BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked BBQ Beef Ribs | Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker WSM | How to Smoke Beef Ribs

Smoked BBQ Beef Ribs. Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker WSM. How to Smoke Beef Ribs. Fire up your WSM Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker because these Smoked BBQ Beef Ribs are fantastic. The smoke adds an incredible flavor to these tender beef ribs. Cooked low and slow, these smoked beef ribs are tender and juicy!

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this looks like I conned Amy into goingto the butcher with me to get some tastybeef ribs to cook but ribs can be toughunless you cook them right thethree-two-one meth is a simple way tocook tender ribs so if these look tastyand you want to see how I cook them thenstay tuned as I smoke some mighty tastybeef ribs[Music]youthis is the back and we have some silverskin now normally you want to removethis stuff because definitely offer anyflavor and it keeps seasoning smokeeverything else from penetrating it plusit’s just could be nasty but sometimesit’s hard to get off so what you do isyou just start take a knife get a littlebit started and then you just take likea wet paper towel or napkin did youstart pulling and I got a little bitstarted here kind of hear it you justwork with it sometimes if you go to abarbecue jointsometimes they pull the stuff sometimes[Music]I’m used to pulling it on a spare ribswhich are really slippery and that’swhere the paper towel helps especiallyit wet it a little bitthere’s one’s a little bit drier and notslimyall right close enough for governmentwork I got the bulk of it off this guyhas a little bit of a fat cap we’re justgonna pretty much leave it in place youcan see here some meat got some marblingthere Wow here’s the bones so got a bonethere all this is meat this is all meatthat’s wonderful so literally this thingis a good you know 10 to 12 inches longI mean it’s it’s a big honker so I’mlooking forward to doing some damage tothis guy now one of the things I want todo here is get some seasonings on hereright so let’s get started first of allwe’re going to use yellow mustard whybecause it does wonderful things weactually learned to do this when we didbarbecue comps when we put anything withrub offit could be seriously it could be our apork shoulder it could be brisketit was our spare ribs chicken I thinkwas the only thing we didn’t do it youdid our chicken okay the thing is youdon’t taste the mustard okaythe mustard does a few things it has anacid in it so it somehow changes thetexture of the meat just a little bit itgives it like a paste to attach the rubto so the rub sticks on and I mean wegot smoked we got good stuff permeatingthis meat here why not give it a littlelove give us some mustard right sothat’s what we’re gonna do here so we’rejust gonna apply liberally herewith it here all right good enough yeahwell just do that the seasoning you canuse any rub you like or just use saltand pepper it’s what you want this isbeef so I like to keep things simple sothis little concoction I made I justused some kosher salt because it’s ahorse I don’t use table salt because Iwouldn’t be able to put much on thereright because it would make it way toosalty I also used coarse ground pepperand I also used granulated onion andgrandly garlic in a ratio of one to oneon everything so in this case I havefour tablespoons of stuff but I can useon this and I can use on my next mealbecause I’m gonna have fun seasoningthat too so I just want to go ahead andif you want free color I suppose youcould put some paprika in here cuzthat’ll make it kind of a the usualcolor everybody juice too rightI’ll throw some back on here just incase[Music]we are ready to put this on the smokeryou can go ahead do anything you wantwith your ribs you can marinate them inwhatever sauce you want ahead of timejust be aware that sugar and some otherthings at high temperature cancaramelize and turn black on you andthat might create all flavors so justkeep that in mind depending upon ifyou’re good if we do this in the ovengrill smoker me we’re gonna be cookingthis at 250 for five hours today allright we got boned facing the camerathere this is meat side down we’re gonnaput meat side down because that’s how Iwant to start it normally just a simpleprocess I call it a three to one if Ican cook at 225 doesn’t matter if it’sthe oven grill or smoker then threehours meat side down two hours we’regonna put in foil with a little bit ofliquid we’ll show that in just a momenthere when it gets there and in the lasthour is exposed to smoke at the end andthen if you want a sauce that you canbut depend upon what temperature youcook at like today we’re at 250 I’m notgoing to cook for six hours I’m going tocook for five hours so this is going tobe 2 to 1 2 hours it’s supposed to smoke2 hourssteaming in the foil and in 1 hour atthe end so let’s get that goingright now I have Kingsford in the in thebottom this is a weber smokey mountainWSM it’s a vertical water cooker so Ihave a pot of a pan of hot water to helpwith humidity and stuff we also have acouple of wood chunks in thereI like oak but today Apple seemed to getmy attention so I have a couple bigchunks in there that’s contributing allthe smoke so I think this is going to belovely when we’re all done so withoutfurther ado let’s start the timer[Applause][Music]you rock my baby you rock my worldlike no one elseyou make it spin and twirl[Music]all right spit a couple of hours now forthose of you guys who are really payingattention wise meat side up because yousaw it go me side down because I justrotated it to make it easier for me todo this little step that we’re about todo so