 alot of smokers you can’t do their youknow you’re talking to 75 max so if youhave a smoker that you can get up thosehigher temperatures Wowyou can do a chicken which we did nottoo long ago take a look at this handsoffisn’t the Holly I hope the Mike’spicking up media hereKelly’s spoiled brat jalapenos Kelly’sknow she’s here super snack but wherewas I I like to get those Timbers oh youonly cook something 350 350 is 350 rightwhether it’s in your oven or whateverbut if it’s in a smoker it’s gonna havea smoke taste350 350 Dutch oven of a smoker so acertain thing we’re gonna see Nick thisweekend mm-hmm you know what Nick likessure he loves jerk yesterday you knowand I’m not knocking any particularbrands of thing but you look startedlooking at some of the ingredients injerky it pretty good a lot of nitratesnitrites whatever so I’m gonna make sometoday and we’ve already used all ourvenison up for other things you can eatthis is my venison recipe we’re gonnause it we got some beef but say you wanta piece of jerky that’s the best jerkyever I like that I would it’s reallygood look at that WowI’m second turkey from the store is thisall you have left in the other day youknow a lot of it yeahwhen you don’t have a kick out or if youjust want some quick protein I’m sohandy to have something around you knowwhat’s in itmm-hmm oh that’s really good a littletasty all right let’s get to it this isso simple nowyou talk about continuing patterns yousee things here you see it there youthink about the bronze that I use for myturkey right or my smoked trout what doI use soy mm-hmm or sister Sarah garlicblack pepper kosher salt very similargarlic so what’s happening now verysimilar to that this is a marinade or abroad whatever you want to call itthen we’re gonna soak our jerky andmaybe bottom rounds for sale mmm mmmgood you dear maybe you’ve got some deermeat left the roaster jerky yeah look inabout quarter inch the great thing aboutif you do with beef which we’re doingtonight just go to your butcher and sayhey now this is gonna shrink up rememberthat go to your butcher and say hey I’mone in quarter-inch and some of theseare a little bit thicker than a quarterbut what I like jerky I don’t want it tobe brittle and break off and get secondto my teeth I like it to have somemoisture in it this is a quickturnaround to after the marinade twohours in your smoker because what smokeagain two hours at 225 you’re gonnasleep are you kidding me yeah we’regonna take that nigga we’re just gonnasplit these in half okay now this cutelittle life that we’ve been using theirbison what kind of knife is it it’s nota sponsor it’s not anybody we just foundthese in Stanford there’s a little storedown here that cares branagh now this isstuff you can find all over the place rada usually I’ll do a double of this thisis a half a recipe we’ve already doneone batch we did one the other night andmakes it likes to eat a large they’ll beenough it’ll never him to eat at onesetting yes sirso mrs. farmer if you will let’s go 3/4a cup or sister shower or soy sauce thethird course now if I was doing it in myoven I wanted to get a little more smokytaste liquid smoke I would put a littlebit I’m gonna go ahead put some in thereanyway just a tad just about that muchexact all right so we’re getting oursalty bass in there now let’s come inwith some sweet okay and I want threetablespoons of I’m gonna put a lightbrown sugaralright then I’m gonna come back withone tablespoon of kosher salt you getthe saltyou got the soy and get the worst soyou’ve got some good preserving unionsin me again though I’m not saying takethis out on the trail with you andyou’ll walk to Canada and back and justgonna be finethis is to eat put it in refrigeratortake it out as you need it right rightfrom there we’re gonna go to oneteaspoon of onion powder and oneteaspoon of garlic powder right nowhere’s where it gets interestinglast time I did just a shake I coveredthe top now some people would probablyuse a teaspoon I didn’t do that this isprobably a quarter of a teaspoon thenwith black pepper let’s go 2 tablespoonsnow that’s gonna bring some heat inright there if you wanted to and I domm-hmmusually this would be done if you’remaking more of a Korean teriyaki but Ilike a little texture and I like thelook of just a little bit of sesame Ilike sesame so there’s a little crowdyeah I like thatguess what mrs. farmer what we’re therethat’s good smells good it’s got a goodsmell to it that may seem like a lot theblack pepperbut since they can’t blend there’s somemore pepper in the market yeah that’sright that’s goodno no no look at here now you knowthat’s kind of shrink up soft hmm 225degrees we’re just gonna drop this inhere really let it get a coin in we’regonna let it get amongst itself but thenmr. farmer if you will go ahead andstart stirring that up right and then ofcourse we’re just gonna take a plasticbag and there’s different amounts oftime this pulls this salt in prettyquick I usually