BBQ Beef Recipes

How to make grilled smoked beef Tri Tip – Keto Diet Recipe

Tri Tip can be grilled, smoked or just made in the oven.
This recipe is Keto diet friendly. The only carbs are in the rub, and they are very minimal.
Weber Smoking and BBQ Rub –

Let the meat warm up to room temperature.
Season both sides with Garlic Powder, Seasoned Salt, Weber BBQ Rub.
Optional: Sear meat in pan, or on grill.
Place in wood pellet grill or smoker with temperature thermometer.
Once meat reaches 135 degrees for medium, cover and let rest for at least 10 minutes.
After resting slice meat across grain. Enjoy!

If you are on a low carb diet or ketogenec diet this is a great addition to that diet.
Also check out my other recipes that are Keto recipe friendly:

Some of the Seasonings I use in my recipes:

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Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hey everybody welcome back to my channel
today we’re going to be cooking tri-tipon the Green Mountain wood pellet grill
when you use fruit wood pellets andwe’re gonna start out with two these are
approximately pound and a halftri-tip so first thing we want to do is
we got these at room temperature we justwant to kind of dry them off here just
want it so there’s not too much extramoisture on here now the first thing
we’re gonna do is start out with somegarlic powder just give it a nice
generous coat of garlic powder both ofthem and we’re gonna do the same for
both sides so we’re gonna finish up oneach side first I’m going to use a
little bit of Lawry’s seasoned salt nottoo much just just a little bitjust enough to get a Lawry’s seasoned
salt flavor and we’re going to use someWeber’s classic barbecue rub I use this
use the same basically recipe on a beeftenderloin actually I got a video coming
for that so check that out the beeftenderloin actually turned out delicious
so we got a good rub on here nowwe’re going to flip them over and
basically do the same thing to the otherside so like I said it’s garlic powder
never go wrong with garlic unless youdon’t like garlic Lawry’s seasoned saltand once we get this done we’re going to
let these sit for probably you knowclose to an hour before we get them on
the grill and we’re cooking these againfor temperature not for time today so we
want to cook these like them nice andyou know somewhere around nice and
medium and that’ll that’ll put the wrongthe edges they’ll be nice and medium
well if we do that and but we’re cookedinto about 135 so 135 degrees is when we
get these on the grill we’ll put thetemperature thermometer in there and
cook to 135 so there you arenicely seasoned
I like to mop up all this extra stuffand put on there so let these set for a
little bit and we’ll get them on thegrill in about an hour and get them
cooking okay so these guys have beenmarinating for about an hour and I’m
gonna get him on the knot the GreenMountain first I’m gonna put him on a
different grill this is my just myregular propane grill I’m gonna put him
on here real quick because I want tosear them I want to get a nice little
sear on these so throw them on here realquickget a real nice sear on them probably uh
– 2 minutes aside this grill is at closeto 400 degrees right now so a couple
minutes aside we’ll get a good sear onthem and we’ll put them on the green
mountain grill okay so I flipped theseTatem on about two minutes aside look at
that that’s a nice looking sear rightthere just some good grill marks on this
grill and we’re gonna get these on thegreen mountain okay so about to put
these on the green mountain got thetemperature thermometer in the thickest
part of the meat hereget that incense so we’re gonna put
these on and again like I said we’recooking to temperature so that meat is
currently about 80 degrees because itwarmed up a little bit when we’re
searing itso we’re gonna cook this to 135 keep
them nice and medium and once we takethem off we’re gonna let it rest for
about 10 minutes maybe 15 then we’regoing to cut in see how these go so
we’ll be back in just a little bit okaytemperature is at 137 I’m gonna go ahead
and wrap these up in foil before Ibefore I put them in the cooler to rest
and I’m gonna let them rest for about 10or 15 minutes so I’m just gonna
individually wrap them hereokay so put him in this pan here said
we’re gonna let him rest well 10 or 15minutes and then we’re gonna slice them
alrighty so like I said we’re gonna putthese in the cooler so I’m put this
towel in here like thisput these down in
cover it with another towel this keepsthem nice and warm while they’re resting
there we go we’ll take this inside andwe’ll get these done cut in about 15
minutes okay so this has actually beenresting for about 25 minutes now we’re
going to get this on the cutting boardthose juices for later just good so
we’re gonna cut this you want to cut itagainst the grain you can see the greens
are running this way so we’re gonna cutit right like this here so let’s see how
this turns out oh yeah that’s nice andmedium cut a couple pieces here we’ve
got nice and juicy that is that’s gonnabe pretty tasty so let me taste the
piece here I got a I got a special guesttaster here so she’s gonna step in this
is my daughter and be a grandpa so takea little taste ever see what you think
oh yeah that’s pretty goodno way you don’t just believe me she
wouldn’t lie about good nice medium goodoutside flavor mm-hmm look at that look
how nice and juicy that is right theremust be that good already well thanks
for stopping by remember to like thisvideo click that subscribe button in the
little bell you’ll get notifications andleave me a comment if you want me to
cook something special let me know dropme a line thanks for stopping delicious

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