we’re gonna be filing it becausewe’re gonna want to steam this bad boythis is something that you do to helptenderize it and make it all wonderfulstuff if you can see right here we havea little bit bone edge right there alittle bit of bone edge right there soit’s already peeling back a little bitbut it’s probably gonna do a little bitmore in here and let’s say well go rightthere I guess so right now I’ve got twolayers of heavy-duty aluminum foilbecause I want to make sure that when Iseal it we’re good I also want to makesure that I’ve got a liquid in here tohelp steam and you can use almostanything you want that’s a liquid youcan use butter margin apple juice isgood if you’re doing pork this is goingto be beef so I’m going to use a littlemare gotta do a beer check boo make suredumbmake sure it is what they say it is yepI can confirm is beersoall right sodon’t do thatthe tracking[Music]what I want to do here is I wanted tobring the ends in bring these guys upand seal it at the topI was trying to bring the slides up andthen tighten it down but it’s not longenough for me so I’m gonna take care ofthat one second with another piece waitone second all right let’s see if we cando this again here and just do somethinglike this and then the sides are alreadysealed so we’re good like that so atthis point we got a good amount liquidin there got a really tight on here andnow we can go ahead and cook it like Isaid it’s based on the temperature thatyou’re using we’re either gonna go onehour or two hour in two hours in hereI’m probably gonna do one hour minimum Imay do as much as two it just dependsupon the smokerhe hasn’t been cooperating too well withme today so I will be back after theribs have cooked all right some of thefun part let’s see how hot this is seeif I can deal with itwell obviously got to unfold this partso with any luck these beef ribs havehad chance to shrink a little but nottoo much but more importantly getsteamed okay braising and all thatlovely beer that we put in there rightand hopefully that little tender I loststeam in there that’s always a goodthingoh yeah so oh they came back clean alittleall right so Wow jeez that liquid it’spretty hot it was only 295 degrees howcould that be all right so we have acombination of a grease from the fatrendering and then we also have the beerso you can see it pulled back the meat alittle bit which tells me that a lot ofgood and has happened and that’s whatit’s supposed to do but it didn’t pullback too much now if I pull back hereI’d be in trouble right it won’t beanything to eat so memo to anybodycooking bison ribs go careful becausethat meat slain it cooks way faster thanthis stuff does so my goal here just tonot make a total mess all right I hearsomething leaking I can only imagine Ihave a hole and some of this renderingsmade down in there all rightwell cut out of the foil looks prettygood we have about an hour cook timeleft so maybe half hour I don’t know soif you were gonna sauce you know you’dwant to put some sauce on maybe 15 20minutes before you decide to pull it offme I’m not gonna sauce I’m gonna eat itin its natural state here so we’ll beback a little bit when it’s had a chanceto cook a little more all right we diditany time you do a barbecue we’re nottalking drilling we’re talking barbecueit’s a marathon it’s not a sprint rightit’s not matter who’s got the most smokeup front or towards the end it’s howwell can you maintain your temps duringthe whole cooking time because that’sall that matters right each animal youcook is different may take a littlelonger may take a look and you need toadjust you know how your equipment runsyou need to do your best right whetherit rain snows or whatever do your bestpeople will appreciate it why becauseyou put your heart and soul into it andit takes Skippy goodlet’s give it but when you cook for youryour family and friends they reallyappreciate it so we have some challengeswith this cook tonight my goal was 225for 6 hours it was closer to 50 so I cutthe cooking time by an hour because thatseems to work but then in the middle itshot up to 300 and changelet’s just say my WSM out there’s gotmore holes in it then a stop sign it’smet a shotgun okay you can only put alooming them in so many holes right it’ssmoke and the heat is still gonna findits way out so you have to adjust andthese are these are my old WS M’s theseare the ones that we use for compsthey’re like 13 years old the one in thegarage is probably in better shapebecause this one’s been outside eventhough have cover on it it’s still got alot of moisture and none of the ventswork and it is hard to control tempswith it but I did to cook anyways butknowing all that I decided to pull themeat a half hour early because I felt itwarranted that so this beef ribs wereonly cooked for four and half hours atan average temperature of 250 plusalthough the last two hoursit was 225 that held steady for mefinally but by then it was cooked so Idefinitely want to overcook it sowithout further ado we pulled it off thegrill or grill we pulled off the smokerlet it rest for about a good 15 minutesbecause that’s what you do right and Ithink it’s ready to be shown to theworld so because this is beef I don’treally want to put a sauce on it youknow if it was fair ribs you know I putprobably sweet baby Ray’sor some ripoff but see that oh yeah seeyeah that just looks amazing so we gotthe bones pull back I don’t know Amylooks almost like we frenched a bunch ofpork chops it’s huge this thing startedout I don’t know really each each bonewas about a pound and three quartersokay this guy was not cheap that’s all Ican tell you this was a local cow thatdonated his ribs for us because there’snot too many ribs on an animal and someperson ran off with