go for about I don’tknow four or five hours and that’sadequate to me you can let it go allnight if we lose look at that piece Iwant that piece one nice big please allright let’s take that let’s pour that inthat bag honeynow let’s take that bag Nikki mash itall up together I’m going to stick thatfive hours to twenty five get it warmedup get it up get it ready to gopop them in their lame on degree youwant your grill to be open just lay themon your surface 225 degrees here’s thegreat part two hours two hours sothere’s breakfast hmm okayjust that easy nothing to it hugesitting there looking at me I could eatevery bit in a problem well throughoutthe show okaythink I was gonna tell me to stopchewing and talk so meatloaf I thoughtokay let’s let’s take meatloaf and do iton my terms I wanted to have a goodsmoky barbecue flavor you like that solet’s get the jerky stuff out of the waypull the meatloaf stuff up and I’m gonnashow you a barbecue me both sounds oralso tonight after we get this going we’regonna have a doctor man on earth dr.Matt Dawson I’m betting recent leaves atthe castlefantastic he’s a sharp guy yeah so he’stelling me that I’m asking this questionand he’s fired up about it becausethat’s what he’s studying he’sinterested in for his kids for himselfright so anyway we’re gonna talk to himabout vegetable oil in a little whilewe’re gonna have him on occasionallytell us kind of steer us in the rightdirectionmovemove ear off the path here and nerdwas gonna do that we’re gonna do so anyhere in a while vegetable uh sounds goodright vegetable yeah well you think it’sgood not reallylook we’re gonna talk about that laterokay let’s mix up our meatloaf I’m gonnago to two one beef to fork now if you’llremember let’s take a look back we makeour own your sweet Italian sausage hmmthen we’re gonna take two cups ofbreadcrumbs now you can do it and youcan do it whatever you want a littleflavor won’t hurt you little basil andoregano really works well in somebarbecue now before we go to ground andon this we’re gonna take I don’t know athird of an onion and we’re gonna cutthat up really fine gotta have someonion means me really fine I like itreally funky didn’t want a big old chunkonion kiss don’t crack up real well andmeatloaf all right of coursetwo eggs use some salt and pepper let’suse about a teaspoon and a half salt andthe same with pepper now let’s take somechili powder I’m gonna go over over atablespoon of it I want to taste it Iwant to taste it in cumin when I do mychili I’m a lot of cumin my choice goodfor you you know a lot of times you’llwant peppers and you want some onionsand some various other kind of chunkyvegetable like stuff so I’m gonna justput some Chow Chow in there good idealet’s use a heaping tablespoon I likethat I’m ciaochao maybe yeah maybe justa little bit more all right now that’llgive some nice color in there now I’mgonna end up with my barbecue sauceI’m gonna put about a half a cup andthen let’s go maybe a third of a cup ofyour favorite beer you can use darkerlight we don’t want it too moist readydig so now imagine now I’m smellingright now how does it smell good that’snot like you get the yeasty smell thebeer and cumin stuff going to smellslike an almost a good chiliI like your barbecue sauce idea – mm-hmmthe moistens nothing your flavor goesthroughout you’ve gotten to like alittle bit of sweet you’ve got nighttimeyeah now what we’re gonna do is we’regoing to take this and put it in a loafpan an already greased loaf pan we’regonna put that on the smoker is well atthe same time that we put the jerky okayso I’m gonna go 225 to 250 I’m a lot ofcook for a while I’d say around he’s gotpork in it so you want to go at least160 maybe just a little bit more thelast 20 minutes that you’re cooking itput you another round the barbecue saucejust brush it on the top and guess whatyou got the list you know weeks worth ofgoodies that’s right[Music]right now like I said in a minute we’regonna talk to Matt but before we talk toMatt let’s make something nice and sweetthat’s right and listen we are nevergonna get on the soapbox and say do thisdon’t do thator because I am NOT a soapbox kind ofguy and I like to go get a doughnutevery now and then yes you did I’m gonnawe’re gonna share that information withyou right now I’m going to sweetenthat’s right all right so we’re lookingfor something we can pop into smokermm-hmm tommy’s mrs. farmer this is adouble cherry delight it is and actuallygot this from Deana good friend of bothof our special poor good recipes a gooddessert so we were talking I’m like whatcould I make this really simple she wasgiving me ideas she makes like a cobblerbut she’ll use like peaches andblueberries and put cake on it andsomething you put a lid on top but yougot to thinking let’s do cherries cuzthey have that’s a new cherry Ellie wecan throw on the top of that there’sonly one three ingredients and I’ve gotsome canned cherries the tart ones thatin water drained him and this is