Beef Flanken Ribs are one of the easiest rib cuts to grill and develop amazing tenderness and flavor. With just two hours of indirect cooking on the Weber Kettle, followed by a Ginger Honey Glaze, these beautiful cuts were paired with some Sriracha Garlic Mashed Potatoes for a fantastic meal.
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Flanken Rib Rub Ingredients
2 tsp Kosher Salt
1 tsp Paprika
2 tsp Granulated Garlic
1 tsp Ground Black Pepper
½ tsp Turmeric
1 TBSP Maple Syrup
2 TBSP Olive Oil
Ginger Honey Glaze Ingredients
¼ cup Honey
2 TBSP Soy Sauce
1 TBSP Crushed Fresh Ginger (not powdered)
Sriracha Garlic Potatoes Ingredients
2 lb Small White Potatoes
2 TBSP Butter
1 TBSP Minced Garlic
3 TBSP Milk
2 TBSP Sriracha Hot Sauce
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#cooking #grilling #ribs #beefribs
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Video Transcription
I’ve got about four pounds of someterrific beef flank and ribs that I’mgonna be cooking up on the weber kettle[Music]so flank and ribs if you’ve never doneflank and ribs you don’t even know whatthose are if you look here you’ll seethese are the ends of the rib bonesflank and ribs are just ribs which arecut across the bone so you get thesestrips of rib meat with little bits ofbone they can turn out incredibly tenderif you just give them the time to cookthey don’t actually take too long butyou want to season them properly andthat’s what we’re gonna do now is we’regonna get our rub readyso the rub is sort of a hybrid it’s amix of a rub and a marinade creatingsort of a pace that’s gonna go on theseflank and ribswe’re gonna start with 2 teaspoons ofkosher salt 2 teaspoons of granulatedgarlic 1 teaspoon of paprika 1 teaspoonof ground black pepper and half ateaspoon of turmeric turmeric turmericeveryone pronouncing before I add thewet ingredients in here I just want tosort of mix these up a little bit justget them slightly blended now to thisI’m gonna add maybe 2 or 3 tablespoonsof olive oil and we’re gonna add 1tablespoon of maple syrup give us alittle sweetness in here I’m just gonnastart mixing this together herecreating our nice little paste reallywant to make sure you get all the clumpsof the dry ingredients incorporated herethat’s looking good let’s have a tinylittle taste you see that is nice hintof sweetness from that maple syrup butthose great flavors of the spices inthere to be good all right let’s getthis on our ribs so all we’re going todo is just start getting this on ourribsand we’ll be getting in there withgloved hands and making sure everybodygets rubbed with this just want to kindof spoon it out a little more evenlyfirst the nice thing about these beefflank and ribs is there’s a lot of meatsurface area to accept seasoning let’sget in here and get everybody a rubdownflip them over both sides rubbed theeverybody mixed up in there they’re allfriends I don’t know if I mentioned butthese are gonna go in the refrigeratorovernight in some Ziploc bags just toreally accept all these seasonings giveus great flavors tomorrow out on theWeber Kettle there we goour beef flank and ribs all rubbed upready to go in the refrigerator that’swhere they’re going and I’ll see youtomorrowout at the Weber Kettle[Music]all right our beef flank and ribs havebeen soaking in the flavors in thathybrid rub marinade overnight in therefrigerator in a couple minutes we’regonna get the Weber cattle going getthem out on there but first I want toget a glaze made that’s gonna go onthese ribs at the very end we’re noteven gonna glaze them when they’re onthe kettle we’re gonna glaze them oncethey’re off and they come in this isgoing to be a ginger honey glaze andwe’re starting with a quarter cup ofhoney to this we’re gonna add onetablespoon of crushed ginger lastingredient two tablespoons of soy sauceand we’re just gonna get in here and mixthis together got to work it slowly atfirst because you had that really loosesoy sauce and the very thick honeysmells really good with that gingerthat’s looking pretty good there justscrape the sides make sure everybody isinto the mix take a little taste I likethat I think honey and ginger go so welltogether that soy sauce hair gives you alittle bit of saltiness a little bitmore body in the flavor this is going togo in the refrigerator and it’s going towait until our ribs are all done solet’s go ahead get out there get thekettle going[Music]all right the kettle is up to temp gonnago ahead and start getting our flank andribs on here you can see that foil pouchthere that contains some small whitepotatoes that I cut into halves andthirds and there’s a little bit of oliveoil a little bit of kosher salt on themand that’s just gonna start gettingready for some sriracha garlic mashedpotatoes that we’re gonna have withthese flank and ribs[Music]a little bit of a tight fit on some ofthese but we’ll make it workdefinitely find room for everybodynobody’s getting left out of the partyhere[Music]all right we’re gonna get our lid on andlet these start cookingmy upper vent is set in about the 2/3open position and my bottom vent isfully open at this timeso the kettle temperature I’m going fortoday