all the other ones Ionly got two Amy’s like you did thiswhole cook for just two ribs so yeahthese aren’t spareribs these aren’t likelittle dinky you know appetizers theeach one is a meal so I’m ready I hopeyou are tooso let’s get to cuttin here all rightthis is a yak so dragon knife it’s achef’s knife should be I’ll handle thiswe’re not cutting through bones we’rejust cutting some meat and oops do yousee what I see boo yeah I see juicesjust ripping out here if thought heavythe pink is from the smoke the the meatis well-done cuz it’s all gray no no noI mean I’m not cooking it to medium-rareyou have to cook it well done to tendráto get a tender that’s unlike a steak sounlike a steak yeah you got it you gottabreak this down so all right now thatyou’ve had a chance to look at the goodsribs are a little different than steaksright steaks with unless you love andwell doneribs are are tough right so you need tocook them long enough so it breaks downand becomes tenderso there is no oh I’m gonna cook it tillit’s medium-rare you don’t cook a ribtells medium-rare okay sorryyou do gotta cook it but you have tocook it in a certain way to break thingsdown it’s no different than trying tocook shoulder that’s got a lot ofmuscles and sinew tissues and stuff yougotta make it where it’s edible here thepink here it’s just smoke that’s all itis ami thought oh my gosh that’s rare noit’s not that’s smoke smoke will makethings pink now in competitions they’renot supposed to go by color because whatdo you think use on bacon sodiumnitrites nitrites and nitrates they makethings pink so you could sit there withchemicals and make your meat all pinkand people like oh he’s got a biggersmoke ring it went all the way throughyou know Noso you don’t do that you just need inthis case a quarter of an inch showsenough the fat rendered quite a bit yousaw when I cut it it squished that showsit’s juicy so we still have a little bitof fat which is good for flavor and forjuiciness but to meat looks great andbecause it’s beef it’s hugeyou know this started out almost twopounds of bone so without further ado Iwon’t start eating this stuff you agreeboo she ate a turkey burger she’s fallshe doesn’t care anymoreso let’s see here I don’t know abarbecue is finger food so let’s just goahead ask her I’m gonna take a bite soCheerswhatjust a little chewy but nothing bad mmmso obviously we got smoke we got the rubthat I put on there so yes it is alittle salty but you know you got thebalance of the pepper the garlic and theonion on there which beef loves rightwell it’s dripping because there’s a lotof there’s a lot of fat in this and youknow someone’s gonna render some won’tand it’s just dripping it’s justwonderful now if I would have dried itout right then that would have been uglyright you know to me beef ribs it’s kindof like a like a special event well yeahbecause spareribs you you think of themost rib joints you’re just gonna getpork and they taste good and everythingbut a lot of places don’t have beef ribsnow maybe if you’re in the south maybeif you’re like Texas of course has itmaybe the Midwest has it but a lot ofplaces on the East Coast they just theyjust do spareribs that you eat itthere’s our baby backs but to get beefribs it’s like whoo right so it’s kindof neat so I like this I think the levelof Dennis was good so for if you’regonna try to tackle something like thisit’s not like you’re cooking to atemperature you’re cooking to a timebased on what your cooking temperatureis so to meet a three to one methodworks greatthree hours exposed to smoke or if it’sin your oven just expose it to the oventemperature or on a gas grill suppose itto the air for three hours if you’recooking at 225 if you’re gonna cook itat 250 take an hour off of that ifyou’re gonna cook at 275you got to take another hour off okaythe two is when you’re gonna foil it upyou really want to foil it for two hoursbut once again if you’re cooking around275 or 300 you got to take an hour offof that and then of course you have thelast hour where it’s just exposed to theair or whatever smoke you don’t want toover smoke in a smoker because it’sgonna taste like tires don’t go in therelike I did on the first cook and justthrow not charcoal but wood chunks youknow I didn’t know I was doing when meatgets to a certain temperature somewherearound a 140 temperature degrees orsomething like that any smoke just islike creosote it doesn’t penetrate itjust sits on top it’s uglyso you really got to watch that a couplehours at the beginning you’re good or ifyou’re gonna do in the oven fine oven ifyou want a low humidity put a bowl ofwater in there so it’s a little bit of apotential bath that might help keep itfrom trying to dry out but it’s gotplenty of fat at least this one did sothat was pretty good so I definitelygive us that two thumbs up so I hope youlearned something I hope you’re notgonna be like the lady at the big-boxtool store who boiled her meat in aneffort to tenderize it so the guys couldgrill it the next day I wish she wouldhave known at a minimum just put it infoil let it sprays let it steam that ata minimum will help out but you got tocook this a long time low and slow worksso hopefully that helps you out if youliked this video please give me a thumbsup and a like and obviously we lovecomments go to our website at Amy learnto cook calm we will put the recipe upthere I’ll put my little guide up therethe three to one recommendedtemperatures and times we’re onpinterest and twitter at Amy learn tocookand we’re on instagram at cooking withAmy you got any closing shots boo a lotof meat huh if I didn’t care[Music][Applause][Music]right nowlike no one else you make it spin andtwirl[Music]

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