simpleI mean this is so simple it’s just butto tastethis is a cake mix you could use yellowor white I like yellow so I’m gonna doyou want to be my stir stir for youstirred a little bit Turner I’d have awooden spoon but I don’t know wherethose are a lot of things people justpour the cake on top and then pour theliquid but even Dan was saying she foundit she thinks it it’s better when youstir them up now while you’re stirringI’m gonna end the cherry flavored lathough cuz I think that give it morecherry play everything it smells likesomething you get at the fair right nowwell that easier what was easy I’m onehour and we’re sitting all right soafter everything else is done we canbring that temperature up to 350 okayby the time we get everything pulled offthe meatloaf and everything put this 350in you do you go about an hour about anhour overnight start checking in an houryes in an hour it was done I pulled himthe smells are fantastic but first we’regonna talk to dr. Matt we’re gonna havethis segment called ask dr. Matt MattDawson a lot of questions for him yeahand you know what we’re gonna talk to ifyou have a question I think after yousee the segment you’re gonna kind of seewhere we’re going here and if you have aquestion for dr. Matt we’d have a littlespace on our Facebook page where you canask himand then we’ll take a look at it andwe’ll pick three or four out and thenext session we have with him will willask him those questions yeahlet’s pop the Senate 350 and go see Matt[Music][Applause]all right if I said we had access to adoctor’s mind and if I knew this doctorwas fascinated by everything that we putin our bodies because he sees patients15 years later if they’ve been doingthis or that they should be doingshouldn’t be doing what if I tapped intothis resource on a regular basis andsaid hello dr. Matt asked dr. Matt I gotsome questions for youwould you mind every now and then talkto us you love this stuffnutrition what that does to your bodywhat this does to your body do you notmy mind is yours so feel free and I dohappen in everybody knows what you eatmatters I don’t think anybody trulyunderstands how important it is so I’mhappy to talk about that first subjectwe use oils in our cooking so on and soforth by the very nature of it you wouldthink vegetable oil because it saysvegetable is good for you you told methat’s not the case of trick it’s atrick the word is a trickit is fats are extremely important everycell in your body is made up of amembrane is composed of fats and thatthose fats come from what you eatdirectly so it’s really important whatfat unique in vegetable oil is one ofthe most toxic things that you can eatdry up there with sugar and very fewpeople on staff so tell us what happenswhen you use vegetable oil that is notgood for yousure so all of those cell membranes yourbody uses that fat which is apolyunsaturated omega-6 fat which is nota natural thing for you to eat and itreplaces all cell membranes with thatfat and they’re basically dysfunctionalwe have dysfunctional membranes whenyour omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratiois off in your body so that’s why wedon’t actually use vegetable oils hereat the kitchen anymoreand I don’t have them in my home whatdoes that do to you over time if youcould Kim if you bombard your money withit increases your chances of heartattack stroke diabetes all the thingsthat you don’t want to have happen toyou how does it affect your just theweight you feel overall it’s a greatquestion because your brain is actuallya large percentage of your brain is fatso it definitely affects your mentalcapabilities brain fog could definitelybe because of a really high omega-6 toomega-3 ratio so but fats are criticalit’s important to have a good fast notthe bad fats and to define vegetable isthings like canola oil which is reallymade from rapeseed grapeseed oil peanutoils those things are what I considervegetable oils there are good choicesthough that’s the thing you don’t needto have you don’t have to quit eatingany oils at all fats are important so ifyou have to absolutely have to we’refrying things less and less here’s theproblem with frying when you frysomething it converts that oil itconverts it into a trans fat and theyall have heard about the dangers oftrans fats I’m not gonna tell people toquit living go ahead and cry but aextra-virgin olive oil is going to beyour best choice even extra virgin oliveoil if you take it up past its smokepoint too hot and fry you’re still goingto get some of that conversion so theless fried food you eat the betterextra-virgin olive oil and with goodsources almost like medicine it has somany great compounds for you and it’s ahealthy thing so the more of that youcan consume the better it’s kind of theopposite of the vegetable oil when I addextra virgin olive oilI usually added at the end of cooking Ilove the flavor the taste but if you addit at the end and don’t get it past thatsmoke point you’re not