is somewhere between 225 and 250anywhere between 200 and 275 is going tobe fine with me I really want to dothese sort of low and slow reallydevelop that tenderness and it’sprobably going to take somewhere betweentwo and four hours probably closer inthe two to three hour range for theseflank and ribs the way we’re gonna tellwhen these are done it’s just gonna betenderness like normally you would withbeef ribs these are just beef ribs cut adifferent way and once those potatoesare done we’ll take those off get theminside and get those garlic srirachamashed potatoes made so I’ll bring youback here in a couple hours when it’stime to check these alright we’ve beengoing to ours let’s check our flank andribs those are looking really reallygood just want to check some fortenderness hereyeah we’re probing pretty darn tenderhere got great color on these greatsmell coming off of them I rotated thepotatoes just about an hour ago just sothat package wasn’t the same way theentire time but these ribs are ready tocome off at two hours so let’s get themoff here get them inside get oursriracha garlic mashed potatoes made andhave a tasteall right our little potatoes arealready all we’re gonna do is just sortof mash these roughly I’m not lookingfor any creamy consistency I want toreally sort of chunky rustic mashedpotatoes that we’re gonna be making herewe’re just gonna take a big fork startmashing these break down the big chunksbefore we add some of our butter and ourother seasonings and flavors hereI’m gonna go ahead and add twotablespoons of butter here to startkinda had a couple tablespoons of milknow I have four set aside that’s kind ofwarmed up a little bit so it’s not coldwe’ll add about half of it just gonnamix this in and if you don’t like potatoskins you can peel your potatoes I lovepotato skins and sort of these rusticmashed potatoes now I’m going to addmaybe one more tablespoon of milk herethat’s looking good time for the garlicand this is one tablespoon of mincedgarlic[Music]now I’m going to add about twotablespoons of sriracha[Music]switching over to a spoon here to helpmix this in now I’m just gonna give thismaybe less than a teaspoon of saltreally just salt to whatever you wantwe’ll give it a taste in a second herestir it up again everybody mixed in allright let’s give this a taste hmm a nicelittle hit from that sriracha thegarlic’s in there I don’t think it needsany more salt let’s move on to checkingout our flank and ribs all right hereare some of our flank and ribs they’rejust looking great I haven’t even glazedthem yet but the color on them just isterrificreally good you can see where the bonesections are so it gives you that ideawhat they mean when they say flank andthey’re cut straight across the bone soyou have long length of the meat pleasejust look great let’s get some glaze onthem ginger honey glaze that we madeyeah my cutting boards getting messy somuchthere they are glazed up flank and ribsI think we should plate this all up withsome of those sriracha garlic mashedpotatoes and have a taste all right sohere is our plate of these glazed flankand ribs with our garlic sriracha mashedpotatoes a little bit more sriracha ontop and some chives I don’t know whatelse to say here it just it’s kind ofreally pretty I’m afraid to eat it butyou know what that’s not gonna stop mebecause it’s time to tasteall right the first thing I’m going foris just some of these garlic srirachamashed potatoes or sriracha garlicmashed potatoes whichever you want tocall it here we gothose are good those are really reallygood just be mindful if you take a biteof the part that has a dollop ofsriracha on top you’re getting like atriple kick of sriracha here’s somewithout the sriracha on top mmm that’s amuch milder kick but it is definitelythere and those mashed potatoes and boydoes it taste good in fact I’m going fora triple taste of potatoes before youeven get to the ribs I’m making thoseagain now time for the flank and ribsthere’s many different ways to eat flankand ribs you can cut them up with aknife and fork I’m just gonna pick it uptake a bite here we go mmm I always talkabout how I like there to be a littlebit of a bite in the ribs so it doesn’tfall completely off the bone beef ribs Itend to like a little bit more fall offthe bone but look at that nice littlebite right off that rib bone that’ssection right there oh man these justhave fantastic flavor really tenderreally juicy and when you think about ittwo hours of cook time that’s it nowrapping nothing the cattle went almostexclusively between 220 and 235 theentire time I was watching thetemperature and if you can keep it inthat really sort of low and slow range Ireally think it does help develop thetenderness and the flavor here withoutovercooking drying it out quicklybecause these are thin pieces of meatwhen you look at them but boy are theygood so if you’ve never made flank andrib maybe you’ve seen them in the storeand just didn’t have any idea what to dowith them give them a couple hours 200225 250 degrees let them develop slowlyget that tenderness get that flavoryou’re gonna have some terrific beefribs that don’t take five hours to cookreally