going to getthose trans fats so when you cook it isimportant to not just what you cook thewin and how how high is the heatwhen you add the fact so do you up andcook a lot of stuff you borrow a lot ofstuff we do or steam as well or cook ina pan with water like vegetables I’mgoing to saute mainly with water getthem cooking add the extra virgin oliveoil at the end and even that you canhave good sources and bad sources morerecently that it’s actually in thebottle if you look at the date they putin the bottle that’s going to be bettera dark bottle because it’s not acompletely stable fat if it’s exposed tolight and heat then it can convert tothose trans fats as well so if you’reinterested in becoming more healthy andI think we all are and if you you seethese people thirty years in that havereally abused these things that we thinkare healthy you don’t want to see thatno you see you’ll be seeing less patientyou realize you’re cutting out some ofyour patients in the long term you okaywith that that would be great I wouldrather be optimizing people instead oftrying to fix them well we’re in aworking kitchen this is working pantryit’s a working doctor and we have someworking ideas for how to stay healthycan we do this again absolutely thankthey’ll appreciate you know vegetableoil honey huh what’s this big green bagwell let’s say what’s in this big dreamday that looks like it might be kalethat looks like it might be good news ofsome sort now you say okay wait looklet’s just dump it all outso Community Supported Agriculture CSAwe’re just going to get a couple clovesout just cut the ends off pop the paperoff as we say who doesn’t like friedcabbage this garlic dip I would eat thatI know you would eat that it’s yummy sowhile we’re cutting this up let’s talkabout our macaroni need a half a stickof butter 1/4 cup of flour after youmelt your butter just can make yourlittle root then you come back with 2cups of warm milk then you’re gonna addyour cheese now here’s where it’s wideopenwhat I’ve been eating lately per yearyeah we got some smoked rare cheese 2/3a cup of heavy cream you want to put awhite pepper that gives a nice littleblack pepper and I like some jalapeno onmine especially when you put a nunsmoker cuz it does something magic andI’m taking about half a box of macaroniget that cooking get that ready roll putit all togetheronce everything is nice and melty we canput that in about 325 for about 30minutesnow remember everything’s already meltedand wonderful you’re just kind ofwarming everything up make it togetherbringing the top alright let’s go aheadand drop our cabbage innow this is really gonna reduce in sizeso Nick if you will go ahead and putthat other oh it’s good you smell thathuh if you’ll give us a plate I’m foreverything off and we’re about to eat[Music]that’s pretty good plate it’s prettycolors I like it good you know water forsome reason I won’t draw them so do Ikill areas still the girl I kind ofexert $4,000wow that’s always good didn’t it mm-hmmso we got her smoky mac and cheese wehave our barbecue mm-hmm saving the bestfor lastmm-hmm barbecue meatloaf hmm that isvery own hmmso many flavors in that that’s reallygood you outdid yourself on that youknow what that’s really good when youstart thinking about things you thinkokayboring ketchup why not if you can put ona smoker put things in it that reallykind of accentuate that that’s amazingso we got chili powder we have cumin wehave barbecue sauce we a little bit ofbeer for these oh I like it stays moistit now listen it’s gonna have a littlepink color cuz the way you cook it it’sdone temperatures there don’t say oh noit’s not done it is done thetemperatures above 160 so it’s good togowe want to thank Matt for being ontonight but we also want to mention thatagain it’s a pretty daggone easy to geton our Facebook page how you go this faryou hit like you’re kidding me no itsimply it like boom we’ve got a bunch ofpeople I never want to have more talk toremind you what events coming up andbefore I take this huge bite we shouldalso say that I had to pull up thatrecipe 10 farmers country kitchen calmbefore its time we’re good night so yougotta try got to try that or dessertwhich has been smelling this placesomething can’t wait to try itthat looks so good look at that so youmove it up here I can’t wait to try thatoh the steams are rolling off of it mmmthat’s one of the best cherry dessertsI’ve ever had it’s all cherry reallygood I think I just went to there oh wowhow do you describe that mmm it’s like areally good cobbler but better wowthat’s goodpacked show mrs. farmer yes it is butit’s all about good times good friendsgood eats I’m starving shot I mean thesee Christmas time is right around thecorner and once again you have to find agift for that hard to buy for a familymember on your list at Tim farmersCountry Kitchen calm this problem issolved that’s Tim farmers countrykitchen calm[Music]you

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